Chapter XXXIV

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Together, you and Rafe stopped by the ice cream parlour on the way home and decided to take that time to sit down together and talk. Mostly about Rafes ties with his dad and if he had planned for himself to one day run the Cameron's business and then about you, and what your plans were which you weren't too sure about. You were just riding the waves as they come. You knew you'd be happy just about anywhere as long as it was with your friends, maybe even with Rafe too.

As you arrive back at your house, both you and Rafe sat back in your seats, hesitant to end the day here but there was a lot of planning and scheduling to be done before tomorrow night.
"You gonna lend me a hand?" You ask, referring to the tanks.
The two of you hop out of the truck before unloading it of the heavy boxes.
"You sure you got it? I can make a second trip?" He asks concerned as he takes notices of your knee aiding you in keeping the box in your arms every so often, pushing it up towards the bottom of the box.
"I got it." You giggle.
"If you say sooo."

As the two of you near the front door at last, it abruptly opens by your mother who looked like she had just won the lottery.
"Oh my apologies, Rafe Darling," she says before turning her excited expression towards you, "you have a delivery Y/N." She squeals.
"Delivery?" You ask confused.

You place your box down on the fancy tiled marble floor of the living room and Rafe does the same before you follow your mother to the Kitchen to be met with a big, bright bouquet of flowers. Vibrant colours of pinks, yellows, oranges and reds. All colours of the sunset, your favourites.
At the thought that it had to be somebody close to you to have known your love for sunset colour in flowers, you smile.
Must've been Jj.

"I had to hold myself back from reading the card, any ideas who it could've been?" You mother asks, just as smiley as the moment she met you outside a few moments ago.
Rafe only side eyes you, watching for your every expression as you admire the flowers before you.
He knows for sure that it wasn't him that sent these, which sent a troubling feeling through his being, a shot through the heart.

However, your smile quickly fades as you secretively open the small card that sat amongst the flowers. Your bones feel weak and frail as you read the words

"Daddy can't protect you two forever."

Your eyes stare daggers into the open paper before swiftly closing it and shoving it into your back pocket as you force a smile back onto your face, except it couldn't fool the head over heels boy, Rafe. For he loved to trace your face with his adoring eyes and this moment was no exception.

Rafe places a hand on your elbow after noticing your quickly replaced frown. He says nothing, making sure that he doesn't worry your mother. So instead, he flashes you a small look of assurance. As if he was asking you with his eyes if you were okay.
You nod back to him as your smile falters slightly.

"Well? Who's it from?" Your mother asks impatiently.
"Uh," you hesitate, "there's no name." You smile as you take the bouquet in your arms.
"That's a bummer." She replies.
"Anyways, thanks again for the ice cream, Rafe." You say, signalling that it's his time to leave.
"Oh? You don't wanna stay for a cup of tea?" Your mother asks as she turns her attention towards the concerned boy who's eyes still remained on you.
"I actually wouldn't mind a cup of tea?" He responds in a question like tone towards you.
"He really has a lot of planning left to do, ma."
"Oh don't be a stick in the mud, Y/N." Your mother says, earning a chuckle from Rafe.
"Rightio." You say before turning to head upstairs to your bedroom as your mother boils the kettle. Pulling a fancy, porcelain teacup out and pouring one of them half with vodka from the shelf.

A sense of comfort and relief washes out the negativity the card had on you the moment you open your bedroom door. A similar sense of security to what you feel around Rafe. Just comfortable.
You plop down on your bed, resting your face amongst the soft, heavy blankets and silk pillows, almost causing you to drift off to sleep.
The drama around Kelce and Rafe, with Barry also. It was all just so exhausting and draining.
You sit up in your bed to prevent your tired eyes from falling asleep, your eyelids feel heavier than an entire ocean after all the madness.
That card was menacing. Only an insane person would write that to a girl.

At the thought of the card again, you pull it out of your back pocket before straightening out it's edges that had folded against the fabric, too nervous to open it again just yet.
You stare down at the card in deep thought before a familiar voice drones you wide awake again.
"Is everything alright?" Rafe asks as he stands in your doorway.
"Yeah. Just thinking."
Rafe notices your petite hands anxiously fiddling with the card. Shooting worry straight through his heart once again before taking a seat next to you on your bed.
"Is it Jj?" He asks lowly.
"Definitely not." You chuckle quietly.

Rafes worry grows at your words. If it wasn't Jj sending you flowers then there must be a third person, right?
He begins to second guess your emotions that he was trying to read earlier. Maybe it wasn't concern that he was reading but maybe surprise? Maybe it wasn't that you were excited to receive flowers but maybe you were waiting for them, from somebody.
Or, he was simply over thinking.

He wanted so badly to read it, but he knew it was no business of his.

Rafe stands up from his spot on the bed before wondering towards the doorway.
"I'm gonna head out." He says.
"Okay." You respond almost sadly.
"Are you sure you're okay? Cause I can stay."

You look up to meet his gaze at his words, wanting to take up his offer.
"Just say the word and I'm here." He says again as he walks back towards you sitting on the bed. He moves his hand down beneath your chin, gently lifting your head up and towards him.
"Do you want me to stay?" He asks again. Hesitantly but surely, you nod into his hand with a smile.
"Alright princess."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now