Chapter XXXVII

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Sarah pulls away from the hug to wipe away your tears that had started to saturate her shirt.
"You don't have to hide it anymore." She says, "not from me anyways...and definitely not from Rafe."
You flash a small smile towards her before leaning your head against her shoulder.
"I don't deserve you, either of you." You mumble.
You feel her smile against your head as she leans into you in return.
"Don't be silly." She murmurs, "now let's finish these balloons so we can get all pretty."

Meanwhile outside, Pope sets up his fathers bbq and smoker before he begins to prepare the vegetables and starters. He chops and dices at celery before being over shadowed by a much taller figure than himself.
"Uh, hey." Rafe says, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
"Um?....Hello?" Pope responds questionably.
"Pope, right?"
"That's correct."
"I know we didn't get off to a good start but I was thinking maybe we could hash it out, you know, friends?" Rafe offers as he holds a brotherly hand out to him.
"Friends? With pogues?" Pope asks slightly aggravated, "I don't get you."
"Sometimes neither do I." Rafe says lowly, earning a pitiful side eye from Pope as he continues dicing before he completely plops the knife down on the cutting board in front of him.
"Are you doing this because you truly believe you're a good guy? Or is it to get into Y/N's pants?" Pope snaps on his friends behalf. Knowing fully that both Jj and Rafe had the same desire.
Rafes face scrunches in disgust at the assumption of his intentions that couldn't be any further from the truth, "what are you even saying, dude?" He says rather calm.
Popes attitude falters at the lack of brutality that he had expected coming after speaking to Rafe so poorly.
"Did it ever occur to you that Y/N is more than just....well, that." Rafe begins.
"Woah. That is not what I meant-"
"I'm not 'doing this' for anybody else but her. Alright? Get that through your little pogue head."Rafe says, fuming at first but quickly settling down at the sight of you walking outside with Sarah.

You notice the two boys talking, a sense of delight overcomes your features as you smile widely at Rafes attempt at making amends with Pope.
"Whatcha' doin?" You ask as you wrap an arm around Popes waist.
Pope flashes a secretive glance towards Rafe, causing Rafe to trip over his words.
"Uh, we're-"
"Talking about tonight. Speaking of, Is there anybody with shrimp allergies?" Pope changes the topic quickly.
"Ummmmm..." you wonder with a finger to your mouth in thought, "I'll go ask my dad." You say as you skip off towards your father who was currently with Ward in a far corner of the yard.

Sarah turns her attention from you to towards the two boys curiously.
"So. What was that?" She asks flatly with a disappointed look written across her face.
"What was what?" Pope asks nonchalantly as he slices through an onion.
"Don't bullshit me, Pope. Rafe?"
"Don't ask me, I wouldn't have a clue either." He says exhausted at his countless attempts at winning your friends over.
"If it wasn't for your 'knight in shining armour' act at the party, you wouldn't be standing here." Pope says.

Rafe intimidatingly leans in on his hands against the table beside Heywards bbq as he menacingly stares daggers down into Popes eyes. "I have more business here than you do."

The sudden blood lust in his voice makes Pope stiffen in place.
"God. Can you guys just relax for 2 minutes?" Sarah speaks up, "what's your deal, Pope. Like I get it, you're always the least chilled out out of all of us but right now, you're surprising even me."
Pope turns his full attention towards Sarah with a look of defeat.
"He's over stayed his welcome." He finally says before walking off with a box of pre-cut vegetables.
Both Sarah and Rafes eyes follow Pope to the kitchen where he then stores his vegetables in a large cooler.
"God..." Sarah sighs, "I'll talk to him."

As Sarah jogs off towards Pope, you finally come back from discussing allergies with your father.
"Where'd they go?"
"Ah, private talk I think. I'd leave them be for now." He says unimpressed.
"Did something happen?" You ask concerned.
Rafe leans against the wall behind him before bringing a gentle hand beneath your chin, just like that night. The memory of it creeps up and into your chest, making it flutter with butterflies as you remember his body against yours.
"Don't you worry." He says genuinely with a tender smile.
You smile back before grabbing his hand from your chin and wrapping it around yourself, leaning against the wall closely beside him.
"Are you finished here? Me and Sarah are done with the balloons, we're looking for extra work if it's needed." You ask, leaning into his body, earning a curious squeeze from the tall boy.
"I'm actually finished. I was gonna start heading back and put a suit together." He says as he downturns his attention towards your sunlit face.
"Ooooooh, Rafe in a suit? I'm excited."
"Is that so?" He laughs, "why is that?" He smirks.
You return your hold back into his hand, pulling him off of the wall as you guide him towards the house.
"Because guys always look so good in suits." You reply cheekily.
"Guys? As in plural?" He complains, "ouch."
You ignore his little child like attitude, laughing as you pull him lazily into the kitchen in search for Sarah and Pope.

"I love you Pope, but this is between Y/N and Rafe. Jj won't make a move because he's too afraid of imaginary rules like pogue on pogue macking. Just, please...don't get in the way. I mean, when have you ever seen Y/N put herself first for once?" Sarah whispers to Pope as he leans against the marble counter.
"You're just saying this because he's your brother."
Sarah tiredly throws her arms to her side before sighing against the fridge.
"That's not it at all. And frankly, it hurts that you think that way about me." Her voice breaks slightly.
Pope glances towards Sarah, guilting himself at his poor choice of words. He begins to move towards her for comfort before being abruptly interrupted.

"Hey? Everything okay?" You ask.
Pope looks down to see your hand in Rafes before looking back up to meet your eyes. His brain sends him mixed signals of anger but also understanding after Sarah's plead.

"When have you ever seen Y/N put herself first for once?"

Popes stature finally relaxes at the sight of you and Rafe together who unknowingly still held each other's hands. Finally understanding how selfish he was being by not approving what you wanted and what you needed. At last, taking care of yourself rather than others.
Sarah takes notice of the hand holding situation before looking back towards Pope as he nods in understanding. She smiles and he smiles back.

"Everything's peachy." Pope says as he places a friendly kiss on your cheek before walking back outside with an empty tub.
Rafe turns his gaze back towards Pope as he continues to his station at the bbq, feeling both relieved at Popes final statement and jealous that his lips had a chance at your skin. Rafe huffs a smile as he hangs his head low in content.
Sarah notices and smiles too.
"It's uh, nearly 4pm now, should we get going?" She asks towards her brother, bringing him out of his daze.
"Yeah," he nods, bringing your hand up towards his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of your hand. "I'll see you tonight, Y/N."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now