Chapter CXIII

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"Can you confirm this is her?" Shoupe asks Pope.

Shoupe plugs a small USB into the centre console of the police car, which triggered the screen on the dash board to turn on. Almost instantaneously, it cuts to a black and white video that was close to being too grainy to see the figure shown on the street but your clothing was a dead give away.
"Yeah, that's her." Pope says.
Shoupe presses his lips together at Popes response, looking downwards as if he was deeply apologetic.
"Then...I'm sorry for what happens next."

The footage showed you drunkenly stumbling across the sidewalk, a pair of glowing lights neared you but very slowly as they crept. It was a car.
Although it was far too dark to see it properly, the cars rear lights glowed just enough to show the smallest of details between them. The rear window, the shiny metal but most peculiar of all, the missing number plate.
"That car..." Rafe mutters under his nervous hand.
"Yeah...when people get up to no good, more often then not, they remove their plate so they can't be identified." Shoupe says, "Makes it harder for us."
Rafes jaw tenses strongly and so do his hands as they clutch the cold metal of the police cars door that he holds himself up by, Pope was seated in the passengers seat below him and even he could feel the storm brewing above him. The viciousness only grew stronger when suddenly, you get pulled out of frame. The suspect went unseen but their arm pulls you by your own while their other cups your mouth, disappearing behind a building.

Rafe was overwhelmed by the most torturous sinking feeling while Pope sat stunned.
"She didn't even put up a fight..." Pope says under his breath, his tone of voice was quiet but his eyes were loud, they stared wide eyed at nothing as if he'd just seen a ghost.
Rafe begins to breathe heavily like all the air in the world couldn't calm his instincts. He felt as if the blood on his hands from another man wouldn't nearly do you enough justice, he yearned for more; and the more Shoupes footage replayed the very moment you were taken away from him, his ire grows bloodthirsty to lengths they'd never been before.

"She-...she didn't even fight-" Pope begins to repeat himself again. His body anxiously twitched, obviously scared enough as it is but Rafe couldn't care less. It took him all his strength not to punch the closest person to him so he only bangs his balled up fists against the car roof, leaving the smallest indent on its metal.
"That's because you left her drunk and alone!" Rafe shouts before slamming the car door shut in Popes face.

Shoupe hurries out of the drivers seat to follow Rafe, he was clearly disoriented and Shoupe feared what he would make of himself if his bad temper got the best of him. "Now, now..."
Rafe stumbles back, holding his head in his hands as if he was losing his mind in front of Shoupes very eyes.
"Rafe Cam-"
"I'm going after him."
"No, you're not."
"Do what you want with me when I'm done, put me in handcuffs or give me the death sentence but he is not getting off for this!" Rafe shouts inches away from Shoupes face, making him subtly flinch amidst his anger and further more being careful with his choice of words when speaking to somebody in Rafes state. He'd come to know many criminals in his many years of policing and Rafe fit the criteria of all of them, if not, even more. He was almost psychotic.
"What makes you think he'd be at home anyways? After a stunt like that if it even was who you believe it was..." Shoupe asks, calmly.
"It is."
"How do you know?"
Rafe goes silent.
"Exactly." Shoupe says softly as he consoles the sad, lost boy in front of him with a comforting hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure Y/N prefers to come home to you and not inside of a prison cell either, so don't go doing anything stupid."
Shoupe looks into Rafes eyes, but they seemed so empty. "You hear me, boy?"

Rafes unfortunate anger barely lets him hear much of anything, Shoupes words went neglected as they went through one ear and straight out the other. Rafe didn't plan on heeding his warning until your name came up, and like it always seemed to calm his stormy sea, his mind went quiet.

He looks down into Shoupe eyes whos gaze is full of concern while his own only stared back plainly.
"You in there, Rafe?" Shoupe asks as he angles his head lower to analyse Rafes stone cold face.
Rafe only pushes Shoupes hands off of him before turning around and walking away. His back looked tense and his fists clench by his side, causing veins to visibly surface up his forearms.
"That boy..."
"Where's he going?" Pope asks from beside him.
"I don't wanna know."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now