Chapter VI

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"Uhh, thank you?"
"Don't mention it, Not like I paid for them." He replies before slouching back into his seat.
"Oh?" You pause for a moment before taking the bottles cap to the palm of your hand.
Rafe watches you in amusement as you try to pry the bottle open with your bare hands.
"It's okay, don't ask me if I need help, I got this." You say sarcastically as you roll your eyes.

His smart ass behaviour makes you determined to get this bottle open.
You shake your hand in an attempt to loosen up your muscles before placing one last firm grip around the cap and forcefully turning it, causing the rigid edge of the cap to cut your palm.
"Sssshit, ow." You hiss at the sudden pain shooting through your hand, releasing your grip.
Rafe finally takes the beer from you and leans it against the edge of the table, using his other hand to hit it, causing the cap to pop off with ease.
You look up with a disapproving look written on your face but you can't help but let a small smile slip.
He smiles a short smile back before leaning back into his chair, minding his own business once again.

You take a sip of the beer and your face scrunches up at the foam in your throat.
"Yikes, it's like having rabies."
"So, you and Kelce?" He asks out of the blue.
"Um.. not sure what tempted you to ask that but no.. of course not? Sure, he's nice, totally but I mean, I barely know the guy." You reply, taken aback at the strange question. "You can't just invite someone over and expect that to up your chances at getting laid."
"Oooo, don't let him hear you say that. It'll break his little heart." Rafe says with a laugh.
"Why do you ask anyways?" You tilt your head to the side slightly in confusion.
He looks around before answering, "ah, it's nothing." He shakes his head before taking another swig of his beer.

You go to take a swig of your beer too but as you lift your bottle closer to your chin, you notice a red stain across the label.
You switch hands and inspect the source of it before catching a glimpse of your palm that was smudged with a lot more blood than you had expected to see.

You lean in close to Rafe and he leans down close in return before asking, "do you know where the bathroom is around here?"
"Huh?" He asks over the loud music.
You flash your palm to him so he understands and he looks at it with shock evident on his face.
He gently grabs your wrist and guides you inside, as he pulls you through the maze like hallways, the music becomes something distant before it's nothing but pure silence.

He takes another glimpse of the cut while walking towards a bathroom.
"You must have the worlds softest skin for a bottle cap to do that much damage."
You wince as he pulls your fingers back gently, trying to inspect the cut better.
"Or you're just a weakling." He looks back to you and chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.

As you walk through the house, a variant of familiar voices are heard giggling it up in a hallway.
"Kie, Sarah?" You call out, moments after, the faces of the two girls come springing out from a doorway of a random room.
"And jj, Pope, and John B." Jj says before turning the same corner an unmistakable look of disgust as he notices the boy beside you.
"Where's he taking you?" Jj directs a nod towards Rafe as he stays holding your wrist.
"I'm taking her to the bathroom." Rafe answers matter-of-factly.
"Wasn't asking you, was I?"
You look up to see the muscles in Rafes jaw tensing as he clenches his teeth at jj's aggressive approach.
Kie grasps at the back of Jj's shirt and pulls him back into John B's chest.
"A bathroom? Together? That's a little sketchy isn't it?" Kie adds as she looks at you for any sign of approval.
"Any other time, yes. But I slipped up a little." You say, flipping your hand over, exposing your bloodied palm. "Bottlecap: 1, Y/N: zero."
"Jesus Y/N, but there's a big line outside the bathroom, you know? Someone's in there with a hookup." Kie said annoyed.
"Shit." You mumble.

Rafe looks down at your face, he notices your discomfort as your eyebrows furrowed in defeat.
"I know a secret bathroom." Rafe says as he nudges you with his elbow.
"A secret bathroom? Not shady at all." Sarah says as she holds her hand up to her lips.
"An ensuite in the guest bedroom." Rafe states as he directs his attention to his sister.
"Oh it just keeps getting better and better." Jj says bitterly.

Rafe gently returns his hold on your wrist and begins pulling you away from your friends in search for the ensuite bathroom.
"So weird." Sarah remarks to herself.
"What is?" John B asks.
"Ah nothing." Sarah replies.
Jj stays silent and observes Rafe as he guides you down the hall and out of sight.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now