Chapter XXVII

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"Hey" you say as you appear from behind the others, Rafe standing behind you as his hand can be felt on your side again.
"Hey, took your time." Kie says.
"Ah, sorry. We were just..uh-"
"Getting some water. We were both a bit shaken up to say the least." Rafe continues for you after noticing your poor attempt at concurring an excuse.

Jj stares daggers at Rafe who was oblivious to the fact that Jj was probably the only one besides Kie who knew exactly what was going on behind the scenes. His fists tense as his knuckles turn to a shade of yellow and his teeth grind together before Kie wraps a hand around his bicep. Jj looks down at Kie through his tuffs of blonde hair to see Kie returning his gaze reassuringly.
"You good?" She asks softly.
Jj nods as his muscles can be felt easing, "we good."

Rafe takes notice of Jj's strange behaviour, only to be reminded of what Topper had told him earlier that night.

"You know she basically has a thing with that Jj guy anyways."......"it's like everyone knows except her."

Rafe starts to make sense of the situation.
Jj's tensed muscles, his clenched jaw, jittery stance, judgemental glances towards the opposing man being him. He knew exactly what was going on and he knew quite well because Rafe himself had been in that position before, quite previously, at that. Like that time Kelce had danced with you or the many times Jj was seen gawking over you at the beach, when he would throw you over his shoulder, taking any chance he could to touch you even a little.
Rafe knew all too well.

Rafe and Jj exchanged threatening stares, both menacing in their own way.

"Hey." You say towards Rafe who had seemingly been lost in thought.
"Hm?" He hums quizzically as he quickly turns his attention to you. 
"We missed the ending."
"Hm? Oh. I'm sorry." He apologises.
"What? Why are you apologising?" You laugh, "wasn't your fault in the slightest."
He laughs with you as he adores your smile through his own smiling eyes, "hey uh, I don't really wanna get outta here just yet."
"What do you mean?" You ask, tilting your head towards him curiously.
"Don't suppose you wanna grab that milkshake now?" He asks shyly.
"You know what? I think we deserve a milkshake after tonight." You giggle.

You look down towards your friends who had started stuffing their blankets back into their back packs.

"Hey, we're gonna get outta here, grab a milkshake or two." You say.
"Are you 5?" Sarah directs a laugh at her older brother.
"Shut up Sarah." He says unimpressed.
"Oh uh- theres a stall just over there, has milkshakes and cotton candy and stuff. Could get to it before it closes for the night." John B says, his kindness towards Rafe makes you smile.
"Actually thinking of going to the one on main street." Rafe says.
"Oh? Not good enough for you?" John B smiles as he zips his backpack up and standing straight besides Sarah.
Rafe smiles and shakes his head before catching a glare from Jj who had remained as silent as night.
"You ready to go?" Rafe whispers down to you as he rubs your back, earning himself an even more impending stare of warning from Jj.
"Mhm. Catch you guys tomorrow, alright? I'll text you!" You shout as you begin to walk away from the group.

As you and Rafe disappear into the parking lot, Kie turns to Jj finally opting for the chance to ask Jj what was up with him a few moments ago.
"Jj, what happened earlier?" She asks.

Jj turns his body towards her, hesitant to speak at first but could see the desperation in her eyes. Kie had always been like a little sister to him, so it came almost too easily to him to give in to her.

"Rafes getting a little too comfortable around these parts." He finally says. Irritation clear on his features and his body language as he begins to frantically look around.
"Hey, focus. What'd you see?" She asks softly, treading carefully around the topic of you and Rafe around Jj.
"Don't know what I saw. A kiss? Maybe? I think they kissed. But probably not, right?" He says slightly panicky.

Kie only looks at him painfully. Knowing fully that it was possible given the conversation the two of you had at the bathrooms. Unsure of what to say to Jj to make him feel better, she pulls him in for an embrace except he struggles to return it.

"Kie, please don't treat me like a kid. Did I see what I think I saw or not."
"Jj... I don't know what you saw. How could I?" She says softly with apologetic eyes.

"Yoohoo! We're gonna leave you here if you don't hurry up!" Sarah shouts from several meters ahead, her hand in John B's.
"Coming!" Kie shouts back before giving Jj one final glance, "come on."

"Careful, there's a lot of cars coming out, watch for reversing ones." Rafe says to you as you cross the parking lot beside him.
"I knowww Rafe." You laugh towards him as he holds an arm out in front of you, allowing a car to come out of its parking space.
"You always been this clumsy?" He laughs back.
"Well my mother is a recovering alcoholic, wouldn't be surprised if I dealt some of it in the womb." You say joking, earning a sorry look from Rafe.
"It's a joke Rafe, you're allowed to laugh."
"Not funny." He says as he grabs your hand, guiding you towards his truck.
"Aw come on!"

"What's that?" You ask, peering over to Rafe as he pulls his phone out of his back pocket.

You still alive country club? Swing by quickly, got something I think you'd be interested in.

"Uhhh...don't worry about it." He says as he checks over the unexpected message, worry evident on his face as he glances to you for a second before down to his phone again.
"Rafe?" You say tenderly as you gently place a hand over his forearm, "when you make a face like that, it makes it hard for me to not worry."
Rafe smiles at your sudden show of affection, huffing with a small laugh before pecking a kiss on your cheek.
"Hop in." He says as he opens the passenger side door of his truck for you.

Rafe places his key in the ignition, turning it to the right before the engine revs itself on.


Rafe sighs as he pulls his phone out of the centre column, reading another unexpected message from his pal Barry.

Make it quick, think you'd be pleasantly surprised at what I got for you.

"Barry?" You question.
Rafe looks at you before quickly shutting his phone off and placing it back into the column of the car in a rushed motion.
"I thought you were going clean....?"
"I am. I don't know what he wants." He says clearly bothered.

Black SUV ring any bells?

"Shit." Rafe mumbles under his breath.
"Is everything okay?" You ask daintily at his sudden change of mood.
"Uh, actually I don't know. Wanna go for a quick detour?" He asks as he places a hand on your thigh, rubbing it softly as he smiles towards you.
"Yeah, okay." You smile back, rubbing a gentle hand over his cheek, tucking his hair behind his ear.

Rafes hand catches hold of yours, placing it on the gear stick with his hand tightly over the top of yours as he begins to drive. The gentleness of this otherwise intimidating boy makes your chest flutter, you feel yourself gush over his softness.

Such safety when you're with him.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now