Chapter LIV

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Rafes body swiftly switches course from beside you to towards Zane who was smirking a little bit too proudly at his own words. You watch as Rafes back tenses underneath his tight, black t shirt as he comes up behind Topper who was still trying to push Zane away.
"Topper!" You shout, hoping that he would be able to stop Rafe before he reaches the other boy.

Topper turns around to your voice to be met with a furious Rafe before bringing his own two muscular arms up and pushing Rafe away by his chest, with harder force than he had ever liked to push a friend. He felt bad but the situation had to be kept under control especially in a public setting where they couldn't afford to ruin the good name of the kook families.

You notice Topper struggling to hold back Rafe so you decide to take things into your own hands. You swallow the petrified lump in your throat as you storm towards Rafe, grabbing his arm and pulling him back with all the strength you could conjure.
"Rafe!!" You shout, the absolute fear mixed with anger in your voice blurs the line between it being a scream.

Rafe hears the panic in your voice. The sheer heartbreaking tone to come out of the girl he loves so much to ground him in place, too afraid to turn back to look at you so he remains facing Topper, allowing you to pull him back by his arm at last.

You pull Rafe back, pushing off of his chest towards Zane who you grab by the fabric of his shirt, dragging him towards the direction of his car before turning back towards Rafe.
"Don't go with him." Rafe says lowly.
You shake your head, averting your eyes away from Rafes sad expression that pained your heart so much to see.
"Rafe..." you sigh, "I don't know what you think of me anymore because whatever this is, you've never acted like before. I don't know what I did to you but whatever it is, that's not me."
"Not you? Y/N you kissed maybank, you're gonna tell me that wasn't you?"
"I? I kissed jj? Rafe," you laugh, "he kissed me!"
"You said you needed space, Y/N. You just meant space away from me, right? Didn't you? Because you're with this guy! He looks at you like you're a piece of meat!" Rafe says as he starts walking towards you, holding an arm out towards the car where Zane sits.
"What? No-"
"If you've changed your mind about me-about us, just tell me, I can take it." He lies.
"Rafe, it's like I said, our dads sent us to get some stuff for their little meeting. If I wanted some guys attention, I would've come to you, Rafe, I love you."
Rafe stands in front of you, his heart racing at your last few words. They made him feel both sad and relieved, obsessively yearning to hold you in his arms.
"Go home, alright? I gotta take Zane back unscathed otherwise I'll never hear the end of it."
Rafe nods in understanding, his eyes still glisten with a hint of sorrow as he watches you turn around and hop into the passenger seat of Zanes car which reminded him of all the car trips you'd have together in his own truck.

That should be me. He thinks to himself.
That should be my truck, that should be me driving, she should be with me.

The drive back to your house was uncomfortably silent.
Zane wanted to speak but felt too embarrassed to even talk to you knowing the scolding he would get for his little act back in town even after he had tried to convince you that how he acted at midsummers wasn't how he usually is when in fact, it was. Clearly.

His hands grip the steering wheel awkwardly as he holds back his words before they finally escape his lips.
"What about the sponge cakes?"
You look towards his face with an expression of pure disgust at his lack of awareness, "are you for real right now?"
Zane puffs a short laugh, "What? He started it."
"Are you five?" You spit, "You know if you could just prove yourself to be mature for once in your life, I would actually be willing to consider you a friend but that's out the window."
"I'm sorry."
"Too late."
"What can I possibly do to change the past? Like honestly, I don't know what you want from me Y/N."
"You can keep Rafes name out of it when we get back. Tell them- I don't know, tell them they were out of sponge cakes. Capische?"
Zane presses his lips together as he looks away from the road in front of him to towards you, acknowledging the seriousness in your voice, letting him know that it wasn't too late for him to change.
"Yeah. Okay."

As you walk through the garden of your house, you notice a new car that wasn't there when you had initially left.
"Who's that?" Zane asks.
"Looks familiar, but...I'm not sure."

You creak open the heavy wooden door before Zanes arm flys above you, holding it open, allowing yourself to push past first and into the living room to unexpectedly see Ward sitting on the couch with your father and Zanes.
"Y/N, how good it is to see you." Ward says as he gets up from his spot on the couch to greet you, giving you a lazy side hug and a welcoming kiss on the cheek.
"Ward? Fancy seeing you here?" You say confused, "What do you mean honey? You know we're working on a project together." Your father pipes up.
"Yeah but-"
"The business meeting will be running through dinner so they'll be staying for that too, so please do assist your mother in the kitchen when you can, dear."
"Oh, dinner?"
"My son should be joining us later, I couldn't get a hold of him but he'll be here belated, I assume." Ward adds as he nods a reassuring smile towards you, indicating that he knows about your relationship with Rafe.
"Rafe, my boy? I must say, he has certainly grown within the time we've been off the island. He's a very lively young man, I see." Mr.Becket says.
"Oh, he certainly is." Zane adds with a sly smirk as he walks around you, teasing at the implication that he now holds power over Rafe.
You only glance up at him with eyebrows furrowed angrily, unamused at his cockiness.

"-and a lively dinner it will be."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now