Chapter CXV

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"Rafe?" You groan tiredly.
"Well, mornin' sleeping beauty! How were those painkillers I gave you earlier?" Barry asks.
"You're in pain?" Rafe then asks, concerned.
"I'm just hungover, Rafe...what're you doing here?"
"You don't know?"
"Know what?..."
Rafe hesitates, if he had the choice, he'd keep it to himself exactly what had happened to you out of fear of scaring you; but, with the police involved and most likely your parents now, he had no other choice. "...Y/N, you were drugged last night. People have been looking for you all morning, even the police." Rafe says as he gently caresses your cheek, regretfully watching your face grow scared after every word he spoke. You couldn't seem to manage a sentence, not even a single word but Barry was certainly enthralled by it all.
"The police?" Barry remarks, "Nah, I can't have the police coming here, dude."
"Relax, would you? Nobody knows Y/N is here. Not even me, apparently." Rafe says with an unimpressed side eye towards Barry.
"Hey, I didn't plan for this to happen. This is between you and her. Now, you rich kids gotta get outta here before any coppas start showing up on my door step."

You throw the thick, quilted blanket off of your body as your shaky arms try their hardest to prop you up. Rafe took notice of it but you had already begun to stand before your legs suddenly buckle under you, Rafe quickly lunges forward and catches your waist, holding your body against his side.
As much as the most honest part of you missed him, you couldn't help but feel upset still about what you saw so you push away.
He yearns for your touch so he keeps his arm wrapped around your waist until his finger tips can no longer reach you, you gently but sternly push him away and the rejection makes his heart sob inside his chest.
"Y/N-" He says so sadly, sad enough to cause his voice to crack.
"I can walk on my own."
Rafe stops and stands still, his head drops as his lips tensely press together, as if it was an attempt to keep his emotions locked inside him. Though, his down turned brows and glassy eyes were too determined to form tears but he was far too stubborn to let them fall.

You fix the straps on your shoulders after they slid down your arm in your sleep, and Rafe watched.
"Thank you for having me for the night, Barry."
"For you? Anytime." He says back with a silver glisten in his smile.
You flash Barry one last smile before gracefully walking past him, Rafe catches Barry's eye too but Rafe doesn't muster a smile at all, nor a word or even a brotherly nod; he walks straight past him as if he were a ghost and Barry only huffs a defeated sigh.

As you walk past the attention hungry strangers on the couch, Rafe reaches forward to grab your hand and just like it was the first time all over again, his heart skips a beat when you hold it back. His fingers further intertwine with yours, holding your hand tighter as he tries to pull your body back into him but you only resist, avoiding him still and not even sparing him a glance but he was happy just to hold your hand.

When you reach the front door, you begin to turn its knob but Rafes hand moves on top of yours and stops you from opening it just yet. You don't say a thing, you don't even turn around to face him but his breath can be felt against your neck and his hard chest presses against your back just slightly. The warmth radiating off of his body onto your almost bare back was proof that he was so, extremely close.
His lips softly brush against your neck before he finally speaks.
"You can tell me, you know...if Barry did anything to you last night..."
His low, grumbly voice almost causes you to cave in but you only shake your head 'no', earning a sigh from him in return as he slowly drags his hand down yours then down your dainty wrist and off of your skin completely. You dread the loss of his touch but you don't let him know, you only continue outside while he follows.

Before you have the chance to get into his truck, Rafe swiftly grabs hold of your hand again and this time, he decides to be bold and pull you into him at last. He can't take it, being ignored by you anymore. So, he gives you no other option than to face him.
His arms tightly wrap around your lower back, holding you into his body, chest to chest as he slowly backs you up against the side of his truck until Rafe feels you firmly pressed up against it.
He slowly releases his arms from your waist as his head rests in the curve of your neck. You missed this so you don't fight it. He wants to kiss your pure skin but he settles for a soft graze against it, instead. You want to deepen it but the sensitivity of your neck only makes your breath hitch from the sensation of his lips, causing him to take it the wrong way and pull back.
"I'm sorry." He says, softly.
"Rafe, I..."
"For everything." He adds, "I would never do anything to hurt you, Y/N."
You look into his eyes and see genuine emotion in them, as well as desperation.
"I know what it looked like but it wasn't that at all- I-I was telling her to back off, I promise you Y/N...and-and-" He stutters over his words.
You could tell he was having a hard time trying to make sense through his stormy eyes so you pull him into you again and he immediately returns the hug, tighter than before.

"I believe you."
His chest muffled your voice as it broke sadly, causing him to run his hand through your hair before leaning down and kissing you gently. You melt into it, feeling his tongue slide against yours.
It made your stomach flutter, your chest too.
You wanted more of him.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now