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"Y/N! Are you ready?" Your mother calls from the other side of your bedroom door.
"Give me 5 more minutes!"
"You're supposed to be welcoming the guests!"
"I know, ma!"

You sit on the edge of your bed as you strap your heels on. They're simple, nude heels that strap around the ankle, embossed with a line of diamanté's and paired with a straight, long, red satin dress, V neck and thin spaghetti straps.
You stand up from your bed and stand in front of your full length mirror, admiring the dress as it hugs your waist tightly.
"Wow me, you just never miss." You mumble to yourself.
You begin to prepare yourself to leave before remembering one important touch, a matching red satin bow.
"Oops." You quickly tie the ribbon around your loosely half up, half down hair.

Walking down the stairs, your ears begin to ring with the sound of laughter and music, a cheerful atmosphere all around.
"About time. Here, take this out to everybody." Your mother says at the kitchen bench as she hands you a platter of nibbles.
"Slave work? I thought I was supposed to be welcoming guests? You know, socialising?" You complain.
"Dear, it's still early. The guests need a bite while we wait for everybody else to turn up."
As if on cue, a familiar mop of blonde hair jogs inside from the yard, wearing a waiters uniform.
"Don't worry Mrs.Y/L/N, I got this." Jj says, causing you to spin on your heels towards the boy, surprised to see him.
"Jj?!" You exclaim before jumping into his arms.
Jj's returns the hug but tighter.
"it's so good to see you." You say into the nape of his neck.
"You look stunning." He says lowly into your hair.
You huff a small laugh before releasing your grip on him and slowly pulling away from his embrace.
"Uhh," you look him up and down, "you do too? I guess. What's with the get up?" You ask confused, pointing a judgy finger at his uniform, "ma?" You ask as you avert your attention towards your dormant mother, wondering if she had hired him to be a waiter for the night.
"Don't ask me, I'm just as surprised as you." She says, staring questionably into Jj's fearful eyes as he chokes on his words just trying to string together an excuse for your mother who he had always been scared of.
"Jj, you don't have to do all this. You're a friend of the host. You're my guest." You say as you wrap an arm around his waist and position yourself beside him.
"I'll keep that in mind for next time." He smiles down to you, admiring the sparkle in your eyes as they smile right back up to him.
Jj takes your mothers platter in one hand as he wraps his other around your waist and begins to walk outside and into the light of a hundred small fairy lights strung from tree to tree above the garden.  The sight makes you smile in awe at its beauty, unsure if it resembled more fireflies than stars or stars over fireflies. Either way, your bright eyed smile seems overly admirable to Jj as he watched your face light up under the glistening lights.

Rafe stands outside with Topper as he mopes around constantly searching the yard for Sarah with his eyes and Rafe does the same, hoping to come across you.
"You guys look like lost children."
Rafe and Topper turn their attention towards the voice to be met with Kie approaching them with a half picked-at platter of small spinach quiches on toothpicks. Kie lifts the silver tray up to the boys faces, offering them a quiche before asking,
"Have you seen Y/N yet? I haven't caught a glimpse of that girl and this is her house."
"No. I haven't. You think she's okay?" Rafe asks slightly concerned at your absence.
"Relax," she laughs, "probably just taking an eternity doing her hair or something."
"What about Sarah?" Topper adds.
"What about Sarah?" Kie asks with a mockingly expression as she turns her body towards Topper.

Topper downturns his gaze towards the grass beneath his leather oxfords. He feels embarrassed by his seemingly-obsessive care towards Sarah. He means well, he really does. Not only was Sarah his girlfriend at some point but he also considered her his best friend, saying that he missing her would be an understatement. He yearned for her in the same way he notices Rafe yearning for you.

Kie sighs as she takes notice of Toppers unusual show of what could only be read as mercy.
"Look, we all know you mean well. But If you care, let her go. She's with John B." Kie says with a compassionate hand on his shoulder as her other points towards Sarah and John B dancing under a gazebo in the distance.

Sarah's smile is wide and bright and it melts Toppers heart like a million Sun rays all at once, making his face tense sorrowfully and his chest wrench painfully.

"Come on, big guy." Kie says with a pitying smile as she locks her arm with his, pulling him towards the courtyard to dance. Leaving Rafe standing alone when all of a sudden a mass of claps are heard from the crowd as they turn their attention in the direction of the back veranda, decorated in a floral arch way and many, many flower arrangements like some sort of parade float.

Rafe turns towards the fleet of people as they clap and cheer for a certain somebody. A shiny, red dress captures his attention through the crowd of boring beiges and neutrals, a diamond amongst rocks.
"Y/N, such a pleasure!"
A variety of voices are heard hooning over you as they all waited for your arrival, mostly male voices while an occasional females voice can be heard every so often.
The attention surprised even Rafe, until it came to him that being the only daughter of a rich man and his just as rich wife would do wonders in a small town on an island, including peeking the interest of desperate men. It quickly became obvious to him that everybody there wanted you. Even your fathers scummy, rich, middle aged colleagues. There was no mistaking it.
He swiftly shrugs off the negative thoughts that had started flooding his head. It made him happy enough knowing he was your mutual, giving him an advantage over those other guys.

Rafe stays leaning against a large tree while a smile spreads across his face as he admires the rare beauty from a far before the crowd moves just enough to reveal Jj on your side, arms around each other as Jj basks in the attention, waving down at everybody with a cheeky grin. Rafes smile quickly falters at the sight.
His eyes glare towards Jj's hand on the curve of your waist as it visibly pulls you in closer before averting his eyes towards the ground to save him the hurt.

"Cute, isn't she?"
Rafe looks over his shoulder to see an unfamiliar face. A tall, black haired man who's hair was like Rafes in length except slightly messier as it flicks up at the back of his neck.
"Too bad she came with a date, am I right?"
Rafes face scrunches up in disgust at the guys attitude towards you, "am I supposed to know you or something?"
"Zane," he says, holding out a hand, "Zane Becket."
"Rafe." He says with disapproval evident in his voice as he declines the handshake.
"Yeah I know you. You're kinda a big deal, aren't you? My fathers pretty close to yours. If it wasn't for your father, I wouldn't be here right now. He introduced me to Mr.Y/L/N." He says.

Rafes gaze stays fixated on Zanes face in deep thought, earning a funny look from Zane in exchange. He wonders his fathers relation to Zanes.
What reason would his father feel the need to introduce the Becket family to yours. He pondered curiously at the entire situation before pushing himself off of the tree and beginning to make his way to you instead, in need of a breath of fresh air away from the cocky, noir haired man.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now