Chapter LXXIX

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"Nice van." Rafe says from beside you as he sits cramped up in the backseat, your legs over his and his hand resting between your thighs.
"Shes alright, nothing fancy like a Benz or Chrysler but she gets the job done." John B says as he pats the dash appreciatively.
"The Twinkie. That's what we call her."

After John B brings the twinkie to a stop in front of his house, he turns around in his seat to face Rafe as he unbuckles his seatbelt.
"By coming to our humble abode, you're officially declaring yourself one of us. So, that means we gotta run by you a few rules. Capiche?"
"Uhhh..." Rafe hesitates as he looks around to the others to see them awaiting his answer, "Alright,
I guess? Whatever you say."
"Great! Lets unload first. I'll get the blankets."
John B says, hopping out of the van before sliding open the side door for you and the others to also make your way out. The urban sound of birds chirping outside instantly fill your senses; chickens and a rooster too as they run around their pen that smelled strongly of hay.

As Kie pushes the front door open for the boys to lug the stuff inside, you follow Rafe closely behind as he carries a hefty slab of beer to what he assumed to be the kitchen, placing it on the counter that was messy with empty beer bottles and fishing magazines.
Rafe turns his body to scan the house with his curious eyes, looking around at all the historical articles of the Royal Merchant and also what looked like old photos of John B with his father who was long lost. Presumed dead by the rest of the world.
"The Chateau." John B says as he holds his arms out proudly, accentuating the value the place holds to the pogues.
Rafe smiles.
It was a different scene to what he was used to.
No fancy wallpaper, no Persian carpets, no marble countertops and no wide windows yet it felt homely. The heart of the pogues.
"Pfttt-" Kie huffs a giggle, "you don't have to lie to us."
"No, really. It's got a lot of personality." Rafe says, "I especially like the uhh..." He points to an incomplete pyramid of beer cans that were stacked highly one on top of the other.
"It's a work in progress." Jj adds.
"Yeah, that reminds me, clean that up. You're gonna attract roaches." John B says sternly.
"Roaches don't drink beer, dude."
"Whatever, follow me."

John B leads Rafe through the house. The others chose to tag along, you, mainly, as he holds your hand throughout. John B stops in front of an old, wooden door in a tight hallway.
"This." John B starts, "This is my dads study. I was never allowed in it so naturally neither is anybody else. That rule applies to everybody here but they already know that."
"Got it." Rafe says.
"And this!" John B says as he squeezes past the two of you and down to a room at the bottom of the hallway. With a light push, the door swings wide open to reveal a bedroom, "this is if you have the urge to get frisky tonight. Courtesy of Jj."
"Of Jj?"
"He likes to take his one time things through here."
"Gross." You say from besides Rafe as if you hadn't walked in on Jj multiple times already in the past.
"Well the room hasn't entirely been blessed yet.
At least I don't think so?..." John B adds, uncertain with his claims.
"How could I when you're always barging in?"
Jj says with his arms crossed, leaning against the wood of the arch as he reminisces his summer flings, most of which he was too high to remember their faces.
"Typical." Rafe retorts from under his breath, only just loud enough for you to hear as you lean against his side, his arm now around your waist and holding you softly.
"Rafe." You say back just as quietly.
He only presses his lips together seconds before looking down at you with a partially forced smile, unimpressed at the way your friends tend to interpret Jj as he, himself, gets a better understanding of what kind of person he seemed to be.
"No more sly comments." You whisper.
"Can't make any promises." He says as he leans in, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I mean it, Rafe."
"I think he's actually starting to like you, so just...
be nice, okay?" You ask of him, beginning to pull him towards the others again as they start to set up for the night.
"Pftt- I doubt it." He laughs as he shifts his posture with annoyance when he glances at the hot tub just outside and remembering what he saw today.
You look up at him with confused eyes while his look back but rather restlessly as he struggles to hold eye contact for too long.
"What's gotten into you?"
"Nothings gotten into me, Y/N."
"Then what's this sudden vendetta against Jj?
I expected it from him but not from you, you always held your ground."
Rafe tries to find the words to explain how he feels but he can't, he begins to speak but nothing comes out. He only shifts his stance more as he avoids your eyes, worried that the last past of your sentence meant that he let you down.
"Rafe." You place a careful hand on his cheek, directing his attention to you in hopes that he will finally look you in the eye, "did something happen?"
At last, he looks into your eyes, melting into their depth as they gaze at him lovingly.
"If you ever change your mind, you'd tell me, right?" He asks lowly.
"About what?"
"About us."
"Rafe." You start to laugh, finding it comical that he could ever think that there was a chance that you'd change your mind about him. Though, Rafes serious gaze doesn't falter, confirming for you that he was being genuine in his concerns.
"There'd be no need to."
"What's that mean, Y/N?"
"Means you're stuck with me for life." You say with a warm smile.
"As in...?" He hints but you only tilt your head, waiting for him to finish. "Y/N, I never got the chance to ask you...but-" He begins until a pillow comes plowing down on the two of you, thrown from across the room.
"Would you two love birds give it a rest for two seconds and join us already!" Sarah shouts from the couch, surrounded in blankets and drinks as Jj lights a blunt beside her. The rest of the group were evidently waiting on you to join them to start the movie.

Rafe sighs as he meets the groups watchful eyes, not exactly happy at the fact that they had chosen the worst time possible to interrupt. However, his hardened demeanour begins to fade when he feels your soft lips press up against his jawbone, in no rush to leave his skin.
"We'll talk about it later."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now