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"There you are!"
Rafe and Wheezy both whip their heads towards the stair case end of the hallway to see Sarah marching towards them and heavy footed.
"You." She says as she pushes Rafe backwards into his room, "we need to talk."
"Hey!" Wheezy exclaims.
"Wheezy, time for the adults to talk." Sarah says with a forceful shut of his bedroom door.
"What the hell, Sarah?" Rafe says.
"You're asking me 'what the hell'? What the hell yourself!"
Rafe only stares at Sarah with furrowed eyes, watching her with a muddled expression as she stands in the middle of his bedroom with her hands on either side of her forehead, rubbing over her temples and clearly stressed out.
"Kelce?" She sighs.
Rafe rolls his eyes before flashing a small and deceitful smile at the name before turning away and towards his dresser where he begins to lay out a set of clothes.
"What about him?" He asks carelessly.
"Well, we saw him in town today and let's just say,  he didn't look too pristine." 
Rafe freezes.
"That was you, wasn't it?" She asks.
"Where's Y/N?"
"Outside with the others-"
"Is she okay?" He interrupts as he tries to push past Sarah but is stopped abruptly by her body moving in front of his.
"Of course she's okay, but I want some answers because she's not exactly being open about it.
Listen, Kelce saw Y/N and then he backed off surprisingly but he also had new cronies. Two guys I've never seen before."

Rafe rolls his eyes with a sigh, fearing that these two guys could mean trouble for him and most importantly, you.
"Shit." He whispers to himself as he sits on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. All of a sudden, Wheezys statement about their fathers air vent conversation became all the more plausible.

Sarah watches Rafe as he begins to space out.
"You've probably just scared him off..." She says in an attempt to ease his worries, "I just needed to know because you're my brother and Y/N is my best friend and if she's in trouble, I wanna be there."
"Yeah, yeah. Just next time, respect her boundaries a little and don't pry when she doesn't want you to."
"Whatever." Sarah says as she walks out again, followed by the hollow wooden sounds of each and every step she took down the stairs.

Rafe rubs the back of his neck as he stays sitting on the edge of his bed, huffing a sigh of distress before standing up to continue prepping for a much needed shower, hoping that it'd help relieve the built up tension in his muscles from today but also the stress he felt over worrying about you.
He starts by removing his shirt from over the top of his head and emptying his pockets. He then reaches into both of the pockets in his shorts, pulling out his wallet to which he lazily tosses on his bed with the same change of clothes he pulled out earlier and then lastly his phone which read:

'Missed Call: Y/N'

Rafe bites his lip as he shoots up from his spot on the bed, both uncertain if he should go see you or not and if you were even still outside. Although he wasn't eager to face Jj at the moment, he was already putting his shirt on again and with a puff of defeat, he was out the door.

Every fast paced step he took throughout the house echos underneath his shoes. Out of all the rooms that the house had, the only other sound came from the lounge room where Wheezy was now sitting with her earphones in, blaring her music but as he neared closer to the front of the house, voices were heard. Not only a number of voices but laughs too; yours standing out the most to him, causing his hand to freeze in place of the doorknob but inside his chest was a rushing sense of warmth.

When he opens the door, his eyes instantly land on you smiling angelically with the sunshine dancing on your skin as you sit on the floor of the open van. The others stand around and share a laugh together, all except Jj who is only leaning against the vans passenger side door, miraculously minding his own business which Rafe found strange considering in his eyes, Jj was nothing but obnoxious.
"Rafe?" He hears, turning his attention back to you to see your face lit up brighter than a solar flare.
Rafes face visibly lights up too as he holds his arms out for you after seeing you begin to stand up in a rush, quickly making your way towards him and jumping into his arms. He tightly wraps his arms around your body, lifting you up into a twirl before safely setting you back down again.
"You never returned my call, I was worried about you." You mumble into his chest as he continues to hold you.
He prys his body away from yours, leaning down to look into your eyes directly as he speaks, "I was worried about you, Y/N, Sarah told me about Kelce." He says as he softly caresses your cheek.
"She did?"
"I just- thought it'd make you feel more at ease if he knew." Sarah says as she nervously leans against
John B, earning herself a suspicious glare from Rafe who knew his sister only approached him out of her own selfish curiosity.
"What're you doing home anyways?" He asks.
"Came to pick up some blankets and pillows.
We're watching movies at John B's tonight." Sarah responds with an arm around John B's shoulders.
"-and we might as well put Jj's hot tub to good use."
Rafe downturns his gaze at you again, "and you're going?" He asks lowly.
"Of course she is, because someone disappeared off the face of the planet." Kie interrupts with a bossy attitude as Pope nudges her in the side.
"You could always come? Right guys?" You ask shyly.
John B checks over his shoulder to Jj, wanting to making sure he was comfortable with it first before checking with the others. Jj stays silent but presses his lips together firmly with a slow and steady nod of his head as if to say 'fine'.
John B sighs with a compassionate smile on his face.
"Alright, hop in."

A/N: I'm so sorry about the delay in chapters.
My new meds will make me tired for the first week so this chapter is sort of just a filler episode.
Bear with me. :')

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now