Chapter LXXVI

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Ward makes his way to the side of the yacht to throw a net over board, hoping to catch any fish he could whilst the yacht floats down the bay. As Rafe is left leaning against the other side of the deck, he lazily casts his rod into the water and remains holding onto it, disinterested and bored as he bounces his leg impatiently, not for a fish to bite but because he wants nothing but to go home already.

Rafe pays no mind to the rod in his hand, he couldn't care less if he caught something along his float by the bay. He only stared off at the not so far distance and at the houses that sit by the water with their over grown yards and patchy grass lawns.
"I don't think we're allowed to fish here." He says after noticing residents staring at the flashy boat.
"And why's that?" Ward asks.
"There's houses along here, these grounds could be privately owned."
"Rafe, the best thing about being a Cameron is having the money to bend the law a little bit."
Rafe stands complacently at his fathers words, he wasn't surprised but he was disappointed.
As the yacht nears a certain shaggy pier, music caught his attention towards a familiar house with its flakey paint job and a formation of trees surrounding it. It possessed a different aura to the other misery bound houses that he had passed earlier. Rather, this one seemed lively.
"Yeah but...I think I know this place..." Rafe says as his eyes trail down the rundown pier, leading into the yard and although it was hard to tell from that angle, it was unmistakably none other than
John Booker Routledges' house.

Rafe remembers the many times he has had to pass by the chateau in regards to Sarah and your own involvement with the pogues; so recognising the house came easy to him.

As the yacht slowly begins to approach the house at last, his constant leg bouncing stops and his body perks up after putting two and two together; meaning, if the music was in fact coming from
John B's house, there was a good chance that you were there too.

He stands eagerly and awaiting to catch a glimpse of you as his eyes stay fixated on the run down pier, proceeding up and along it as the house comes further into view until finally, he sees a number of figures as they stand but not so lively as he expected. Before he can get a good look at what's going on at the chateau, something intense and blinding flashes straight into his eyes; the disco ball, as the roaring sunlight reflects off of its shiny surface that hung just above two figures that stood out to a greater degree than the others.
He takes his hand and shields his eyes from the mirrored ball before his heavy heart drops immensely to the deepest pit of his stomach.

His hard eyes glare from a distance at the particular blonde boy who was holding onto you with the same craving that Rafe felt while you seemingly do the same in return and all while inside of a hot tub, which only worsened Rafes concerns ever the more.
"That's a damn shame." Ward says from over his shoulder in a plain tone of voice but Rafe wasn't fooled. He could hear the smile begin to form on Wards face as he spoke, aggravating him even more.

Rafe silences himself rather than taking it out on his old man next to him and he watches.
He watches as you hold Jj's head against your chest and as Jj's arms grasp desperately at your waist like he was searching for an anchoring; just like Rafe had done with you on the roof top and as he reminisces the very memory, it only feels infiltrated as Jj robs it of it's specialty.

He looks away, unable to watch any longer.
"Anything in the nets?..." He asks lowly towards his dad, his eyes stare downwards at the boats deck as he awaits an answer, avoiding any eye contact at all and sparing himself the humiliation of 'I told you so'.
Ward huffs a short laugh, "Didn't I say she was like her old geezers?"
"She's nothing like that." Rafe says sternly as he goes to check on the nets himself, serving as a distraction from the anger building up inside his chest.
"Sure, son." Ward says with a pressing smile as he turns on his heels towards Rafe who was already getting busy with pulling the fishing net up and all on his own too. These types of fishing nets were known by fishermen everywhere to be heavy, especially when they're wet; but this wasn't an issue for Rafe. Not right now, at least. It was a great opportunity to tire himself out before he gets the chance to do something about Jj.
"Are we done here?" Rafe asks fiercely as he finishes up with the nets.
"Looks that way." Ward responds with a proud click of his tongue.

You run your fingers through Jj's hair, bringing him further into the hug before feeling a hand on your back and another on your waist as John B and Kie join the hug from behind you and Sarah and Pope from behind Jj, creating a group hug as you all stand fully clothed inside the hot tub.

When Jj had calmed down enough, he prys himself away from you, making sure to hug the others as well, thanking them and drunkly expressing his appreciation for the pogues for all the adventures he got to be apart of and for all the love and care they showed him when he was receiving neither from anybody else.
"I really missed you guys." Jj says into John B's neck as his curly, brown hair muffles his sad and apologetic words.
"We missed you too Jj, don't ever go M.I.A again."
"Yeah." He chuckles weakly, "I'm sorry for worrying you."
"You better be." Kie says as she tosses her burger towards him, "I've lost my appetite."
"You guys got burgers?"
"If you could even call it that." Pope says as he mocks Kies choice in a vegetable burger.
"For breakfast?"
"Jj, you're way too late to this party. The 'burgers for breakfast' slander boat has already sailed."
You joke as you nudge his arm softly.
He stares down at you with admiring eyes, taking in the beautiful sight of your smile, the one and only thing that was powerful enough to draw him back again. Yet, he sighs when something gold and shiny glistens on your chest. Something that wasn't there before.
"What's that?" Jj asks with a nod towards the ring.
"Oh- this?" You ask as you wonder if it'd be too soon to break the news to Jj of you and Rafe, "it's just a gift."
"A gift." Jj repeats after you. He knows all too well when you lie and if you're hiding something and just now happened to be one of those moments. He knew that the ring wasn't just any gift,
but a gift from Rafe.
"It suits you." He says, choosing your feelings over his own.
"Really?" You smile down at the ring, a new sparkle glistens in your eye as you gush at it warmly between your fingers.
Jj smiles genuinely at the happiness in your entirety but sadly as he feels you slip away even more.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now