Chapter XCVII

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Rafe had decided he had enough of Jj for the night, so he sets out to look for you instead.

As Rafe pushes past people, they lack the ability to even take notice of him. It's like the music in the air that night was something magic, the way people danced mindlessly and drunkenly had them resembling zombies; and with the drinks he'd consumed as of now, Rafe could feel himself becoming one of them. Not only was the strong bass of the music coursing through his body and harshly thumping through his chest, but the alcohol was too.
His hands and arms start to feel light and when he runs his hand down his mouth tiresomely as he continues his search, he feels nothing but a numb sensation alongside the familiar craze for you.

The craze begins to transcend into a more dire extremity when he realises how impossible it was to find you in such an incredibly dark room, even more around the centre where the most people danced against each other, sweatily and unhinged, an ocean of strangers and somewhere in it was you.
The only light was that of the slow moving strobe lights, looking for you in its otherwise depths was a losing game so he decides to stop at a bar for another drink.

Rafe stands at the bar, arms rested on its surface as his eyes stay scanning the room for any sight of you.
"What'll it be?" The bartender asks as he throws a small towel over his shoulder, earning Rafes full attention.
"Uhh...anything, I guess."
The bartender gives Rafe a weird look as if he was lost in translation, "Anything?"
"Yeah, just nothing gingery."
"You got it."
The bartender walks away to another side of the bar to fetch something for the drink but in walking away, he leaves a line of sight open from where Rafe sat and across to another island bar just over the other side of the room where something catches his eye.
He spots Sarah and as she leans forward against the bar, next to her is Kie but where were you?
"I got something special in mind, a creation of my own!" The bartender boasts gladly about the chance to offer somebody something of his own idea as he vigorously rattles his cocktail shaker from side to side, "The boss wouldn't let me put it on the menu but I think you're gonna like it!"
"....Uhh- yeah, sure." Rafe says, unable to care any less about what nonsense the bartender was actually saying, instead, Rafes eyebrows furrow angrily at his little sister and her incompetence by separating from you at all. His eyes begin to dart around with desperation visible in them. He made sure to keep himself focused on the distant bar specifically, since that'd be the most rational place to look and thankfully he did because finally, you're seen;
but far from alone.

"Here you go, sir." The bartender places a tall glass of something blue and quite pretty on the counter top in front of Rafe, "I call it the River Nymph! Pretty, ain't it?"
"Yeah, actually...thank you." Rafe says as he dotes on the unique colour for a quick second before shifting his body into a comfortable stance and turning his attention away again, watching you from afar.

Rafe notices you talking to somebody and who ever it was, they were making you laugh.
Your smile was worth every second to long at but when the person in question comes into frame, there was nothing to gawk at more than the man standing before you and trying far too hard to impress.
The bartender behind the bar that you stand at, leans over the bar with his palms to the surface, presenting himself taller as he seeks a smile from you and evidently succeeding.
At least, that's what it looked like to Rafe and it made his blood rush.
Not out of lust, either.

The kind bartender, who now feels familiarised with Rafe enough to speak freely to him whenever, leans against the bar after catching him staring at you.
"She's pretty, should try talk to her." He says, "We  don't get girls like that often around here."
"She's my girlfriend."
"Oooh, that blows."
Rafe looks at him confused. He hadn't expected such a sudden change in his new friends go-getter attitude but he can't help but feel infuriated at his words as he scrunches his face tightly in remark.
"Why would that blow-?"
"Because that's Jerry," He points to his fellow coworker working behind the bar, "He's a total ladies man."

Rafes suspicions towards the flirty bartender grows undoubtably but if you were having fun, what kind of boyfriend would he be to come between that?
As long as he kept a watchful eye, it was as fine as fine could be to him to just sit on the sidelines.

"Well they're just talking,'s fine." Rafe says.
The friendly bartender turns around to read Rafes face expecting it to match his cold tone of voice but it was neither cold nor phased.
"Heh, you must trust her a lot." He says.
"Of course I do, should I trust your annoying friend or is harassing a girl all he's good for?" Rafe responds, accidentally letting a hint of jealousy slip off the tongue which made the bartender huff a small and breathy chuckle.
"With my girl? Heavens no."
"You got a girlfriend?"
"I did."

As you wait for Kie and Sarah to swoop in and steal you away again, you decide that you might as well stick around the blatantly flirtatious bartender behind the counter. You fed into his unfunny jokes and unoriginal pick up lines, finding it comical that a man could actually believe that they could work in the real world. It was easy enough for you, the free show of sorts, just sit pretty and down your drink at a fast pace, wondering when exactly he was going to give it up. Surely by now, being an adult and all, he'd know that the whole top-shit act, is not it and it never was.

He wasn't much to look at either, in fact, he wasn't anywhere in the ball park of men you'd even slightly be interested in. Although tall, he was far too cocky, up tight and down right disgusting in the way he spoke to you as if women weren't human at all.
He was the exact equivalent of a piggish, self proclaimed individual looking for his 8th or so concubine, historically speaking. He obviously thought highly of himself, oblivious to a women's real opinions, not that he'd care enough to ask nor wonder at all.


Actually, he was so indulged in himself that he probably doesn't often even let a woman speak at all, all he does is talk.
Just blah, blah, blah...-

"...Hey? Miss?"

You snap out of your daze after losing yourself in a deep trance amid at the mans blabbering. Lifting your head up from your rested arm, you look into his eyes to see him just about ready to continue talking again.
"You're falling asleep on me." He laughs.
"Sorry!" You apologise, sparing yourself from telling him the real reason he had lost you for a moment there.
"That's quite alright, why don't I get you another drink? A little stronger than the one you got."
He asks with a side smirk as he pulls out a cup from a below cabinet and beginning to pour a combination of fluids into it.
"Oh- I really shouldn't, I mean, I haven't even finished this one yet-"
"Relax, it's on me."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now