Chapter CX

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It was late during the night, 1:20am to be exact. However, Rafe found it hard to sleep. He didn't even toss and turn, he just lay on his back, staring at the ceiling.

He thought all night about what you were doing while he was being miserable, he wanted to believe that you were as miserable as he was but he knows that wasn't true. He thought long and hard about how bad it must've looked from your point of view, how heart shattering it must've been to see him with Heather and he only blames himself for it.

Before he knew it, it was morning.
He must've gotten 2 hours of sleep, at most. The lack of it showed in his drowsy eyes, dark and heavy lidded. At an attempt to wake himself up, he has a freezing cold shower, the kind to make you seriously shiver under its water but it merely went unnoticed to Rafe. He only stood hands against the tiled wall, letting the water run down his back while his head hung low, running rapid with thoughts of you.

Afterwards, he heads downstairs for breakfast.
With a towel in his hand, he runs it through his hair, drying it the most he could before lazily tossing it in the laundry room.
Nobody seemed to be awake yet, which was expected, the light of day had only just began to show in the soft blue sky, growing brighter with every minute that passed and for once that morning, his mind was quiet. It was a new day after all, which means a new start and even newer opportunities.

Rafe grabs a cereal box at random, not really fussed about what he eats, and as he pours the cereal into a bowl, footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs.
"You're up early." Sarah says, rubbing her tired eyes.
Rafe looks her way and then back to his bowl, he hasn't much to say so he takes a spoonful of cereal and with a full mouth he only says, "I would've thought you'd be at John B's."
"If I stayed there every night, I'm pretty sure he'd get sick of me." Sarah laughs.
"Doubt it."
"What about you? Did you go last night?" Sarah asks, oblivious to what happened a day earlier.
"The boneyard party?"
Rafe rolls his eyes as he sits way back into his chair, losing his appetite at the thought of you at a party without him or Sarah and instead, with Jj.
"I wasn't invited." He huffs.
"Y/N didn't invite you? I know she went."
"Things are complicated right now, Sarah..."

Sarah chooses not to pry, asking no further questions no matter how curious she was to know what had happened. Whatever it is, she assumes it was bad because Rafe no longer seemed like the new and improved version of himself that she loved so much, he seemed just the way he was years ago. Closed up and guarded, walls built around himself by issues that stemmed from his father.
He was an empty shell of the brother she learnt to love like a friend and it wrenched at her heart to see him so...hollow.

As Sarah began to make herself a bowl of cereal, a loud and desperate knock at the door startled her, making her jump. Rafe silently gestured at her to stay where she was while he carefully checked who it was; and at this time of morning and at this residence especially, he was more than surprised when he saw Jj.
Rafe stood at the doorway, plainly staring into Jj's eyes while his stared back in distraught, his hands matched as they barely rest at his side, shaking.
"Hey man, no beef but I just wanna know...uh- is
Y/N here?" Jj stutters, trying to peer into the house from over Rafes shoulder.
Rafe huffs a smirk, finding Jj's stupidity to come to his house looking for his girlfriend and then having the nerve to say 'no beef', nothing short of amusing.
"Y/N's not here, go chase her somewhere else."
Rafe begins to close the door but Jj's hand stops it, his next words made Rafes heart drop.
"She didn't come home last night."

A familiar bloodlust washes over Rafe.

"You wanna say that again?" Rafe says, his voice rising with threat and so did his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I got too drunk and-"
Jj's meaningless words were knocked clean from his chest just like the air from his lungs when Rafes hands aggressively push Jj off of the porch.
Jj stumbles back but he catches himself before he could fall.
"I trusted you to keep her safe!" Rafe shouts, causing Sarah to run outside too.
"What's going on?!" She shouts back.
"Is- is she really not here?" Jj stutters again.
"He can't find Y/N."
"I'll call her."

Sarah runs inside again, speeding up stairs and into her bedroom where she sees her phone on charge. She pulls it off of her beside table so hurriedly that even the cable comes unplugged but she doesn't have the time to care, she dials your number and runs back outside with the phone against her ear.

Rafe stares at Sarah; watching her face drop before slowly pulling the phone down, too hesitant to meet his eyes as she could only feel the calamity radiating off of him.
"No answer." She mumbles.
"Fuck!!" Rafe shouts with clenched fists, resisting the urge to send one to Jj's face as he paces up and down the porch. Not a clue what to do but more than enough of one to know who was responsible.
"I'm calling the police, Y/N wouldn't just disappear like this." Sarah says and Jj nods.
Rafe marches inside, grabbing his car keys from the entry way and then back outside again, storming towards his car and gesturing towards Jj.
"You, get in." Rafe demands.
"I'm coming, too-" Sarah begins but is cut short by Rafes impatience.
"No, you're not. You stay here just in case."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now