Chapter XVI

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"You should go to bed, I got this." Rafe says.
"What? No, of course not, I'm the guest, so I should be the one to do the dishes."
"Exactly that. You are the guest, so I'll take it from here."
"Hmph." You huff before removing the tea towel from the stoves handle, drying your hands in a quick motion.
"So stubborn." He teases.
You turn around to him one last time with a playful glare, warning him to choose his next words wisely. He just smiles right back at you as he discreetly treasures your moonlit features through his locks of hair draping over his face.

You sneak your way upstairs, careful to only tread on carpet to hush your footsteps on the creaky floorboards. As you open the door to Sarah's bedroom, you notice the movie still playing although Kie and Sarah had both passed out on the bed surrounded by open snacks and cans of spirit.
You slowly take the opened packets and cans and place them on Sarah's bedside, grabbing her thick puffy blanket and throwing it over the top of the two.
"Sheesh..." You sigh at the lack of room for you to snuggle in also, "I always get floor." You complain, clearing a small tuff of area on the messy bedroom floor for you to sleep, a thinly knit blanket for warmth.

Rafe had finished washing the dishes and only had to put them away in the cupboards now.
Rafe turns his entire body in a swift motion, excitedly to the kitchen archway after hearing footsteps near the kitchen entrance.
"Oh," Rafe's excitement was let down at the unexpected sight of his old mans neutral yet always ambiguous face.
"What's wrong?" Ward asks as he puts the kettle on.
"Uh, nothing. You're making a coffee now?" Rafe asks as he glances over to the clock. "It's almost midnight?"
"Got a lot of work to do."

Rafe felt sheer discomfort around his father, almost at all times. His fathers attitude seems to change like the weather, and more often than not, rages hard but silently like white water rapids. He's never truly satisfied and Rafe knows that better than anyone. So Rafe waits. For any sudden outburst,
to be frowned upon. For no apparent reason.

"I could have sworn I heard two voices down here." Ward starts in a low, monotonous voice, his eyes never drifting from his coffee on the counter top.
"Uh yeah. Y/N was down here washing up. I sent her to bed." Rafe replies obediently.
"Hm." Ward hums curiously.
Rafe remains silent before Ward speaks again, "Don't go getting any ideas. She's a bad influence."

Wards thinks back to the your expression at the dinner table that had churned on your face while he so graciously conveyed his plans for Rafe. The very thought, the audacity of your disapproval sends anxious tapping down his fingers tips and onto his mug.

"Bad influence? No, no, she's not-"
"So it's true? These ideas have already started to concur, hm?" Ward says rushing to sip his coffee.
"No, it's not like that." He lies.
"Good, good." Ward replies with a reassuring tap on Rafes shoulder, his mug in his other hand, "cause she might be a kook but not like us."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Rafe shakes his head curiously.
"I know where her parents come from, their blood spoilt with addiction and they've been collecting criminal records since their teen years like some baseball cards. And Y/N, nothing but a product of their parenting. Which is shotty, by the way. Patchy, absent, not there." Ward explains.

Rafe thinks back to you, disbelief crowds his thoughts as he sees nothing but a sweet, glowing smile and a contagious laugh. A face that could only be chiseled by cherubs and a personality that resembled the sun and all it's rays.

"No, no. I think you've got it all wrong. Dad. Y/N is exactly the opposite. Shes not any of those things, She's good to me-" Rafe freezes after the unexpected string of words that came rushing out of his mouth.
"Right." Ward ends their conversation there as he taps his sons shoulder once more, walking off with a lot more than what he came in with. A coffee in hand and knowing exactly what he needed to know.

Rafe struggled to pick himself back up after that comment, silently struggling to keep his dad from walking away with that fault-finding expression on his face. Disapproval clear as day. Ward knew when his son was lying therefore he knew exactly what Rafe was up to. And he was not about to have any of it.

"Good morning Sarah." Kie says as she stretches her arms out and over the blanket.
"Mornin'" She replies.
The two girls sit up from their spot in bed, landing their eyes on a curled up you on the messy floor from last nights binge.
"That has gotta be the saddest sight, probably ever." Kie chuckles, "Besides the waste in the ocean."
"Y/N... Y/N!!"
You slowly pry your eyes open to Sarah hovering over your face from her bed, her long blonde hair tickling your skin.
"Hmm...?" You question drowsily.
"Geez Y/N, you know you could've woken me up, I would've gotten you a proper blanket.. and kick Kie out of the bed." She jokes.
"Ha. Ha. I beg to differ." Kie replies dryly.
"Good morning beautiful ladies.." You smile, "what time is it?"
"Hmmm.." Kie reaches for her phone, "10:12am."
"Pffttttt... I don't wanna move."
"Me neither." Sarah says, flopping back down on her place on the bed.
"Come on you lazy bitches! The movies today, we have no time to waste!" Kie exclaims.
"Ugh. That's today?" Sarah asks.
"But do we reallyyy have to go?" You join in.
"Yes. Now up and at 'em!"

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now