Chapter LXIII

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Toppers head hangs low towards the crumbling wood, staring in disbelief because of all the places Rafe could be at this time of night, it was under the same pier Kelce was standing on top of.
He stares down between the gap as the familiar set of blue eyes stare back. With all the dread written in Rafes eyes, Topper almost didn't recognise him at all, it was until you looked up as well did he finally realise the predicament he was in, confirming Toppers suspicions entirely.

" What's it gonna be?" Kelce asks, pulling Toppers attention back towards him again.
"What's what gonna be?" Topper responds hazily, forgetful of the conversation before hand.
Kelce huffs a disappointed laugh as he takes another puff of his blunt, blowing smoke out of his mouth before it presses up into a smirk.
"Man, if it was Rafe standing here instead of me, you would be over your wits with obedience, overkill even; But instead, I got you standing here letting everything I have to say go through one ear and out the other. What is up with that?"

Topper dusts the rust off of his hands before leaning against the same railing, his back pressing against the cold, hard, metal.
He remains silent at Kelce's words, unsure of what to even say but he did pick up on Kelce's manipulation tactics. Topper had only spent every year of his life with a mother who did the same, so he feels torn between being truthful for the sake of Rafe who he knew was listening from below or to speak nonsense with what Kelce only wants to hear, which were lies.
All he knew was that there was no escaping this one.

Topper stares at nothing in particular as he falls into another train of thought before Kelce decidedly speaks again, this time out of topic.
"Hey. Who's clothes is that anyways?"
"Hm?" Topper hums as he follows Kelce's line of sight to a spot on the sand where a small pile of clothes lay, "uh- I wouldn't have a clue." He says with a sigh. Things couldn't get any worse.
"You think there's people skinny dipping somewhere?" Kelce laughs as he peaks over Toppers shoulder, scanning the water with his eyes a little too excitedly.
"I-maybe we shouldn't-..." Topper stutters as he begins to panic, worried that he might find the two of you and what it is exactly that he might see after discovering that the two of you had left your clothes behind.
"Come on, Top. Don't be such a prune." Kelce says as he tries again.
Topper only subtly steps to the side to block Kelce's exploring eyes and then to the other side after Kelce tries to manoeuvre around him, causing Kelce to stop at last but not because he wanted to.
"What's up your ass, Top?"
"Can you just act like a respectable human being for once in your life?"
Kelce huffs a short and entertained laugh at Topper as he positions himself in front of him, pressing two fingers against his hard chest as he speaks threateningly.
"Is this the real Topper fronting right now?"
"Only the Topper that doesn't put up with stupid shit." Topper responds, making Kelce chuckle.
"Only the Topper that doesn't put up with stupid shit, huh? You put up with Rafe for quite a while."
"Rafe might be stupid, but he's no scum bag." Topper says, causing Kelce's pressuring hand on his chest to strengthen as he pushes him further back against the railing and angling his face closer to Toppers.
"Then why don't you go run back to him like the good little dog you are. You're not irreplaceable, not even a little." He whispers, his breath hot against Toppers cheek.
"If being a dog means being a good friend, fine. Would explain why it's so easy for me to sniff out the bad ones." Topper says confidently until something hard hits his chest unexpectedly, knocking the wind out of his lungs.

One minute Topper was finally standing up the bully that Kelce had become, proud to be able to overcome his passive attitude that his mother had moulded him into; and the next, he was falling.
His chest caved in with breathlessness as it hitches for air, winded from the brute force of Kelce's push that was fuelled by utter anger.

Kelce made himself clear that he was blood thirsty and certainly unbothered whether or not it was Rafes or simply Toppers. If he was lucky enough, probably even yours.

Topper, who was already struggling for air, crashes into the water as rusty pipes and poles fall down around him, several broken pieces of the railing hitting him as the rest sink to the ocean floor below.
He feels the water engulf him as the large waves hit him over and over, the sheer force of the tide pulls him under every time while his lungs are screaming for air.

Your hands fly to your mouth in shock after seeing the boy fall into the water meanwhile Rafe continues to hold you tightly against the support beam, watching as Kelce's dark figure above walk away, the rotting wood crumbles beneath his every step.
"Rafe, Topper..." You whisper worriedly after a few long moments, noticing Topper hadn't resurfaced yet which irked Rafe as he dived into the water after him.
"-and you can walk home!" Kelce shouts before slamming his car door shut and reversing away speedily.

His carelessness for his friends well being scared you. If this is what he does to those he considers allies, you begin to imagine what he would do to those that weren't. Rafe, for example.

Rafe finally shoots up from the water, Topper in one arm as his head hangs limp and seemingly unconscious. Rafe was strong but Topper matched him in body mass which made it hard to get a secure hold on him without slipping.
Rafe shrugs him up to get a better grip on him, causing Toppers head to tilt just enough to get a glimpse of red.
"Woah... he's bleeding. Rafe, he's bleeding." You say panicked, the sight of blood making you feel doozy and light headed, "is he dead? He's not dead, is he? Rafe?"
"He's fine, Y/N, just...don't look, alright?" Rafe says.

Truth is, he wasn't even sure, himself; But for the sake of your own well being, he had to keep the situation composed, even if that meant lying.

Rafe finally drops Topper on the sand. Inspecting his cuts before tapping his face repeatedly and calling his name in a desperate attempt to get him to wake up, if he could at all.
"Hey. Hey! Top?" He says, aggressively shaking at his shoulders, hopeful that he was only knocked out.
"Is he breathing?" You ask as you remain in the water, unable to get out and help while your arms cross over your bare chest.
Rafe places his head down by Toppers, listening for any sign of breathing whilst also watching his chest, waiting for it to rise but becoming very disoriented when he realised he was not.
"Uhh-no. No, I don't know. I don't think so-" He rambles before taking his shakey hands and pulling Toppers head back by his jawline, clearing his airways before beginning mouth to mouth.

Toppers rubbery complexion caused by the lack of oxygen to his brain makes you panic even more.
Am I looking at a dead body? Is this my fault? How is Rafe going to cope with this? How am I going to cope with this? What do I do? What can I do?
Your brain frenzies with distraught thoughts, your eyes beginning to well with tears as Rafes counting continues amidst the already terrifying thoughts; until at last...

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now