Chapter LXVII

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With every punch that Rafe landed, came a blood curdling crunch afterwards. The volume of every crack and snap sounded almost inhuman but Rafe knew all too well that it was only Kelce's face bones fracturing; which should've been enough, but not to him, not at all.
He felt nothing.
Nothing but pride.

Topper stood a safe distance behind Rafe, watching in awe as Rafe visibly loses himself in the void of the moment before at last, choosing to turn away, averting his eyes to nothing in particular as the sight of the blood clumping up as it hit the sand becomes to much for him and sparing himself the even gorier sight that lay before Rafe who's shoulders were fortunately broad enough to block the bloodied Kelce from Toppers line of sight.
Even Topper, who was Rafes closest friend of so many years, was too hesitant to interrupt Rafes blood fest, as he stand trembling and witness to Rafes new found strength.

It was only until you emerged from your hiding spot was Rafe able to finally stop.

You run out of the shack, stumbling on the small mounds of sand as you come to a halt behind Rafe and besides Topper as Topper instantly goes to turn you away again, hopeful that you wouldn't have to bare the image, yourself.
Though it wasn't clear to him who or what image he was trying to protect you from the most; whether it was simply the state of Kelce or less conveniently, the state that Rafe was in.
Topper was well aware of all the feelings you felt towards Rafe but he didn't want fear to be one of them.

You attempt to push past Toppers restraining arms but struggled against him instead.
"Sshhh," Topper hushes quietly, trying to get you to calm down, "just let him do what he has to do."
"What are you? Crazy?!" You exclaim before breaking free from his hold, at last.
You quickly continue your stride towards Rafe, the boy you came to love but not quite the one you fell in love with.

He was almost unrecognisable the way he hunched over Kelce's body, his hands that would often hold yours with love were now red with blood, his hair draped messily over his face, casting a shadow over his once adorning set of eyes.

"Rafe, stop! You're gonna kill him!"

Rafe pauses.
His arm stays in a pulled back position as he slightly looks over his shoulder and backwards to you, his eyes wide with shock but also with a hint of concern as he comes to realise the damage he had done.
His eyes return their familiar glisten as he falls backwards onto the sand, his chest begins to race rapidly with steep breaths as he brushes his hands through his hair.

"Rafe." You murmur under your breath, your voice sorrowful and filled with pity as you gaze at him on the sand, the boy you fell in love with finally returning to you. His eyes now beginning to stream with tears down his cheeks.
You walk up to him, closing the gap between your bodies as you press your chest against his tensed back and embracing him from behind.
His hands fly to your loving arms as they wrap around his shoulders, he desperately runs his fingers against your skin like he was looking for something to anchor him, which you always did.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N." He speaks with a shakey voice,
"I didn't want you to see that."
You move to in front of him, cupping his face in your hands as you kneel down to his level.
"Don't worry about me Rafe..." you say reassuringly, "but I'm worried about you-"

Your words began to trickle into nothing at all as you notice in Rafes teary eyes a slight flashing of blue and red lights and as they neared, they became bright enough to reflect off of his skin entirely as well before a quick and singular ring of a siren can be heard from the parking lot.
An officer arriving at the scene.

"Oh no. This is it. We're done." Topper mumbles as he begins to pace again, his body shakier now with nerves than before.
"It's okay, it was self defence, right?" You ask with a hopeful tone, causing Topper to perk up at your words when he realises you were nothing short of right.
"Yeah, you're right. Absolutely. We held off for as long as we could but we were left with no choice. That's the story." Topper rambles, "you getting the story straight, Rafe?"
"There is no story, it's the truth." You say after Rafe leaves Topper with no response, not yet up for conversation, "Topper."
"You should do the talking. The cops wont listen to a word I have to say after all the trouble I get into with the pogues. It'll all just sound like excuses."
"Yeah, okay." He nods in agreement.
You get up from In front of Rafe to check Kelce, if you didn't know any better, you would've pronounced him dead; but instead, you lean down above him, placing a hand on his wrist and your other on his neck as you check for a pulse but Rafe didn't like that in the slightest.
"Hey, hey-" Rafe says as he finally stands up,
"Y/N, don't touch him." He says, feeling sick at the thought of you touching somebody as filthy and impure as Kelce was, even worse knowing that this is exactly what Kelce would've wanted, touch.
From you specifically.
"He's got a pulse." You smile with relief as you look up at Rafe.

Rafe goes to pull you away from Kelce until the officer finally approaches, his gun drawn out as he steadily steps towards the three of you.
"Slowly raise your hands above your head." Officer Shoupe says as he moves closer, waiting until all hands were above heads to pull out his torch and shining it on your faces to properly identify you.
"Thornton?" He sighs with surprise, putting his gun away again, "what the hell are you doing here, boy? And with Rafe Cameron and Y/N too?"
Topper glances at you and Rafe again as he lifts his eyebrow in suspicion, "you came here, sir, you don't know?"
"Anonymous call from somebody in the area, so what's going on?" Shoupe asks, peering around your bodies to see a fourth, "Somebody better start talking."
"I know what it looks like, but it's not that at all..." Topper says as he stands back and gesturing for you to move back as well to reveal Kelce, surrounded in his own blood.
"What in gods name..."
"It was in self defence, sir. We had no choice, he was trying to kill us!" Topper exclaims, becoming increasingly more desperate for validation.
"Alright! Alright! Relax!" Shoupe shouts over the top of Toppers elevated loud voice, "I believe you, Thornton."
"Oh, thank god." You sigh with relief.
"As for you, Y/N, do your parents know you're here?"
"What? Why are you singling me out?" You ask, confused.
"Your father spoke to me the other night, mentioned Kelce too. Just making sure your parents know that you're out here so late and with the boy in question." Shoupe explains.
"It's not like that-"
"She was was me, sir. I'll take her home."
Rafe interrupts as he places a guiding hand on your lower waist which Shoupe quickly took notice off.
The alarming amount of blood on Rafes hands flagged him down almost instantaneously.
"Not so fast, Rafe. I have some questioning to do."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now