Chapter XI

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It's another sunny day and you wake up to birds chirping and a motorbike screaming past on the street outside.
"Hmphhh.." you grumble. "Fucking Barry..."
A voice from across the room makes you just about jump out of your own skin.
"Sup loser."
"Hey, you got home safe, that's a relief."

Your mind trails off to last night. Bits and pieces of your memory stay foggy but you remember standing in front of Rafe, eyes locked with his. It was the last thing you remember before completely blacking out.

"We got you this, figured you need it after last nights shit show." Kie hands you a cardboard tray with a cup of coffee in one slot and a bag of pain killers in the other.
"Uh thanks. But 'We'?" You ask, struggling to keep your eyes open as you talk up to her.
"The others are waiting outside."
"Ah." You take a sip of your coffee, it's cold and bland. "Eughhh" You revolt, "that tastes like ass." Handing Kie the coffee.
"Yeeaahhh, we still gotta pick up the Twinkie from Kelce's, we had to walk here, sorry about the cold coffee." She says as she places it on the dresser.
"Are you alright to hang out today? We can pick you up later on if you want? Or just not at all if you're not feeling too flashy?" She asks concerned.
"Hmmm I should be okay. I'm not spewing my guts out just yet so that's always a good sign." you laugh.
"I'll shower, freshen up and be right outside, alright?"
"Yup, no rush."Kie agrees as she makes her way outside.

"She's alive!" Pope calls out as you run down the drive way.
"Sorry I slept in!- ooo..." you clutch at your stomach.
"What's wrong?" Pope asks concerned as he bends down to eye level with you.
"Maybe it's not the brightest idea to move too fast just yet." You reply with a scrunched up face. Your stomach feels heavy like it's full of liquid, you pass it off as bodily fluids and continue to the rest of the gang.
"What's today's plans?" You ask as you lean an arm on Jj's shoulder to catch your breath.
"Get my beloved Twinkie from that freaks house, first of all." John B replies from Sarah's side.
"Easy peasy. And from there?"
"From there...guess we just ride the waves." He shrugs.
"The shit thing is, he means that metaphorically." Jj whispers to you.
"Meh, we can have a surf if you wanna? Lazy day today?" John B offers as he looks to everyone for an answer.
"Fuck yes!" The boys cheer.

Kelce's house was pretty close by to yours, only a few streets away and in the quiet part of the neighbourhood. It didn't seem like Kelce was home either, what a relief. So retrieving the Twinkie was a piece of cake.

As you lean back against the window of the Twinkie, you prop your legs up on Jj's lap. Jj unbothered, places his hand on your thigh, rubbing in a slow forward and backward motion as he scrolls through his phone. Normally you wouldn't let a guy get too touchy feely with you but the notion eased the sick feeling in your stomach which had felt woozie earlier and even woozier with the motion of the van.

"We're here!" John B says.
"Woohoooo!" Everybody cheers.
"Mmm, can I nap a little?" You ask John B, you start to feel your hangover kicking in slightly.
John B throws you the keys, "Thats cool with me but keep a window open, alright?"
"Okay." You agree sheepishly.

It's been 20 minutes since you slipped back into a nap, your body stretched along the Twinkie's seats and using a random jacket from the van floor as a blanket. The much needed nap was great until you wake up to an extremely dry mouth and an upset stomach, the urge to vomit sneaking up fast.
"Ohhh no, no, no, no." You sit up and rub your head before sliding the door open and making your way to the beach restrooms. Making it just in time as you release last nights concoctions into the toilet bowl in front of you.
"Shit." You sit against the cubicle wall, your head spinning as you wait for another round to make it up through your body.

Knock, knock, knock!
"Hello? There's a line out here!" An old woman's voice calls to you from behind the door.
"Just a second! Geez...."
You finally open the door to be met with a few impatient faces. "Sorry?" You mumble before throwing your arms up and stumbling away.

You decide a much needed bottle of water from the beach canteen could be your only saviour in this time of need. But as you stand in line, you notice a familiar face. A few familiar faces actually.
Kelce, Topper and..
Rafe looks around before being met with your disapproving eyes. Disappointed to see him with Kelce after last night's shenanigans.
Rafe notices your expression and looks towards Kelce and Topper as they walk off without him before back to you again. He contemplates walking up to you until Topper calls for him. Leaving you standing there, alone, in a maze of your own emotions.

"Hey! You're awake." You hear a soothing voice from the left of you.
"Hey Jj.." you murmur.
"Hey? What's wrong?" He asks as he notices a change from this morning's mood.
You look over your shoulder to the beach pier to be met with Rafes regretful gaze as he leans against the sign post with the other two boys on either side of him.
"Sorry Jj, it's nothing, just lost in thought is all." You say with a rehearsed smile. "How was your surf?"
"Well it was good, it always is. Trunks are full of sand."
"God, I wish my parents taught me how to surf. But it's not their thing, I feel like I'm missing out on a lot."
"Want me to teach you?" Jj offers. You look out towards the beach. The waves much higher and more frequent than normal, the ocean sure is intimidating.
"Uhhh, I don't know, the waves look a bit cracked out today."
"Come on! You're safe with me! I can guarantee by the end of today, you will be the bob ross of surfing."

Rafe observes you from his advantage point on the pier as Jj grabs hold of your hand before running away with you back down to the shore where you are met with the others. Envy courses through his veins as toppers conversion about the pogues replays In his head.

"What do they have that we don't? The pogues I mean.... First it was Kie, then Y/N and now Sarah."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now