Chapter LXVI

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Topper stares back at Kelce, hoping with his entire being that for whatever reason, he wasn't being seen.
Rafe notices Topper staring at the wall before then too noticing Kelce. He pushes your head further into his own chest, encouraging that you don't look.
The two boys were almost certain that they were safely engulfed in the darkness of the small room until Kelce's venom like words pierce their ears and yours too, making your heart drop to the pit of your stomach.

"How did you get in there?..."

Kelce begins to circle the room, looking for an entry or specifically a doorknob but no to avail, finds nothing of the sorts, until something small and almost unnoticeable catches his eyes as he looks downwards. Rafe also looks down, his eyes landing on the open hole in the very far corner of the door that had crumbled under Toppers strength earlier and now regretting that he ever kicked it out of place again.
"Shit." Rafe mumbles milliseconds before disaster.

Kelce smiles before swiftly moving his entire body to the same level as the hole, squatting as he grips his fingers around the edges to peel the door open but instead being met with a hard kick of a shoe as his bones crunch under the force of Rafes nikes.
Kelce falls backwards onto the sand with a painful groan, cradling his close to broken fingers with his other hand before licking the blood off of his knuckles that had just been kicked harshly against the rigid wood.
During Kelce's pain procession, Rafe grabs you by the hand as you stand shell-shocked and guides you to a spot behind a stack of chests filled with old equipment. The spot was dusty and the floor felt disgustingly soggy under your knees as you knelt unwillingly behind the boxes, Rafes hands placed on your shoulders as he presses you down lower onto your knees and begging you to stay put.
"Stay here, Y/N." Rafe says as he stares reassuringly but sternly at you.
"-but i can help!"
"Y/N," He says again before looking over his shoulder to see Kelce standing up again,
"please, just stay." He pleads.
The seriousness in his voice and in his stare as he looks down at you vulnerably on your knees compels you to nod back at him. It wasn't something you were used to seeing, his eyes were only ever filled with love when he stares at you so definite but just now, they were dark

Almost like there was nothing left of him behind those eyes.

Rafe leaves you to join Topper as he rummages through the rest of the equipment to finally come across a barrel of baseball bats, wooden like the vintage ones but the shape they were in weren't promising, years upon years of water damage splitting the wood by its every grain.
"Here." Rafe says as he throws Topper a bat.
"Sheesh..." Topper sighs, "they're rough."
"They'll do for now."

Topper looks towards Rafe one last time, nodding at him as a signal that he was ready for anything, ready to protect his best friend and his love of his life with his very own. Rafe glances back before barging against the wood, the rot from inside it made it easy to break through as it's timely pieces scatter onto the sand in front of him as Kelce shields himself from the sharp shards, earning a splinter or two.

Kelce peeks through his arms before letting them fall to his sides again, chuckling threateningly at the two boys in front of him and armed with baseball bats.
"It's so like you to run and hide with your tail between your legs like the dog you are, Top." Kelce spits.
"Your fights with me, Kelce. Leave Topper out of this." Rafe says, not a hint of intimidation in his voice as he stands confidently in front of him.
Kelce finally directs his attention to Rafe, leaving Topper in the dust as he moves his body forward, walking up to Rafe slowly as his head hangs low with a smirk up until he feels a strong sensation pressuring against his chest.
Rafe had raised the baseball bat cautiously, pressing its tip against Kelce's chest and stopping him in his tracks before speaking in a tone of warning.
"It's not too late to leave, Kelce..." Rafe says quite calmly but Kelce wasn't fooled and neither was Topper, as he also senses the danger in his voice as he spoke, "they'll take you away and I don't care if it's alive or not, I'll tell you that much."

Topper doesn't move, he stands his ground beside Rafe but his eyes glance to him from the side. Frightened just slightly but mostly alarmed by his friends choice of words and not a side of Rafe that he had expected to see, at all.
You too feel startled as you sit against the dark and dusty corner, your arms wrapped around your knees as you press your wide eyed expression against the bone, speechless at Rafes new demeanour.

Rafe had made it pretty clear that he would do just about anything to protect you, after all, he almost lost himself earlier tonight just at the mere thought of something happening to you in Zanes only presence while he wasn't around; but now that Rafe was around and unluckily enough at the same time that something was happening, it was his time to shine, as did his eyes, with a murderous intent.

Kelce's smile drops but not out of fear, but with the same intent that Rafe had.
A blood bath waiting to happen.

"You wouldn't kill me." Kelce says.
"Don't bet on it." Rafe spits back.
"That would mean jail time for you and we both know you can't keep yourself away from that pretty pair of legs you've been-" Kelce begins before the words on his tongue are met with wood.
Rafe couldn't help himself when Kelce starting speaking of you, his putrid way of describing you was exactly the moment when his last string inside him snapped, finally swinging the bat at Kelces head with a strong backswing to it but hitting his jaw instead, hard enough for the old bat to break apart on impact.
Rafe tries to fight the smile breaking out on his face when he sees Kelce hunched over on the sand, spitting blood.
"Keep talking, don't stop there-" Rafe says as he holds a hand out towards Topper, gesturing to hand him the bat after his own had unfortunately enough, crumbled against Kelce's skull.

Topper stares hesitantly at Kelce and then back to Rafe, slowly motioning his bat towards Rafes outstretched hand before feeling it being taken from him with a firm and energetic grab.

Rafe pauses for a moment after seeing the fear reflect back at him through Toppers eyes, a singular moment of self awareness shadows over him until Kelce starts to speak again.

"You got in my way one too many times, bro!"
Kelce shouts as he takes his place back on his feet again,
"I almost made that pretty little bitch mine but you fucked that up just like you fuck everything up!
You are your fathers little fuck up after all!"

Rafes sight and all his surroundings merge from the dark and beautiful, moon light shade of blue that he associated with you and all the happy memories he has had with you under the same moon to a red.

Red engulfs his entire being as he finds himself on top of Kelce, hitting him almost instinctively with no control what so ever over his violent rage, every blow leaves a new splatter of blood on the sand beneath him.

Rafes senses are clouded as his ability to stop is out of reach, he had fallen victim to a total black out caused by his bad temper. His ears hear nothing but a deafening ringing, his mouth tastes like metallic like that of blood while his eyes are hazy with anger, wanting only to see Kelce's unlively face as it lays unconscious below him and yet, in his eyes, he still didn't look damaged enough. Even as Kelce's agape mouth reveals teeth blanketed in blood and the sand matched it in scarlet, as his former friend who he remembered smiling once before in his memories was now seemingly lifeless, he still struggled to find a reason to stop.

That is, before the refreshing sound of your voice found itself by his side.

"Rafe! Stop, you're gonna kill him!"

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now