Chapter XCIII

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The boat ride was enjoyable, considering you hadn't been on such a big boat before except the people that boarded it were probably more stuck up than the people back home. They were posh and stuck to themselves while you and the others were loud and obnoxious, finding simple joy in the way the boat jumped and skipped over the waves so you all moved to the front, the nose of the boat is what they call it. It's the area of the boat that hits the waves the hardest so it was pretty much the highlight of the ride, despite the judging looks you all got from the other passengers, it wasn't all that bad.
You mainly stood off to the side with Rafe, looking out across the horizon as cargo ships began coming into view.
"They look so small when they're so far away." Rafe says as he approaches you from behind. He reaches his arms across either side of your body, gripping the railing in front of you as he breathes against the back of your neck. It felt heavenly.
His warm breath preferable over the cold ocean wind that the boat had started to accustom you to.
"Even at that distance, I don't think I've ever seen a boat so big." You say.
He smiles, pressing a kiss against the back of your neck, "I can take you out on one if you want?"
"A cargo ship?"
"Yeah, why not? My dad uses one from time to time, I'm sure he'd be happy to have me on board for a change, too." He says lowly.
When you notice his tone of voice differ from before, you look down to see his hands tightening around the railing in front of you, his knuckles pale from the tension. It didn't seem like he was too into the idea of using his fathers problematic ideology of a
'perfect son' for his own gain, a smile from you, more or less; but his dedication to your happiness made you smile so abundantly.
He made your heart feel so whole.
You turn your body around to face him as he now stands pinning you against the boats railing.
"I would prefer a lazy day in bed, just you and me."
"I can make that happen." He smiles softly as he stares readily at your lips, leaning in.
You allow for a short kiss before the boat suddenly jolts, causing his body to firmly press into yours and biting your lip as you wince.
"I'm so sorry-"
"-No! No, it's okay!" You reassure as you look down, expecting to see water below but instead, your eyes are met with concrete covered in century old gum.
"It looks like we're here..."
"We should get off before we lose the others." He says, "Stick close to me alright?"

Rafe guides you off the boat by your hand, holding it tightly to be sure not to lose you in the crowd. He focuses on trying to get you off the overly crowded platform while you try to peer over the many bodies, looking for your friends through the busy people.
"Oh! Over there!" You point towards a lonely bench that Jj, Pope and Kie sit on.
"Y/N!" Kie shouts as you walk up to them,
"You should've stuck around the nose a little longer, one wave sent John B's entire wallet plummeting into the ocean."
"What? Are you for real?" You ask in disbelief.
"Yeah, but I expected something like that to happen when Jj insisted they cross the railing."
"Where do I come into this?" Jj interrupts, "It's not my fault John B knows fun when he sees it."
Kie rolls her eyes, averting them back to you.
"So, where is he anyways?" You ask.
"At the terminal with Sarah asking if there's any way to recover it."
"Pftt- There's no chance." Rafe laughs.
"That's what I said but his cards were in it and without them...well, he won't be able to afford the place we planned on going to. It's very high class."
"If he needs me to cover him, I can." Rafe says.
"I already tried that, he doesn't like being treated like a charity by kooks." Kie remarks with a sigh.
"Stubborn..." Rafe says under his breath earning himself a disapproving look from you, "Now I see where you get it from." He smirks.

Sarah and John B give up on the wallet lost at sea causing a gloomy presence to hover over the once lively group as they sit and think on what to do next.
"You know..." Pope starts, "It's not much but there is an under ground club not far from here."
"Underground-? Pope. Those are super shady."
John B says in response, shrugging off the idea.
"I've been there once or twice, they're low security and the drinks are dirt cheap."
"Dirt cheap cause they could kill a man."
"That's all you gotta say." Jj stands, "I'm in."
"What? Pay less for more booze? Where's the problem in that?"
"You know what?" John B sighs as he also takes a stand with Jj, throwing a brotherly arm over his shoulders, "Im in, too."
Kie huffs in disbelief at herself before nodding her head in agreement, "Alright, fine."
"Y/N? Rafe?"

Rafe bites his bottom lip, trying not to be the one to disagree in an instant. He was completely against the idea of taking you to an underground club, knowing exactly why they keep it underground.
"Is there really nowhere else?" He asks.
"Not if you wanna get there tonight." Pope says.
He looks down at the pavement below his jittery stance as he shakes his head with a deep sigh; but without even glancing over at you, he could tell that your hopes were let up by the way your hand began to subconsciously loosen in his. The guilt sent his heart shattering so even though it pained him to take you somewhere so dangerous, he nods.

"Great! It's decided then." Kie smiles gleefully as she reaches her arms out towards the sky. The others seemed pretty happy about the change of course too. You'd expect Jj would be one of them but he only stares in Rafes direction with a hard glare that could only be read as disappointment.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now