Chapter XVII

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The three of you walked downstairs in your pyjamas. Taking a seat next to Wheezy after ruffling her long dark hair. "Good morning you little runt!" You joke as you give her a wide, cheery smile.
"Hey!" She shouts, shielding her head from any additional hair ruffling.
"Relax, relax.. have you had breakfast yet?" You ask.
"Not yet, it's Sarah's turn to make breakfast." She replies.
"Oh?" You question as you look up towards Sarah who is sitting across from you, "So what's it gonna be chef?"
"Ugh. Fine. I'll cook breakfast." She sighs, emphasis on the cook part as she waves her hands in a joking manner, "pancakes or waffles?"
"Are they not the exact same thing?" Kie replies, her cockiness earning a laugh from you and Wheezy.
"I don't know Kie, is a tortoise not a turtle?" Sarah snaps back, swinging a spatula in the air.
"You can count me out of this conversation." You laugh, "hey where is everybody?" You ask Wheezy as your eyes dart around at the scenery outside to see nobody, not even cars.
"My parents went to a business meeting. Rafe said something about going to his friends house." She replies uninterested.
"Oh? Who? Kelce? Topper?"
"Geez Y/N, obsessed much?" Kie laughs.
"Barry." Wheezy finally replies as she takes a sip of the orange juice in front of her.
"Barry? What the hell?" Sarah questions in concern, her expression matching yours.

Barry had a bit of a reputation around the cut. Not a great one either. Maybe to some he would be considered great, but only to the lowly. To every other normal person, however, he was notorious for being the biggest drug lord on the island, besides Jj's father.
At hearing Barry's name came the intensity of the situation. "He's going to kill himself one day." Sarah says bleakly as she prys at the pancakes on the frying pan. Your face visibly rearing towards her way, scrunched up in disbelief at her carelessness. You decide to pipe down. It's none of your business anyways. Right?

"Don't worry, Y/N. He's been doing this since the dawn of time. If he was going to really kill himself, it would've happened by now." Sarah adds after taking notice to your distress.
"Why would Y/N worry?" Wheezy speaks up.
Sarah only smiled shyly towards her little sister, "don't you worry about that. You want blueberries with your pancakes? Or strawberries?"
"Ice cream with blueberries?" Wheezy replies with an innocent smile which had caused you to smile too.
"No ice cream. It's the morning Wheezy." Sarah says sternly.
"Dad lets me."
"Yeah, well, Dad is dad."
The three of you laugh in unison, the morning air travelling through your lungs so refreshingly as the sun beamed down on everything in plain sight.

Beep, beep, beeeeeeep, beep!
You jump out of your seat to see the beautiful sight of the twinkie parked outside. John B leaning against the side of it, Pope in the open back seat and Jj grinning in the passengers seat as he leant over the steering wheel, honking at an annoyingly loud rhythm.
"Lets gooo! We're going for a dip!" Jj calls out to the three of you, though only making eye contact with you alone.
Your grin widens as you race to get your phone and an opened can of spirits from last night, earning a judgmental glare from Sarah.
"Whaaat? Can't let it go to waste." You smile back to her before rearing your gaze to Kie, "Can I Kie?"
Kie instantly has your back as she humorously shakes her head, "noo, no, nope. Any waste is bad waste." She pitches in a commercial voice.
Sarah rolls her eyes and huffs in defeat before joining the two of you in racing to the back of John B's open van.

"You guys ready for a good night?" Jj asks as he jumps into the back seat opposite of you, flashing his silver flask from his jacket pocket.
"Jesus Jj, you go anywhere without that thing?" Kie asks.
"Hey I'm not the only one!" Jj surrenders as he points to the can in your hand, "how come she gets away with it?" He laughs.
"Shhhh Jj! Don't take this away from me!" You laugh as you boot his knees.
Jj catches your foot and smiles up at you affectionately before placing it back down, "swaps?" He offers, "swaps." You agree. The two of you sip each other's drink before you resume conversation with Pope and Kie. Jj's gaze still on you as his warm smile stays everlasting, happy at the qualities the two of you share.

"And we're here! At last!" John B announces as he puts the twinkie in park.
"About time!" Jj cheers as he opens the door, waiting for you to hop out first.

The six of you run down to the water desperately as if the ocean longed for you over night.
Kies hand in yours as well as popes while John B's hand in Sarah's. You reach out behind you while Kie dragged you along, waiting for Jj to take your hand. He smiles and takes it willingly before picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder, treading water before dumping you in the cold, salty waves.
"That's for my knees!" He says as he stands up from you, proud of his revenge.
"You ass!" You shout as you chase him through the shallow waves, not only earning your friends joyous laughs and attention but also the attention of two others on the grassy side of the shore, both parked to a halt on their dirt bikes.
One dressed in a stain infested singlet and the other in a helmet and seemingly more expensive looking clothing.

He relaxes back on his bikes seat at the loud group of friends running a muck in the water at this time of day. The increasingly bright rays of sun against the visor making it hard to see anything before deciding to completely remove his helmet. His eyes slowly focusing on the sun kissed, smiling Y/N.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now