Chapter CIII

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The very same morning.

The morning song of the birds chirping outside wakes you at last, later than normal but that's all thanks to the late night you had. Your head was thumping with a headache and your eyes were barely able to keep them self open, but the day had already started so you force yourself awake by sitting up in bed. Your hair a knotty mess and your face was in need of a refreshing.
"Jesus, what time is it?" You groan to yourself.
You reach for your nightstand where your phone is usually on charge but it wasn't there. You feel around your bed and feel it through the sheets, pulling it out to notice that it was still dead from last night. "Ughhh...stupid me."

After refreshing, you run downstairs to see your mother and father in their routinely roles as expected. Your father sits at the table with his coffee and newspaper while your mother wipes away at the kitchen counter as the kettle boils.
"Good morning, dear." Your father says from behind his paper.
"Mornin' dad." You say back, "Anything new in the paper today?"
"Nothing exciting."
"Y/N, I thought you were spending the night at Kies?" Your mother asks with a quizzical brow.
"Uh- yeah, change of plans."
"Oh? Very well then."
", anyways. I'm gonna get going." You say.
"So soon? I was going to make toast-"
"I don't really feel like eating, ma."
You smile innocently towards your mother as she only looks back at you perturbed. Your father was used to you being so spontaneous in the mornings because you were always fond of the pogue life and being spontaneous was their number one virtue.
"Be safe." Your father says as he watches you sit on the end of the staircase, slipping your shoes on.
"I will."

When you step outside, the blaring light of the sun very well blinds you as you raise your hand up towards your face to shield it from its rays. You smile up at the sky, thankful for the brand new day that's sure to be better than yesterday's. That reminds you, last night.
You come to terms that you certainly weren't in the right head space about that whole text message from Heather thing but you decided that today, you'll ask about it.
You'll muster up the nerve to ask.

Seeing as Sarah spent the night at John B's, you take the opportunity to go to the Cameron's residence to pay Rafe a visit, exclusively. Rather than only brushing up past him for a split second while being in the company of Sarah, you'd like to surprise him for a change. He's been asking for that anyways, for a long time too, and you feel that you sort of owe it to him for everything he's helped you through.
Maybe I should show up gift wrapped with a ribbon  on top, You think to yourself, smiling wittingly.

You continue walking in the sun, kicking at the wild dandelions lined up against the pavement as they grow through the cracks when finally, you come to the end of the Cameron's drive way.

As you walk up, you notice that the house seemed busy already. Through the window you could see a number of figures moving around as if they were in a rush and as you neared, you notice a car parked up front that you don't recognise as neither Rafes nor Wards, which sparked your curiosity even more so as you got closer, your eyes peep through the many windows. You firstly see a large set up of plates but as your gaze wonders across the kitchen, your heart drops at what they land on next.

You see Heather.
Not just that, no, you see Heather in Rafes hands and she was smiling.

As if he could hear your heart shatter into pieces from across the yard, he looks your way. Frantically too, which makes you think that it was something that you were not supposed to see.
The look in his eyes triggers your body to flinch, taking a step back. One step after the other before Rafe is seen leaving Heathers side and running for the door. So, you run too.
You run off the estate and continue down the street, looking back to see that Rafe hadn't yet turned out of his front gates so you turn down into a busier street. Your legs couldn't move fast enough, you wanted to disappear out of sight. Feeling humiliated and embarrassed, you don't know how you'd ever face Rafe again; and your friends? You were preparing yourself for their long awaited 'I told you so'.

As difficult as it was to see through tears, you push past strangers on the side walk, only sparing very quiet and restrained apologies for a few of them.
They turn their heads to look at you with no means to ask if you were okay, only to take in the pathetic sight of the strange girl crying helplessly. They found it amusing until Rafe could be heard yelling out to you from the other end of the street, which was a call for concern to by-standers.
"Y/N!" He calls out, desperation evident in his voice.
"Miss? Do you know him?" One stranger asks while another one attempts to stop you, "Is that man bothering you?"
You don't let up though, not even slow down but as one of the strangers get in the way of Rafe, you take the chance to hide.
You crouch down behind a dumpster down a cold, shady alley way. It smelt bad and it was riddled with trash but it was far more preferable than seeing Rafe. It was painful to just hear his voice calling out your name, there was no way you could face him and definitely not in your current state.

Your cheeks resembled a rivers stream by now that not even the wind rushing against your face could dry. You held your knees against your chest and sunk your head low between them as you let the tears fall but silently, to be sure not to alarm anybody else. Rafes shouting couldn't be heard anymore and the passerby's didn't seem rattled, they only went about the day like it was normal.
Meaning, you've lost him.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now