Chapter LXII

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The nights waves were larger than you were used to seeing during the day. They were heavier against your body and they crashed loudly against the pier which would've scared the wits out of you enough for you to dry off again if it wasn't for Rafe beside you. His arm locked tightly around your waist, keeping you safe and secure right up against his side as the two of you laugh at your attempts to keep upright, the waves almost throwing you backwards completely. It was fun.
Not only that, but the chill ocean water against your bare bodies was something only a handful of people could be lucky enough to experience. You felt free.
It was cleansing, it was relaxing and it felt good all the while Rafe produced heat from right beside you.
Keeping you warm.

Rafe takes your hand in his as he trods through the water, guiding you to a quiet spot underneath the pier that was dormant from waves, the water was still and shallow as the sand could be felt underneath you if you were tall enough, which Rafe was, but you were not.

"This is where Wheezy comes to find shells." He says as he looks below the water and at the white specks freckled amongst the sand, "look." He says, motioning a nod towards the water. You divert your attention to the water below, the very sight leaves your mouth agape with surprise.
"Theres so many..." You say awe-struck at the glistening of all the light colours beneath you as you cling onto Rafes side. "She always was smart."
He looks up and admires your astounded face as you continue to gaze at the shells, feeling his heart pick up pace and his face feeling hot with lust simply just by the sight of you. Your arms wrapped around him desperately added to the fire even more.
"The waves would carry them before hitting the pier so they all just banked up here and the best part is..." he begins, leaving a moment of pause to reel you in further with suspense before whispering,
"nobody even knows because they're too afraid of the shark that lives here."
"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" You remark as you cling onto Rafe tighter, he feels your body begin to tremble against his as your eyes dart around hastily at the dark waters surrounding you which only makes him chuckle.
"Relax," he mumbles under his breath as he inches his face closer to yours, "I'm only kidding."

His soft lips graze yours ever so slightly before a pair of beaming, yellow headlights got his attention from behind you and across the lot. He stares curiously as he hesitates to lean in any further, up until he notices them coming closer, turning out of the parking lot and onto the pier itself.
"Sssshit." He whispers against your lips before his grip on you tightens, pulling you away from plain sight and behind a support beam with him.
"Ewww...barnacles." You groan at the slimy beam covered in oysters, barnacles and algae. Your face scrunches up in disgust at the sensation of the slime against your half naked body until Rafes hand flys to your mouth in one swift motion. You're shocked but from past experiences, you know not to mutter a word.

Beep, beep.
The posh looking car makes two quick and quiet beeps with the press of a Bluetooth key as it locks itself with a single click of a button before two male voices could be heard exchanging words in the distance. The voices became increasingly more distinct as their heavy footsteps neared the end of the pier and walking past you and Rafe underneath it, causing dirt and gravel to drop from above you. Rafe holds you tightly against a beam to ensure you don't make a sound while he peers his head out just enough for the car to enter his vision again.

Rafes eyes widen in hysteria before swiftly pulling his body back to in front of you. Your own eyes widening at Rafes expression, it scared you to see somebody you looked to for safety to be so scared, himself.
You're desperate to know why but his hand on your mouth remains, even tighter now after his discovery, so you wait breathlessly.
"It's a black SUV." He finally says, his eyes staring off into nothing.
You don't make a sound but you squeeze your eyes shut in fear, tears beginning to form as you become painfully aware of the situation. You bring a single hand up to his, very slowly, pulling his off of your mouth at last to reveal a heartbreaking frown.
"I can't be seen. Not like this." You plead to Rafe, feeling your chest hitch against his with suppressed sobs.

Rafe blinks himself out of his trance like state before looking up to meet your glassy eyes. His features furrow in heart ache at the desperation in your voice and the glimmer in your tears. His heart set purely on making sure you stay hidden as he gently pushes you into the water enough so that your topless chest was safely drowned out by the darkness of the water.

"Want one?" Kelce could be heard asking as he leans against the rusty railing of the piers end, offering Topper a blunt beside him.
"No thanks." Topper refuses, his blonde hair ruffles against his face in the wind.
"Suit yourself."
"Man, it's cold. We can't do that in the car?"
"In my parents car? Fuck no." Kelce responds with a devilish chuckle, "they'll kill me."
"Start getting into the big boy stuff and you wouldn't have to worry about that shit." Topper says, referring to the white substance.
"Hmph," Kelce huffs an unimpressed laugh, smoke exiting his nose with a puff, "speaking of...I've been going to Barry's like every other day and I haven't run into Rafe once."

Topper turns his head towards Kelce at the mention of Rafes name, reminding himself of the night of midsummers, after hours. An icky and off feeling sinks low in his chest as he silently wonders about Kelce and his unhealthy obsession with Rafe and why.

"Why does it matter, Kelce."
Kelce jerks his head towards Topper, unimpressed at his friends lack of go-getting attitude and restless to find both you and Rafe, the anger almost tears him apart in the moment as he thinks about you.
"Are you fucking her too?"
"You heard me. Are you or are you not fucking her too?"
"Obviously not, dude. But-"
"Then shut the fuck up and have my back, that's all I ask of you, from a friend. You are my friend, right?" Kelce pressures with manipulation laced into his words.

Topper rolls his eyes with a sigh as he turns away from Kelce again, dropping his head low between his arms as his hands grip the railing tightly with affliction, tight enough to feel the rust of the bars crumble against his skin.
He shakes his head disappointingly as he stares down at the planks beneath him before something between the cracks catches his eye.

Something pale amidst the otherwise dark waters.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now