Chapter XXXV

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You take Rafes hand from beneath your chin and proceed to guide him backwards onto the bed with you as you lay down against the cold sheets.
Confused at first, Rafe allows you to pull him into you as you cuddle up and against his chest. He smiles innocently to mask the immense level of excitement inside him that was almost too much to contain, he had always been the first to initiate hand holds or hugs, kisses as well.
His smile holds up, never falling as his hope in his chances with restores.
He stays silent as he accepts your affection, for he was longing for this moment for so long.
You get comfy around him, words clog his throat as his brain floods with love confessions and things he wished he could tell you but he doesn't want to risk accidentally changing your mind with anything he had to say, which was a lot.

"Can we just lay like this for a while?" You ask as you bury yourself in his chest.
"For as long as you want." He mumbles quietly as he rests his head against yours.
Rafe brings his hand around your waist, lightly tracing circles with his finger against your bare skin, just like his mother used to do when she put him to bed as a child. You sink into his touch as a smile forms on both your faces. His, a lot wider and brighter while he feels his heart melt like butter between the warmth and softness of your cuddle.

Before you know it, you had drifted asleep against him. He had his moments where he felt like he could fall asleep to, in fact, he would've loved to do exactly that and wake up the next morning next to you.
But he chose to stay awake just in case you wake up and needed comfort. After all, It was clear as day that something had been troubling you since receiving the flowers and he was dying to know why.
He had to know.

Rafe moves his head down from on top of yours to beside it as he checks to see if you're still fast asleep.
"Hey." He whispers.
To no response, he very slowly slid himself out from underneath you, Careful not to wake you up.
He holds his breath as he finally pulls his arm from beneath your head, you moan quietly as his fingers struggle to untangle them self from your hair before finally slipping his way out like a weasel.
"Phew" he sighs.

He looks around your room and at all the perfume bottles you hoard, at all the jars of seashells you had collected with the pogues, the stacks upon stacks of books you keep that all had something to do with environmental benefits and aquatic animals.
He huffs a small laugh at the array of random keepsakes you have around your room before his eyes land on a small paper card. The same one that was hidden amongst the flowers of the bouquet.

He knows he shouldn't.

He glances behind his shoulder through his hair that hung messily over his face and at your sleeping figure before back to the card again and opening it to realise you were telling the truth, there is no name. But it was obvious who sent the bouquet.

Rafes jaw clenches aggressively at the threatening words. His fists want to clench as well but he's careful to leave the card seeming untouched.
He places the card back down on your chest of drawers before crawling back into bed with you.
His tensed muscles settle down against your skin as he wraps his arms around you from behind, spooning into your back with his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you further into his body like some sort of teddy bear while he resembled something more of a Boa constrictor. 

"Mmh..." you groan at the sudden tightness around your body.
"Sorry." He whispers as he loosens his grip to a mere rest on the curve of your waist.
You giggle tiredly as you turn your face towards his that was only a few centimetres away from yours.
Your half asleep body moves on it's own as your arm brings itself to around his head, your hand rests in his hair, lazily pulling him into you as your lips graze against his lightly with your upheld smile still in place.

Rafes body freezes, unsure if it would be wise to return the kiss, if you could even call it that. Alas, he settles on refraining. Although, he hopes with all his heart that you would finally wake up so that he, himself, could commence a kiss or two.
He finds it almost impossible to contain his lust for you, running his hand that rest on your waist to your stomach before pressing your body against his.
"Mmh, Rafe." You groan.
"Sorry. Are you awake?"
"Just about...." You say sheepishly, "quit moving."
"I don't think I'll be able to, Y/N." He chuckles into your hair before it drags away. You turn in your spot to face him, still cuddled close except this time it's your face that's pressed into his chest and not your back. You rest your arms against his stomach as he positions his arms around you, almost completely engulfing you entirely.
"Go to sleep." You mumble.
"Alright, alright."
As hard as it was for Rafe to fall asleep, his heart racing with excitement as the girl of his dreams lay just in front of him and against his very chest, he had finally drifted off to your light breathing against his skin like little angel kisses. Giving him quite possibly the best sleep he has ever had.

A few hours pass that you could've mistaken for a short few minutes before you're awoken by your mother.
"Dinners ready!"
The evening light that once lit up your room through your sheer curtains was now absent, your bedroom nothing but darkness. Your senses are completely blinded besides the warmth against your body and the heaviness of an arm tightly snaked around your waist.

You rub your eyes groggily, opening them to see a sleeping Rafe taking up your entire vision. His face already so close to yours, you decide to lean up slightly, placing a small kiss on his chin. Your face flushes a bright red as feel a smile form upon his face right afterwards.
"Are you awake this time?" He groans tiredly with an innocent smile.
"Hm?" You hum confused, "what're you talking about?"
He huffs a laugh before tightly pressing you into him one last time, "nothing."

You and Rafe make your way downstairs, your bed hair matching his on level of messiness.
"Oh, Rafe! I'm so sorry, I thought you had gone home." Your mother says as she cuts into her gravy saturated steak.
"Don't be sorry Mrs.Y/L/N," Rafe says, still some-what sheepishly as he checks his watch, "I gotta get home anyways. Finish the planning sheet before tomorrow."
"Hmmm" your mother groans disapprovingly, "that's a lot of work for someone as youthful as yourself."
Rafe only smiles before averting his attention towards you.
"I'll see you tomorrow night." He says softly before inching his face closer hesitantly, placing a small, friendly kiss on your cheek, "call me if you need anything."
You smile up to him as you take your hand into his, gently squeezing it for reassurance as you remember the bouquet from earlier. You feel a wave of worry shadow your entire being as he begins to leave, you feel like not only you would feel safe by his side but also that Rafe would be safe with you too.
Rafe takes notice of your hesitation to let him leave, returning your look of concern before nodding at you to let him go.

"What was that all about?" Your mother asks from her plate.
"Hm?" Panic sets in as you avert your attention towards her.
"That kiss? Is it normal for friends to kiss each other these days?" She asks with a wink.
"Cheek kisses, ma. It's been normal since, what? The beginning of time maybe?" You laugh matter-of-factly.
"Mhmm." She hums in suspicion.
"Anyways.... Dads not joining us?" You ask as you look towards his gloomy, empty seat.
"Work stuff, as always." You mother responds, sipping from her champagne glass.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now