Chapter CXI

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Rafe had brought Jj with him only and strictly only to show him where you mostly sat during the boneyard party. If he wasn't of any use at all, which is debatable even now, Rafe would've left him behind like he did Sarah.

Jj could feel Rafes murderous aura from right beside him and if it wasn't for his anxious leg bouncing, Rafe probably wouldn't have even noticed he was there at all. Jj only stared out the window the entire time, avoidant of Rafes presence and instead, he searches for an escape from reality but the scenery hadn't much to offer, only trees that skimmed past in a rush as Rafes foot on the accelerator increasingly got heavier, causing him to speed down the rocky gravel road and way over the speed limit, at that.
"You should slow down." Jj's says.
Rafe looks to him in disbelief before averting his eyes back on the road again.
"Jj, the day I listen to you will be the day I die."
"I'm just saying, I'd rather live to know Y/N is okay instead of dying on the way."

The atmosphere goes silent again, but Rafe can feel his body becoming restless with words and emotions. He was a ticking time bomb.
"Why couldn't you just leave her alone." Rafe says.
"What? Like you did?"

Jj's body gets thrown against the side of the car door when Rafe abruptly swerves onto the side of the road, braking hard as his hands strongly grip the steering wheel.
"Get out."
"You need me."
"No I don't.
Jj stares at Rafes stern face, smirking at his visibly tensed jaw muscles. "An attitude like that is why she's gone in the first place."
This is usually when Rafes aggression would incline uncontrollably and manifest violently into something that would give a person a broken nose, a bloodied one if they're lucky, but he only sat quietly.
His grip on the steering wheel gets tighter, so tight that the sound of leather shifting under his strength could be heard with ease. It made Jj smile to himself, realising just how much his words got underneath Rafes skin and with so little effort.
"You always were good at driving people away. It used to be Sarah and now it's poor, innocent Y/N. Thought I knew her better than to get involved with someone like you, guess not." Jj opens the passenger side door, hopping out and feeling smug as he slams it shut again and Rafe wastes no time in speeding away, leaving Jj in his dust. He didn't care to check if he was safely out of the way or how much gravel the tires kicked up at him, he was over Jj completely now and nothing could ever deter his hated for him. Not even you.

As he drives down the rocky, pot hole ridden road, he looks for Popes number. After Rafe had drowned your old phone, for a period of time, you had to use Rafes phone to call your friends and so Popes number was bound to be somewhere in his call history; and to no surprise at all, it was there, right below John B's.


"Hey, Pope...It's Rafe."

"Oh? What's up?"

"Any chance you can meet me at the boneyard?"


"It's just- it's kinda's about Y/N."

*sigh* "Alright."

"Thanks man."

While Rafe steers with one hand on the wheel and the other holds his phone, he makes sure to keep his eyes peeled for you anywhere. He didn't know what he expected, it was foolish of him to have the slightest belief that you'd be okay and just passed out on somebodies lawn somewhere.
Deep down, he had a hunch; and that hunch has a name that starts with K and ends in E.
It just had to be.

As his gaze stays on the road ahead, his eyes drift off to a car on the opposite side of the road heading in his direction. A black SUV, the model was a common one on the island except it's windows were heavily tinted and it's license plate was missing.

"What the hell?"

"What? What is it?"

"Oh- sorry I didn't realise I still had you on the phone...there's just some moron driving around without a plate."

"That's suspicious."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, that's some illegal shit."

*sigh* Alright, just um- get there as soon as you can, alright?"

You got it.

Rafe hangs up the phone, throwing it over his shoulder carelessly and hearing it hit the floor of the back seat. He then runs his hand through his hair, pushing it back to let his face cool after getting heated at Jj. In doing so, his eyes move up to the rear view mirror, glancing at the now distant SUV and noticing that it's back plate was also missing.
Rafe was willing to convince himself that maybe the front one had simply fallen off. After all, there were tons of potholes along this road, it wouldn't be impossible to lose a plate in its route, but two?
That's just strange.

When Rafe turns into the street who's shore the boneyard sits along, it was obvious that a lot went down last night. It was bottles and cans galore, scattered amongst the sand. Bottle caps glistened in the morning sun like stars on land and the bonfire was smoking as if it had only just gone down, it's coal was still glowing too.
He speedily unbuckles his seatbelt, getting out and rushing around the area in search for you. He peers over logs, rustles through the bushes and even searched the water. Hoping, with his entire heart and soul that he wouldn't see you there of all places, and he didn't.

Shortly after, Pope runs up to Rafes side. He was huffing and puffing like he had just ran a marathon, breaking a sweat all over as he catches his breath.
"What the hell, did you run all the way here?" Rafe asks in unbelief as he stares down at the hunched over Pope.
"You could've picked me up you know." Pope huffs.
"I assumed you have a license."
"I do, just not a car."
"Right." Rafe mutters quietly, no ounce of energy left in him after running around the beach.
"So...Y/N..." Pope begins, "Jj already asked me if I knew where she was, I don't."
Rafe nods with a low hanging head, feeling a lump in his throat begin to form and it silenced him. His eyebrows furrowed sadly and his jaw clenched with tight lips. The palms of his hands rise to his face, pressing into his eyes out of distress as they begin to glass over sadly after his worst fears were confirmed.

You really were gone and he was so. very. tired.

Rafe turns towards Pope who was now staring out across the ocean just like he was a few moments ago.
"She sat here most of the night." Pope says as he starts to tread sand up the shore and towards the bonfire. Pope walks past the bonfire completely and past the storm broken trees to one in particular, the furthest one out.

As he neared, he noticed just how much damage he had done to you, emotionally. The amount of bottles and cups in this small area alone was unimaginable, hard to believe a girl of your size could down so many.
Rafes hands trace up the stump of the tree, along its side where he came to its end to see a couple of coolers in the dirt, bottles were still inside.
"Jesus." He sighs under his breath.
"She's normally rowdy but...not this rowdy." Pope adds as he scans across the many bottles, just as stunned as Rafe was at the aftermath.
Rafe sighs, Popes words only registered to him in one way, just like Jj had said in the car, it was his fault.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now