Chapter X

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"So how's about it? Is he gonna take us home?" Kie says from behind you and Rafe on the gutter.
You lift your head from his shoulder, "yup, but you gotta sit in the tray alright? so do us a favour and don't fall out." You chuckle at the thought.
Rafe looks behind the two of you and makes eye contact with Sarah.
"I'm gonna stay the night at John B's... can you vouch for me?"
Rafe looks back towards his hands.
"Come on, this is your chance to look like a cool brother." You whisper in a giggle.
"Just this once?" Sarah begs.

Rafe stands up from his spot on the gutter and begins walking to his truck, pulling out a rolled up tarp from the front seat and putting it in the tray.
"If you see the police, hide under this, I'm not trying to lose my license tonight." He says nonchalantly as he gets into the drivers seat.
"Yes!" Sarah cheers quietly.

The drive was mostly a silent one, smooth roads and town lights glimmering though the windows as Rafe drove slowly towards the pogue side of town.
You look up at Rafe as he focused on the road, your eyes fixating on his face the best they can through the buzz of the alcohol. The lights from outside strut across his skin.
"Oh, uh, nothing."
"He really didn't land a single hit on you huh?" You say impressed but clearly in a joking manner.
"Hmph, not exactly something to be proud of. I have no idea what came over me," he sighs, "I just sorta lost it." His hand tightens around the steering wheel.
You slouch further into your seat, leaning your tired head against the seatbelt as if it's a tiny hammock.
"Well for what it's worth, I'm proud of you Rafe Cameron."
He glances to you quickly, admiring your street light lit face before down to his lap and then to the road again, huffing out his nose with a small smile.
The road had started to become noticeably bumpier the closer you got to the pogue side of the island.

"You're gonna have to show me where to go from here." Rafe speaks up, his eyes still focused on the road before him.
"Hm? Oh! just the next right from here."

Rafe pulls into a dirt driveway to reveal John B's place.
Pope, Kie, Jj, Sarah and lastly John B hops out of the tray, tapping the car twice signalling to Rafe that he's free drive off.
You remain in the passengers seat, your eyes wearily struggling to stay open.
"Y/N." Rafe places a hand on your knee, shaking it softly to wake you up.
"I really gotta get home." You moan drowsily. "Can you take me home? My parents are gonna kill me."
You rub your stomach as it starts to chur a really sick feeling.
He taps your knee twice in reassurance, "yeah of course."

"I'm gonna take her home." Rafe says to Sarah from his window.
"You remember where it is right? From last years midsummers?" She asks as she leans into the open window.
"Big house, crazy garden?" He jokes.
"That's the one!"
"Right." He places his hand on the gear stick and begins to change gears before driving off. Leaving a dirt trail behind his truck.
"Y/N?" Jj checks with Sarah as she joins back up with the group.
"Rafe is taking her home, she's had a little too much to drink."
Jj sighs before pulling his vape out of his pocket.
"What?" Sarah asks.
"Can we trust him?"
"God jj, my brothers an asshole but he's not like that."
"He did kinda look after Y/N." Pope adds, "on his own accord."
"Twice." Kie pipes in, silencing Jj.

Rafes truck comes to a stop at a big pair of iron gates outside a large house, surrounded by an insane garden just like he remembered from last year.
He gets out of the car and inspects the lock, buzzing at the front pillar but is met with no response from inside.
You awoke to the sound of a car door closing.
"Hey, are your parents home? The gates are locked, no one is answering to my buzzes either." He says from his seat.
"Ummmm, what's the time?" You ask lethargically.
"Probably not, they went on a dateee." You giggle, "you know what that meansss-"
"Alright, alright, stop. You got a key?"
"Ummm sure!"
"Well?" Rafe ponders as he holds out his hand.
"It's under the door matt."
Rafe sighs in defeat as he slouches into his chair as well, resting his hands on top of his head.
"Fuuuuck. So what now? I can't just leave you here..." Rafe mumbles which earns him a giggle from you, "can I?" He teases you with a wide smile on his face.
"Please don't Mr.Cameron, there's spiders and flying insects and alligators and- and there was an opossum I shot with my water pistol the other week and I'm pretty sure he's out for revenge too so there's that." You drag on with a drunk slur.
Rafe laughs a genuine laugh which makes you smile at him with adoring eyes.
"Alright let's get you inside Y/N, this isn't a confession booth."

Rafe starts his car once more before parking it beside the stone wall around your house.
"Up." He taps the top of his car.
Rafe jumps up before holding his hands out to you which you gladly take with your own hands, pulling you up and on top of the roof of his car.
"Alright now I'm going to jump down on the other side and I'll catch you, okay?"
"Uhhm," you look down at the grass on the other side of the wall, your knees instantly weak in fear.
"I'll catch you, I swear I will. I used to do this with Sarah when we were younger. It's alright, alright?"
He consoles as he rubs the side of your arm.
"Alright." You finally agree.
"Alright." Rafe jumps down onto the grass then holds his arms out towards you, gesturing for you to jump. "Y/N, I promise I will catch you."
You decide to hang your legs off the side first, sitting on the brick wall before sliding off and into Rafes arms, his hands sliding around your waist with ease.
"See? What did I tell you?" He says before placing you down onto the grass. His chest puffs hard as he catches his breath.
You look up and into his eyes that had already been staring into yours. The both of you frozen in time as his hands are still situated on your waist, sending butterflies swarming in the pit of your stomach.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now