Chapter C

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"That was quick." Rafe says after hearing the notification.

You remain strong, resisting the urge to click on the notification yourself to see what business this Heather has with Rafe but you don't want to pry since it's nothing that concerns you but emotionally, it did.


After that, the boat ride back home was nothing more than two people sitting side by side in silence. To outsiders, you could easily be mistaken for strangers the way you avoided conversation. It's not like you wanted to, reality was, your brain was flooded with questions and remarks but it was like your throat wouldn't let the words pass.
You felt sick.

Rafe was a little bit curious, of course, but he assumed the alcohol and the scene that had just played out might've robbed you of your sunshine attitude. He let you rest your eyes beside him but the loss of your resting head on his shoulder as it usually would find itself to be, raised questions within himself.
"Are you cold?" He asks, an attempt to get a conversation started.
"Oh." He sighs lowly, wanting to speak again but he hesitates for a moment, too afraid that he would be annoying you.
"...What do you see in me?"

Rafes resting head lifts up to look at you eye to eye, this time, he really was worried and it showed.
You only kept your gaze upon the stars, just like the night on the roof top except the atmosphere now was a lot more wistful to the extent that it felt like the world was falling down on you, at least that's what it felt inside. The stars in the sky were the only things keeping you from really believing that it was. They kept their place above you, watching as your heart falls to ruin just like their fallen friends.
Except a lot less beautiful than a shooting star.

Rafe shakes his head with sad eyes directly into yours, even though they paid no attention to his in return. "What would make you ask that?" He asks in all seriousness.
You glance over to him quickly before looking away again but Rafes stare was so absolute that those few milliseconds were enough for him to catch a glimpse of the sparkle in your eye, even more shimmer in them than usual.
"Hey?" He turns his entire body to face you now, reaching down into your lap for your hands as he holds them softly in his own. "Hey, what's wrong?"
You force yourself to laugh, blinking away the very slight tears. "What?- nothing! It's just, you know...with the mess we always seem to find ourselves in, it really makes me wonder." You lie.
"If I love you?"
"Well no-"
"Would I have stuck around through it all if I didn't?" He says, moving his head low enough to look into your eyes as you stare at the floor.
It felt almost too painful to look back into his but he places a gentle hand beneath your chin, lifting your face up slowly. "Hey, look at me."
You stare longingly back at him as he reads your face, looking into your eyes and then down at your lips before back up again. For once, he couldn't figure you out.
"All passengers to disembark!"

You were saved by the captain, announcing that the boat had docked and it was finally time to head home by land. It's not like you want to get away from Rafe, not at all, but your emotions were running wild right now and there was no predicting how long they would hold up and how they would seep.
Tears, most likely.

After getting off the boat, Rafe pulls you to the side.
"I'll call Topper to pick us up." He says, holding his phone up with one hand while his other pulls you into his chest, rubbing your back up and down while your own two hands grasp at the back of his shirt.
You find peace in his heartbeat, a nostalgic feeling.
"He's coming now." He says, putting his phone away.
You only groan in response, too serene in his warmth as you smile into his chest with tired eyes and a weak hold on him.
"Here." He says, guiding you to a bench to rest at.
He sits first, tugging at your arm to sit down with him but from where you stood, you would've fallen straight into his lap if you hadn't pulled your hand out of his in time. Instead, you stay standing. His knees on either side of you as you stand between them, your hands on his jaw and angling it up to meet your gaze.

He doesn't say a thing, not even try to convince you to rest your tired body because truthfully, he liked where he was.
Your body close to his and inching even closer as his hands slide up the sides of your thighs, pulling you forward to place a soft kiss on your stomach. You run your fingers through his hair as he traces kisses down the sensitive area of your stomach, right down the middle and completely unaware of the butterflies he's causing to swarm in trail.

He was so good at doing that.
Making you forget about the world and all it's issues it bares burden to, because just like that;
you had forgotten what it was that troubled you only moments ago. All you knew was Rafe.

Only Rafe.

His fingers begin to tighten with every kiss, grasping at your thighs firmly as if he was growing hungrily for more and you could feel it too. The butterflies now were rapidly flourishing like wildfire, making your fingers run through his hair fiercely, tugging every now and then which drove Rafe crazy.

The second he felt your fingers ease out of his hair, Rafe stands up from the bench and swiftly pins you against the wall it's built on, smashing his lips against yours as the wall behind you allows him to deepen the kiss far enough so that his lower abdomen was now pressed against yours.

You found that no matter how hard you tried to compose yourself, it was like your hands had a mind of their own. Your fingers traced along Rafes leather belt before only just making entrance below his pants waist, tugging at his shirt to untuck it and running your hands up his stomach, making him groan between kisses. He groaned because he too, was struggling to refrain from going any further but you weren't making it very easy.
"Y/N." He whispers.
"Toppers gonna be here any second-"
You only shake your head subtly enough for Rafe to know that you didn't care enough to stop, so he goes in for your neck, kissing it hard.
You could feel his canine teeth faintly bite every now and then which made your knees weak. You grasp desperately onto his shoulders for support but he takes your hands, removing them from his body and holding them against the cold, hard stone of the wall.
"Rafe-" You mutter with the daintiest of voices.
"Mm?" He groans, continuously kissing at your delicate skin.

Rafe stops at last, keeping your hands pinned against the wall behind you as he peers over his shoulder to the far road on the other side of the docks to see a car going past. A tall, silver Jeep.
"Shit..." He sighs as his hold on you releases.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now