Chapter XXI

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"What was that?"
"Thought you said something, must've been a seagull."
"Must have." He smiles.

A few hours pass as the two of you sit together on the sand, talking about life while skulling back every last mudshake and energy drink you could muster, leaving the packets of Oreos half empty. This had been the most time you have spent with Rafe since meeting him officially at Kelces party. He wasn't at all what everybody had made him out to be, in fact, he was one of the nicest guys you have ever come across.
He really has a way of leaving a mark, you thought to yourself as you admire his gaze upon the ocean, a small yet genuine smile plastered across his face. I wonder what he's thinking about.
You take mental notes of how his hair sways in the wind noticeably easier now that the oceans mist from its waves occasionally sprinkled against you two, his once gelled hair now slightly free against his face as it dances against the wind.
"Is there something on my face?" He laughs as his gaze stays in place.
"Oh uh, no. You just seem so...kind. Just trying to wrap my head around it." You say, chuckling back.
"Why does that surprise you?" He asks, finally turning his head to look at you.
"Well you know, I'm sure you know by now how the guys feel about you..." you mumble, eyes turned down towards the sand, "it doesn't make sense."
Rafe huffs a small smile once again before scooting closer towards you, knees now touching as you sit crossed legged, "probably because nobody ever gave me the chance to get to know me like you did. You're one of a kind Y/N." He says as he wraps his arm around your shoulders, sensing the chill evening air.
You lean against his side as you admire the fading colours of the sunset, the sky once blue now a beautiful vibrant pink until a sudden ding of your phone knocks you out of your frozen-in-time moment with Rafe.
"Who's that?" He asks leaning over your shoulder for a peak.

We'll pick you up before the movie tonight, figured it's best you sort things out with Jj, you know how he is. Remember, 7pm sharp.

"Sshittttt.. I completely forgot about the movie!" You panic as you rush to collect your things.
"You're not gonna come with me?" He asks confused.
"Um, well, yes, technically. But I'll have to meet you there, gotta sort some things out with Jj."
"Right..." he murmurs towards the ground.
"I'm sorry Rafe." You say sadly as you watch his happy expression turn to a more let down one.
"No, no, you gotta do what you gotta do. Not like this will be the last time I see you, right?" He asks.
"Right." You smile.
"Here," he says as he takes your luggage and securing them to his bike, "I'll take you home."
"You're the best."

As you cling onto Rafes waist, he rides through the sunset lit streets. Giving your knee it's occasional little tap at every red light just like he had been doing on your way to the shops. It felt almost natural now, like you expect him to do it, not expect...yearn.
The beach water and the chill evening air had made you slightly drowsy, so you lay your head against Rafes back, feeling his muscles tense and his shoulder blades adjust at every turn as he steers the bike. His heartbeat so comforting as it beats so clearly under your weight, falling asleep to it would be so easy.

As you relax against Rafe, a sudden sharp lock of his muscles and a shocking refrain of his bike woke you from your daze, a loud screech rings through your ears as his back tire leaves a black print behind it. An unknown car comes into view as it barely misses Rafes bike, speeding without a care. Almost as if it had tried to hit you on purpose.
Rafes arm flys to your arms around his waist desperate to keep you from falling or getting hurt, ensuring your arms stay locked around him safely as his other steers his bike to a sharp left and then a stop.
"Fuck!!" Rafe yells as you begin to panic, confused about what had just happened.
"What? Rafe? What happened? Are you okay?"
You cautiously turn your attention towards his face as you peer around his side, looking for a hint in his emotions but he stays silent. You notice his eyes following a black SUV as it speeds off and through a side street, almost as if he recognised it.
"Rafe?...." You ask concerned, his arm still tightly latched around your two hands, "hey?" You lean your head against his arm as you continue to look up at him.
"Sorry...are you alright?" He finally asks, loosening his grip.
"Yeah I'm perfectly fine, are you okay?"
"Yeah... just...." He pauses suspiciously, making you worry slightly more, "idiots don't know how to drive." He finishes.
"Oh. Alright." You run your hands up and down his sides in a way to comfort him, his muscles still evidently tensed, "you good to go?"
"Yeah, sorry." He says, straightening his bike at last, "this is why I prefer you wear the helmet." He says as he begins to drive off again.

You return your head back in its place against Rafes back, concern visible on your features as you ponder what had just happened and why Rafe was so immersed by it. Your mind thinks back to a few moments before, at how his face looked while he was lost in thought, his face worried stiff, filled with what you can only think was fear.

Rafes bike comes to a gentle stop outside your large iron gated house. You squeeze his abdomen slightly before allowing yourself to get up, looking down at him as you stand beside his bike.
"Rafe?" You ask as you slightly rub his shoulder, his eyes fixated in front of him, his face riddled with distress. "You know Rafe, if there's something bothering you-"
"Everything is alright Y/N." He interrupts, flashing you a quick and obvious fake smile before his eyes dart back to the gravel.
"I don't believe you in the slightest...but alright." You say calmly as you turn your body towards your house, prepared to walk in before Rafes hand suddenly catches yours.
"I know you worry about me and I love that you do. Really Y/N, I appreciate it. But just..." he pauses, "you gotta understand that somethings I just gotta keep to myself. Alright?" He says jittery.
You understand completely but you can't help the concern that spreads across your face, worse now than before and Rafe takes notice. He pulls your arm towards him as he stands up from his bike, embracing you as he nuzzles his face into your neck as he mumbles into your hair.
"You know I'll take care of you, alright?"

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now