Chapter XLV

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(Mild smut warning)

"My mothers gonna kill me if I get water on her cherry wood floors." You whisper as you tiptoe upstairs, dragging Rafe closely behind you by his hand.
"We could use our clothes as towels?" Rafe suggests as the two of you pause in your footsteps.
"As if, this is Bariano." You huff as you gesture towards your dress, earning a confused shake of the head from Rafe.
"Am I supposed to pretend I know who or what that is?" He says with a laugh as he drops his clothes, all except his blazer before placing it over your bra exposed torso.
Rafe places a hand underneath your legs and the other around your waist, picking you up bridal style and holding you close to him as he makes his way to your bedroom on the other side of the hall way, careful not to move too much as the water droplets fall from his dripping hair.
You laugh into his chest at his dedication to save your mothers floor boards from water damage, your chest growing warm again as his goofiness shines brighter through his tough guy facade evidently more and more by the days.

When he finally reaches your bedroom door, you remove one arm from around his neck and reach for the door knob while his hands are preoccupied carrying you. Once the door cracks open, he uses his elbow to barge through it, quietly but quickly before plopping you onto your bed as you combust into a fit of laughter and pulling him down with you.
He laughs as he falls into your body, "what's so funny?" He asks with a wide, toothy smile.
"You're just....perfect. That's all." You respond, wrapping your arms around his neck as he looks down at you from above. His wet hair falls against his face as water droplets drop against yours.
He leans in and kisses you gently, feeling his shoulder blades move against your hands the further he leans into the kiss.
He pulls away slowly, staring down at you.
"Just not perfect enough for you, right?" He asks lowly.
"I never said that." You smile.
"Sooo...does that mean...." He pauses as his smile calmly returns, "you'll have me?"
You move your hands from behind his neck to down and over his shoulders before they come to rest on his cheeks, looking into his eyes lovingly before giving him an answer at last.

"I love you, Rafe."

He slowly leans in for another kiss except his lips only just graze against yours as he says,

"I love you too, Y/N."

He finally smashes his lips against yours completely.
His tongue glides against your lips, slowly making an entry before you feel it move against yours as his hand comes to rest on your jaw, allowing himself to deepen the kiss. You melt into it as you let him take control over you with a stomach swarming full of butterflies before you suddenly shy away at the unexpected hastiness of your actions.
You smile giddily as you pull his body into yours in a sort of way to hide your embarrassed face that felt like it had already started to turn a shade of crimson. You hug him tight as you smile widely into his neck and he returns it graciously, wrapping his arms around your waist and falling against you.

The two of you lay together harmoniously for a few long moments, in each other's arms and overwhelmed with happiness and excitement. His heart thumps hard against his chest, racing as if he had just won the lottery.
Which in his eyes, he did.

You huff a muffled laugh against his neck which made him smile even wider.
"Again, what's so funny?" He asks.
"My bed. It's gonna be soaked."
He sits up from your body, holding his arms out as he pats at his underwear, wetter than he had anticipated.
"Sorry." He smiles awkwardly.
"It's fine, it's actually kind of refreshing." You say as you pat down your own undergarments, still wearing his over sized blazer.
"It's a good look on you." He says as he motions a nod towards his blazer, "should wear my stuff more often."
"You offer me anything of yours and I can guarantee you'll never see it again." You laugh, dragging him back down onto the bed beside you as you roll onto your side and stare at him affectionately.

"What's it gonna be like after tonight?"
"What do you mean?"
"Tomorrow, is it just gonna be back to normal?"
You gaze at him curiously, his question putting you into a deep state of thought.
"I mean, in front of the pogues and..." he pauses.
"What about Kelce and Topper?" You interrupt, earning a suspicious look from Rafe.
"I don't want to go back to normal. But...I'm worried what would happen to you." You turn on your side to face him after getting no response,
"he wouldn't do anything, would he?"
Rafe turns his attention to you when he hears the pure worry in your voice as it wobbled in fear.
"I dont...I don't know."

You sit up from your spot next to Rafe before walking up to your set of drawers, pulling out a short, satin pyjama night dress that had lace sewn to its hem and around its v cut.
Turning away from Rafe, you slide his blazer off, unhooking your bra and delicately slipping it off your shoulders to reveal your bare back that he struggled to turn his gaze away from.
You slip your night dress on before crawling into bed with Rafe once again as he pulls your dainty body into his.

"I don't have anything that will fit you." You say, feeling his underwear damp against your leg.
He laughs against your ear at your words,
"Excuses. You're just a pervert." He teases.

His breath against your ear causes your eyelids to feel heavy and tiresome, feeling the need to slip away into a deep sleep at any moment.
His breathing was like a lullaby to your ears.

Rafe recognises your breathing becoming slower and your embrace weaken around him. Chlorinated water had always made him feel drowsy too but he figured he'd check the time anyways, making sure he wasn't keeping you up too late.
"1:32am...." He murmurs under his breath.
He begins to sit up, dragging his arm from underneath you until you shuffle back into him again.
"Y/N, I gotta go." He whispers.
"Stay the night." You mumble.
He presses a delighted smile across his face before leaning back into your ear again.
"Now, I don't know if you're sleep talking but you can bet your ass I'm not gonna let the opportunity slide." He says, curling back up against you again.
"I can promise you, I'm not asleep." You giggle before coming up and straddling him as he lays on his back, landing a few unexpected kisses against his neck before leaning back up again, still situated on his hips.

Rafe runs his hands up your thighs as they sit outwards against him, the sight causing his hips to buck on their own which sends your blood rushing. A weak smile forms on his face when he notices you flustering at his sudden tightness beneath you.
His hands continue running upwards before his thumbs come underneath your dress, lifting it up ever so slightly as he stops his hands on your hips.

Silence fills the room but it was obvious what was going on and the two of you felt compelled to continue.

You place your hands on the mattress on either side of his head as your hair drapes around his face before leaning in for a deep, passionate kiss, a kiss so different from the rest that it sent both your bodies to move on their own and the ability to stop ceases to exist.
Your hips grind against his which causes his left leg to cock up, making you lean in deeper.
His hands begin to move again as they slide up your hips, past your waist and onto both of your breasts, rubbing his thumbs across your sensitive areas.

Your heart beat picks up speed, running rapidly in your chest that showed you that you were far from stopping and as for Rafe, his head started to cloud with thoughts of you, causing his lower region to feel firm against your own.

Rafe only just brings himself to break through his hasty thoughts, his blood still accelerating with heat as you continue kissing him, "Are you sure?"
He puffs hard between kisses.
"I don't want you to stop-" you say, which was enough for Rafe to flip you over, now positioned above you while you lay pinned beneath him as he continues.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now