Chapter XXIII

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Rafe had always been able to tell that Jj liked you, or at least had an interest in you. If it wasn't already obvious, Jj's short temper around other men showing interest and his over protective act definitely catered for it. But after Rafes connection with you today, the threat of another man having your attention made him increasingly more uncomfortable at the thought. And suddenly, Jj's rant back at the beach made so much more sense. Jj was just like him.

"Talking about her like that should be the last thing you'd wanna do, Kelce." Rafe says with threatening eyes burning straight into Kelces, "Trust me."

Rafe finally departs from his trio, making his way to the popcorn stand. You notice and start making your way back to it as well.
Rafe hears the familiar voice and it shoots right through his heart, it was exactly what he needed to hear at that moment. He searches through the bodies of people before seeing a shorter figure jumping up and down, waving a hand in the air.
"Y/N." He says as he makes his way faster towards you struggling in the crowd.
"That little note was cu-" you begin before being cut off abruptly by a tight hug. Rafe had wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into him and off of the ground entirely.
"There you are!" He exclaims, feeling his chest vibrate against yours as he speaks.
"Hey?" You giggle, "and what do you mean there you are! I've been waiting for you to conclude your conversation with your little boyfriends." You tease.
"Oh? You were?" He asks concerned that you might have heard what was said.
"Yup! And nice shirt." You poke fun of his shirt as you grasp at it between your fingers. He doesn't mind your teasing as he takes this fast change of topic as a good sign that you hadn't heard, huffing out in relief before smiling down at you again.
"You patch things up with Jj?" He asks.
"Yep! He says he doesn't mind."
"Doesn't mind...?" Rafe repeats as he reverts his eyes towards the pogues with a curious smile. His conversation with Topper just moments before makes itself known in the back of his mind.
"Yeah so," you begin to fix his collar, "lets get going. They're waiting." You say, tapping his hard chest twice.
"Should we get popcorn?"
"Ah, shoot. Alright, popcorn and then lets get going."

As you weave through the people already seated on the grass, you were careful not to step on anybody, Rafe being more careful, kept a single hand on your lower back, guiding you through the tuffs of people and belongings.
"Careful you don't trip." He advises as he keeps his eyes on the ground on the look out for any obstacles.
"Pfttt," you huff with a smile, "I know Rafe, you don't have to be so-" unexpectedly enough, your shoe rolls against an empty can. Rafes hand on your back quickly switches to your waist as it catches you almost instantly.
You slowly turn back towards Rafe, "just say it." You giggle.
"I told you so." He giggles back, causing the two of you to combust into a fit of laughter, gathering the attention of the pogues just in front of you.

"Hey!" Kie says surprised at the sight of you in Rafes hold.
"Hey Kie, how's it going?" Rafe asks, releasing you.
"Hey lil sis." Rafe says cockily towards Sarah.
"Rafe." Sarah greets in her own little sibling way.
"Jj." Rafe nods towards Jj who only sits against Pope and John B silently observing.
"Sup." John B and Pope greet on behalf.

You take a seat next to Sarah and Rafe takes his seat next to you before offering a box of popcorn to the other pogues. You smile graciously towards him as he leans over you, you admired his attempt to get along with the others even if they had no intention of doing so in exchange.
Rafe leans back beside you, offering you popcorn lastly. You shake your head, "no thank you."
"Suit yourself." He smiles as he throws a kernel in his mouth.

You reach into your belongings, pulling out a large blanket and throwing it over yourself, Rafe then helps himself to it as well as he scoots in closer.
The blanket being a king size, you offer the other end of it to Sarah. She observes the two of you under the same blanket before shrivelling in disgust, "thank you but no thank you." She says as she scoots closer to Kie in disgust. You only laugh, throwing the excess blanket around the front of you and Rafe instead.
Gathering suspicious glances from Jj as he sat on the complete opposite side of the group.

During the movie, Rafe notices you struggling to sit straight.
"You wanna lay down?" He whispers to you.
You look around to notice majority of the crowd had already laid down amongst home-brought pillows, including Pope and Kie, and Sarah and John B. Jj sat cross legged as his arms kept him propped up from behind him.
"Uh, sure. We don't have any pillows though?"
"I have an idea, not sure if you'll like it though." He says as he begins to lay down, his elbow on the grass as the palm of his hand props his head up towards the screen. He taps the grass beside him, signalling for you to lay down. As you do, he guides your head against his arm, his bicep area as a softer substitute for grass.
"It's actually not bad." You admit. A wide smile spreads along your face as the soreness of your back finally begins to dissipate, relief evident on your face.
"I'm glad." Rafe smiles, throwing the blanket over the two of you again.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now