Chapter XCII

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You and Kie wait outside for the others to turn up. Her parents can be heard singing and dancing around to their loud music inside as they cook their dinner for the night, spaghetti by the smell of it.
They haven't ever had anything good to say about the mainland so Kie was sure to keep your plans secretive, choosing to wait on the street by a sidewalk tree instead, a girl to girl outing as a cover up which they were relieved to hear since, like your own parents, they weren't too fond of the whole pogue thing she has with the boys.

The evening air began to fall to a brisk temperature as the sun finally set. Not nearly as beautiful as the one you watched with Rafe, the tall row of plain and boring houses blocking its view didn't do it justice.
Kie leans into you as she lays her head on top of your shoulder, joining you in slouching back against the trees stump with arms crossed across her chest for warmth.
"So, how's things with Rafe?" She asks.
Your response came in the form of a glad sigh as your body relaxes against the trees wood even further, sinking low into her side and causing her to giggle. "Good, I take it?"
"So good." You smile.
"You know..." She begins "when I first met Rafe all those years ago, he was the most miserable dude I've ever seen; mean, too."
You can't help but laugh at her choice of words but she nudges you in the side, letting you know she was being genuine. "I'm serious, but now, it's like I don't even recognise him anymore. He's so gentle and- and tame. You, as well."
"Are you saying I wasn't tame before?" You tease.
"I mean..." She teases back before getting serious again, "It makes me happy to see you happy again."
"You're good for each other."

It was clear in her words that she was referring to your situation at home, actually, more or less the rumours that went around the island about your parents and how their ways effected you from a child. Kie has been your best friend since third grade so naturally she heard from her parents about your roots and where you came from just like every other kook family did. Their pity shone through every single one of them and it echoed through Kie in the saddest of ways.

"Hey, I think that's them." Kie says from beside you as she lifts her head from your shoulder to get a better look at the beat up kombi van just now turning into the street that you stand on.
It's headlights blind you until it finally stops by the curb, with its loud music blaring through its rusted body and the sound of muffled laughter from the back of it, there was no mistaking the good old twinkie.
A familiar goof and his bright as usual smile leans out of the open window, his eyebrows raised with excitement. "You guys ready to get pants-shitting drunk?!" He shouts.
"John B! Shhhh!- My parents are just inside."
"Sorry." He whispers, sitting back into his seat again, "You look nice, Y/N. You too, Kie."

Kie rolls her eyes as she slides the van door open to reveal your friends inside and already pre-drinking except for Rafe who only looked bored in the corner.
"You're not planning on drinking?" You ask as you wait for Kie to take a seat before you.
Rafes gaze follows the sound of your voice, instantly perking up to see how beautiful you looked tonight.
The way his eyes visibly soften at you made your heart flutter. Even more so when he relaxes back against his seat to get a better look at you, his white dress shirt hugs tightly around his torso and arms as he remains speechless and in awe.
"You look beautiful, Y/N." Pope says, finding Rafes loss of words amusing, "Is what he means to say."
Sarah nudges Rafe, "You're hopeless."
"Oh- uh, sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me." Rafe finally manages to say as he flashes an awkward smile, hurriedly scooting over to make room for you close beside him and making you smile from cheek to cheek as they glow a warm shade of rose.
"You do look beautiful." He adds.
Your hands trace up the buttons of his shirt until you reach his collar before then running your fingers beneath it to the back of his neck and then to the front again, straightening it up for him.
"You don't look too bad yourself."
Your delicate hands on his collar tempts his face closer towards yours as he fights the urge to kiss you, wanting more than anything to feel your lips on his until the van suddenly jerks forward, beginning to move again and only ruining the moment.

As John B drove everybody to the docks, you hardly even noticed Jj. He was so quiet the entire time as he sat in the passengers seat with a blunt in his hand, only sharing a few words with John B alone.
You paid no mind to it though, especially after his semi meltdown with Rafe at the beach earlier today, you couldn't be less interested in what was on his mind.
It was probably nothing more than trouble anyways.

"Alright, we're here." John B says as he parks in a shady spot by the harbour. It was on a Main Street but it was a muggy place and the vibes were definitely different from back on the cut.
You weren't entirely sure if your intuition was telling you it was an unsafe place to be or if it was just completely out of your comfort zone being some where so far from home but the harbour and all its ships were too pretty to look at to really care.
It harboured smaller sail boats as well as huge ferry's, some white, some blue. There were well dressed people from across the mainland and there were also fishermen in their greasy overalls. People from all over frequent the place and some children even stood by the railings, admiring the boats just like you were.

Rafe smiles lovingly as he watches you fall for the sight of the harbour. He had been here a dozen times before so the beauty wasn't there for him, rather it was right beside him. Eyes sparkling with life.
He moves himself to behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his lips against your bare shoulder with a gentle kiss or two before John B could be heard calling out again.
"Let's not linger. The boats gonna leave soon, with or without us."
Rafe sighs as his moment with you is robbed from him again. He runs his hand up and down your arms before taking your hand in his, escorting you safely onto the boat beside him. "Watch your step."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now