Chapter LXXI

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"Y/N! You've got a visitor!" You hear your mother shout from downstairs as it echos through the emptiness of the hallway, causing you to shift in your blankets. With your brain still being hazy with sleep deprivation, you ignore your mothers calls as your eyelids fall heavily once again before a shuffling movement by your legs finally cause you to spring up from amongst your marshmallowy pillows.
"Hey, sleepy head." Sarah says as she sits on the end of your bed.
"Sarah?" You groan as you rub your tired eyes, "why does it feel like it's been ages since I seen you?"
"Must've had a long day? Would explain what I saw this morning..." She says lowly before sprouting up again from a hunched over position, "Oh and speaking of which, I've got something for you."
Sarah holds out a small box towards you with outstretched arms, almost as excited as you were supposed to be but you were more confused than anything.
"For me?"
"Well, duh. It's from Rafe."
Your eyes furrow in puzzlement as you tilt your head towards Sarah, as if to ask why? Why was it Sarah in front of you and not Rafe instead?
You slowly pull the top of the gift box off as it slides gently off of its base to reveal a phone inside.
The same brand as your now broken one but a newer model to replace it.
"He must've felt pretty bad for what happened to your old one, those things aren't cheap." Sarah says as she stands up, curiously exploring your room.
"Yeah." You whisper gladly as you reminisce about the thrill of that night and just how electrifying every single minute with him, was.
"By the way, what did you mean just now?" You ask intrigued.
"You said you saw something this morning?"
"Oh!" Sarah exclaims, "My dad took Rafe fishing this morning, the sun was barely up yet when they left and they didn't really look...well, on speaking terms. It was just weird, thats all."
"Weird?" You ask with a mix of concern and uncertainty clouding your judgement. You never did trust Ward but he was Rafes father, after all.
"Well, yeah?" Sarah answers, just as confused as you seemed to be, "Why? Did something happen last night?"

You sit up straighter than before in your bed, your mouth slightly open and ready to speak until memories from last night flash before your eyes. It wasn't particularly the part with Kelce that held you back from confessing to Sarah, but the part
before hand. You hesitate long enough to daze, you remember the electricity you felt when the ocean waves moved your body up against Rafes and how magical it felt being skin to skin on top of him as he held you in his arms.

You shake your head in an attempt to erase the impelling memories of last night before standing up as well, bending down beside Sarah.
"Uhh, no, nothing." You finally say after remembering that you owed Sarah a response.
Although Sarah found it weird, she nods.
"Are you here alone?" You ask as you gather a choice of clothing and a towel, preparing for a long awaited shower.
"Yeah, actually. You know we only live like, a street away from each other right? I don't need John B driving me around all the time." She laughs.
"How is he anyways? I miss the guys."
"He's been searching for Jj to no rest, the dudes stressing himself out. I keep telling him to just wait it out and he'll show up on his own but they won't listen." Sarah says as she stares out your bedroom window, her features seeming sort of melancholic to match her quiet and drawn out voice.
"Jj is still nowhere to be found?" You ask, worriedly.
"Yeah. We went to his place but surprise, surprise.. his dad was passed out on the couch surrounded by empty pill bottles. So drugged up to the point he didn't even realise his own son was missing." Sarah says sadly.
"Baffles me how clueless he can be, doesn't even realise how special his son really is." You respond back, your face now plastered with a look of agitation.

As Sarah finds herself continuing her adventure around your room and playing with small trinkets on your shelf's, your back stays turned while you make your bed for the first time in a few days.
Your agitated expression stays consistent as you think about Luke, Jj's father, if you could even call him that. He was never one to give two shits about Jj, not like you and the others did. Luke would strictly use Jj for money and only when he needed it the very least.
Pills, alcohol, coke, you name it and he would be there in a heartbeat with his sons hard earned money.

Sarah could sense in your movement that you were thinking about something troubling, something that angered you down to the bone and enough for you to cause your teeth to grind. She stares from across the room at your jaw as it tensed sharply while you pat the wrinkles out of your sheets, the patting becoming increasingly rougher as you ponder your thoughts.
"You okay?..." she asks gently.
"How can Luke be so stupid." You ask rhetorically.
"Only god knows the answer to that question." Sarah says as she comes up to you from behind, placing a comforting hand on your back, "but you know Jj better than any of us, I believe if anybody will be able to find him, it's you." She smiles.
"I hope so..."
"Well I know so."

You turn your head to face Sarah as she smiles a sweet and reassuring smile at you, earning herself a smile in return before embracing her.
She wraps her arms around your waist and wiggles her body excitedly from side to side as she shakes you with her, causing you to combust with laughter.
"There she is!" Sarah shouts joyously, "there's the
Y/N I know!"
You giggle into her hair before prying yourself away again, smiling genuinely from cheek to cheek.
"I'm gonna have a shower, you wanna wait here? You can play around with my record player if you want orrrr...I got books?"
"You go do your thing and by the time you come back out, I would've made this place my abode."
She says with her usual sunny grin.

You smile charmingly at Sarah, counting your blessings as you think about how lucky you are to have a friend like her before stopping abruptly mid thoughts, coming to a sudden realisation as your body visibly perks up.
"Actually, can you throw these out for me?" You ask as you motion towards the bouquet of flowers that Kelce had dropped off at your house several days ago.
The flowers beginning to wilt almost poetically.
"Taking out the trash, eh?" Sarah winks as she nudges you in the side.
"Something like that."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now