Chapter LV

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"Where's the sponge cakes?" Mr.Becket asks as his eyes scan both you and Zane. You give Zane a side glance as he smiles at your edginess, finding it entertaining.
"They were out." Zane responds, earning himself a puzzled look from his father.
"Out? That's weird. Stocks must still be effected by that storm all those weeks ago, marketing needs to get that under control." Mr.Becket says
You roll your eyes at his merciless opinion on the lower class and the minimum wage workers that he considered below him.
"Everybody is doing it tough after the storm, Mr.Becket. Everybody that isn't you, that is." You say abruptly, which surprised not only Mr.Becket but your father also. Ward, however, had always known you to be the outrageous girl poisoned by pogues and their spontaneous behaviour, so he smirks a pleasurable smile.
Your father glances to you over the silver rim of his glasses, speechless and unsure if he should be either proud of your pressing attitude and strong demeanour, just like your father, or, disappointed in your notion towards a successful family that was doing your family wonders with their acquaintances.
"Go help your mother, dear." He says.

As you stand dicing vegetables in the kitchen, your mother begins making drinks for the guests. Her specialty had always been drink mixing, she was known for her tasty concoctions as drinking was her forte since her own youth so she took great pride in her mixes, an entire tray of old fashioned bourbon and whiskeys, garnished with an orange twist in each fancy, chiseled glass.
"Perfect." She smiles to herself before taking the tray to the study room.
You smile at her childlike joy that she expels when she finishes mixing a drink before averting your attention back to the vegetables in front of you, occasionally catching yourself looking up at the front door on the other side of the room, curious to know if Rafe really was going to show up and when exactly that'd be.
"Careful, you're gonna cut yourself." A voice says from over your shoulder. You look up to see Zane standing with one of your mothers bourbons in his hand and leaning against the bench with his other.
"Unlikely." You say, shutting him up fast before he pushes off of the bench to stand in front of you on the other side of the bar.
"I'll be good tonight." He remarks.
"I'll be good tonight. When Rafe- if Rafe shows, I'll behave."
You look at him strangely, cocking an eyebrow up at him slightly with a quiet sigh.
"You know, it really does mean something when I can't even believe you when you say that." You respond, shovelling diced carrots into a pot.
"Aw come on. Have I ever lied?" He asks slyly.
"Hmmm, we've known each other for two days," You say sarcastically.
Zane smiles as he exits the kitchen with a wink, following the hallway back towards the study room with the rest of the pretentious men, leaving you lonesome again.

As you're slicing the potatoes, you hear the door click, prompting you to look up from the cutting board to towards the front door excitedly as it opened slowly to reveal a familiar head of brunette hair hanging low as his gaze stays directed at the floor boards.

You drop your knife on the marble bench before rushing over to Rafe and dragging him into a nearby closet by his arm.
"Hey!-" He begins before your hand flys to his mouth, his alarmed expression softens when he realises that it was just you.
His eyes drift between your dimly lit ones from the weak closet light bulb as it reflects sparkles into your eyes.
"Relax, it's me." You say, removing your hand as his lips brush against your fingers gently.
"Y/N." He says softly.
"Does your dad know? About us?" You ask.
"Uh, yeah." He says unsure but unable to really think straight while your body presses tightly against his inside this small, confined space which made him feel exhilarated immensely.
"Okay. Good. So we have nothing to hide." You say with an awkward giggle.
"I'm sorry." He says genuinely, gathering your full attention and causing your chest to flutter at the realisation of how close your faces were which was only by a couple of centimetres.
"Wha-" You begin before being cut short by the clash of his lips, the force of his kiss pushes the back of your head against the hard wall, allowing himself to deepen the kiss.

Your body starts to feel desperate for his touch as your hands find their way up his sides, grasping at his shirt which he loved. He always felt so special feeling your fingers longing for him as if he was something that you were scared of losing.
While his hands, they run up your body and take their place on your waist, where they belonged, supporting your body against his firmly after feeling it beginning to melt into his own like warm butter.

"Rafe." You say between the kiss, causing him to pull away slowly, "not now."
He barely has the self control to seperate himself from you entirely but he forces himself to anyways, nodding with his head hung low again.
"He's here, isn't here." He asks lowly.
"Yeah." You respond, "but that's not why-"
"I know." He says, brushing your hair behind your ear before his hand comes to rest on the side of your face as he stares into your eyes lovingly, fighting the urge to continue where he left off.
He licks his lips as he longs for another kiss.
His body begins moving on its own, his face angling towards yours again before your hand returns to his mouth.
"That's enough, Rafe."
He sighs in defeat before standing up straight and prying himself from you once and for all.
"Opportunity missed." He says mischievously as he looks around the tight closet and back to you with a cheeky smile.
You can't help but giggle at him before you nudge his stomach lightly, causing him to huff a laugh in return as he follows you out of the closet again, happier than when he went in.

Rafe feels alive again like he was just brought back to life by a mere kiss. His happiness returns to his features and his body almost bounces with joy as he walks, smiling down to you with a smile that you had whole heartedly missed. He doesn't want to push his luck but he goes for your hand anyways, interlocking his fingers with yours as you walk around the kitchen table, his heart races rapidly when he feels your fingers intertwine with his as well. The overwhelming amount of euphoria he feels in this moment makes him want to swoop you up and carry you upstairs in his arms but he lets you guide him towards the study room instead, where the sound of several male voices bring him back to reality.

His features returning its natural state of gloom.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now