Chapter CXXII

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"Great to see you guys making up, but don't go violating my pier with your love making!" John B shouts from the grass.
"You're abusing my eyes, brother!" Sarah shouts too.

You huff an embarrassed laugh as you hide your face in Rafes chest, you can feel him laughing too and it made you feel warm and tender inside.
"Nobodies forcing you to watch, Sarah!" Rafe shouts back in her direction, his arms still securely around your waist. You begin to laugh again but as you do, something snaps under the weight of the both of you.
"...woahh...don't move." Rafe says, holding you tighter now. You have no choice but to cling to his chest as he carefully scans around for something broken, he sees nothing of the sort so he lifts his foot up, releasing an even louder and bigger crack.
"Oh no..." You whisper, letting out another giggle at the remarkable situation the two of you have seemed to get yourselves into; but as you laugh, the tension in the mouldy wood collapses within itself and in the blink of an eye, you were falling backwards, taking Rafe down with you.


Rafe surfaces out of the water, shaking his hair free of muck and loose droplets. He hadn't a clue what happened, he ended up in the water so fast that he found himself shaken up but he instantly disregards his confusion and begins to look around for you,  keeping himself afloat with his arms as he turns his body amongst the ripples but he only sees John B and Sarah running towards him from the grass.
Their faces were ridden with terror and their movements were nothing short of rushed, it made Rafe panic even more.
"Y/N?!" He yells, water falling down his face.
"Dude, get outta there! That's gator infested water!" John B says as he holds a hand out towards him.
Rafe ignores it, growing more anxious the longer you take to come up again.
Suddenly, you surface too.
"Woohoo!" You shout with a smile wide and preciously bright, it relieved Rafe to see.
"Y/N..." He sighs, swimming towards you with an unimpressed but thankful look on his face, "You scared me." He adds.
"I could do that again!"
"Alright, that's not happening. Lets get you out of here before something pulls us under." Rafe says, wrapping an arm around you and guiding you towards John B's helping hand, making sure you were out safe and sound before himself. 

John B grabs hold of your hand, pulling you backwards onto the grass and you try with all your might to crawl up it's muddy edge. It was slippery and difficult to manage but you shortly feel Rafes strong hands sturdily place themselves on your waist, effortlessly lifting you up towards John B.

"My pier..." John B whines as you kneel down on the grass on all fours next to him, catching your breath through a smile.
"Are you guys okay?!" Sarah asks.
You only roll onto your back, face towards the bright blue sky as you let out a loud and authentic laugh as if you had been keeping that in forever.
Although forever would be an overstatement, it had been a while since you really laughed or smiled at all; not without Rafe beside you and he hadn't been since that dreadful day.
"She's officially lost it." John B responds.
Amidst the laugh that Rafe sat and treasured so, tears began to form in your eyes. It confused you, maybe you were simply laughing too hard or maybe you missed feeling like this but you let them fall anyhow.

Rafe sat and adored you.
He adored that laugh he missed so badly, the way your lips curl up into a beautiful, sunny smile and that perfect shade of rose your cheeks always seem to glow the harder you laughed.
It wasn't until those unexpected tears began to fall down your cheeks and into your hair that he finally came back to his senses once again.
"Sorry," You say as you wipe your cheeks, "I'm just happy."
Rafe smiles again, joining you on the grass and laying down next to you, looking up at the sky as you curl up into his side.
"Come here, you." He says as he playfully pulls you on top of him, squeezing you into his chest as you giggle all the more. "Let's never fight again." He adds.

You lift your head off of his chest to look him directly in his eyes, they were happy again.

You smile lovingly at him and he does the same, melting into your gaze that only ever looked sweet as honey whenever it met his own.
"Deal." You mutter as you press yourself up against the length of his body, placing a soft kiss on his lips.
"Your lips are cold." He smiles against yours.
"Mm-" He groans with another kiss, "don't ever be sorry."
He kisses you deeply.
The sensation of his warm tongue against your cold, wet lips made you weak. It made your body tingle.
"It's just my job to warm them up again." He quietly says. His soft, raspy voice tempts you for more but you shamefully pull away, sitting up on his lap.
"We should go get changed." You say.
"Is that code for..."
"No." You laugh as you try to stand up but instead, he pulls you back down again by your hips, forcing you down against his body harder as he groans, feeling every inch of his body better now with drenched clothes.
"Cant we just stay like this for a little longer?" He asks with innocence.
"And do what exactly, Rafe?" You roll your eyes but he only smiles up at you with that all too familiar mischievous face. "You're so gross. Sarah's here, you know."
"I knowww~" He sighs as he sits up at last.
He places a strong hand on your back, securing you against him as he kisses at your cheek with short and simple pecks before standing up with you in his lap, lifting you up with him and then placing you down. You cling to his body until you feel the hard ground beneath your soaked shoes, finally prying your dripping wet body away from his.

Rafe looks around for John B and Sarah who he could've sworn were just here a moment ago but comes to the conclusion that he must've lost track of time, because now the two of them were at the end of the pier, inspecting the break.
"Hey, be careful! I think the wood's rotten through!" He shouts before averting his gaze back down at you where he'd rather it be, instead.
"Let's hope they don't get as passionate as we did." You giggle, "or history will repeat itself."
He smiles at first as he watches you watch your friends but it quickly fades when he notices how intensely you shake. Your goosebump covered arms hugged at your own chest as it dripped with water like a never ending stream.
It didn't look like it bothered you too much but it pained him to know there wasn't a thing he could do to keep you warm since all he had to offer was a just as wet body in exchange.
"John B!" He shouts, "Can we get a change of clothes?!"
"Go for it! My wardrobe is free to everyone, apparently." John B shouts back as he teases at Sarah wearing his leaf print sun shirt, earning a slap in the chest in return.
"You love it when I wear your stuff." She says.
"Not when they become permanent residences at your house."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now