Chapter CI

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The jeep turns into the road that the docks sit along. It was dark so it was difficult to tell what model or colour the car really was but Rafe recognised the build as Toppers. The only light helping him to confirm that was the light from the moon and the very dim light from the closed ticket booth as it flickers, covered in webs entangled with dead moths.

For safe measure, Rafe stays standing in front of you as he watches the shady, tinted window begin to fall with a soft buzzing sound. Thankfully, the face it revealed behind it was none other than his best friends, smiling away like there wasn't a care in the world.
"You know, I would've loved a night out too!" He shouts to Rafe in a teasing manner.
Rafe sighs as his tension eases, "Next time, if you're lucky."
He goes to turn around towards Topper but he stops abruptly, tucking his shirt back into his pants and checking you up and down with his own eyes to make sure you weren't a mess like he was after getting utterly lost in the heat of the moment. Remarkably, you were still cleaned up nicely except for the redness on your neck from the harsh kissing that Rafe couldn't help from turning into bites.
"Hey, does that hurt?" He asks, gently running his thumb down your necks curve.
"No, why?"
"It's a little red."
"Come on, you two!" Topper shouts again, "It's nothing I haven't seen before!"

After Topper had picked you up, you almost instantly fell asleep in the back seat. Rafe sat up front with Topper and their soft muttering combined with the alcohol in your system had made it easy to doze off, especially considering your swing in emotions in such a short amount of time, from comparing yourself to Heather to being hard up against a wall with Rafe, it was a miracle you slept at all.

As you dreamt away, Rafe turns to look at you laid out across the back seat, hair wild and free against your face that looked no less beautiful than a porcelain dolls.
"Is she asleep?" Topper asks.
"That was quick."
"I don't blame her, tonight adventure."
"Where'd you go anyways?"
"Pftt- like I'd know." Rafe rolls his eyes.
"You don't know? How could you possibly not know?"
"Uhh, one of her friends- Pope, lead us to some unknown, underground club." Rafe says bitterly as he starts to feel heated, "Should've stayed unknown."
"The one with the glass doors? Down some stairs?" Topper asks with a cautious glance.
"You know it?"
"Pheeew, do I know it?" Topper ridicules, "Lets just say...that place is famous for a lot of reasons."
"Reasons? Like what?" Rafe asks.
"It's lawless. Whatever happens there, stays there. That includes your body if somebody decides they wanna rid you of the world."
"October 15th, 2015." Topper starts off, "3 missing girls were found in the cellar. Owner was away on holiday at the time so they were clueless on how or why and none of their workers were suspected but there was a lot of alcohol traces in their system so, they closed the case and reopened."
Rafes body tenses at Toppers words. The only reaction he could manage was gritting his teeth out of pure ferocity. Angry at himself for taking you there and even angrier at the man he left wincing against the bar as his mind began circulating with worse possibilities than they ever had.
"Did something happen?" Topper asks after noticing Rafes knuckles tighten.
"Something always happens, Top."

Rafe turns around to look at you again, the very sight  fills his heart with the warmest feeling he could only describe as the most immense form of love for you.
He couldn't bring himself to even imagine what would've happened to you if he didn't step in.
What would've happened if he wasn't there at all? Would you have been one of those girls?
Thinking about it made his skin burn.

After taking you home, Topper then dropped Rafe off at the Cameron's residence.

The house was silent and dark, only very few lamps were left on which he was grateful for. Their light was just enough to get him up the stairs without tripping or bumping into something, keeping the house remaining silent as night.

When he got to his bedroom, he carefully closed the door and began unbuttoning his shirt. He smiles when he realises one of the bottom buttons were missing because it reminded him of the delicate touch of your fingers grasping for his shirts hem tucked away beneath his belt.
It must've broke then.

However, his smile fades when he thinks past that happy memory and back to how your face looked on the ship. He feels like he didn't pry hard enough. You most definitely had tears in your eyes, no matter how hard you tried to hide them.
The guilt eventually started to set in the longer he dwelled on it. Way, way back when he didn't know you at all, he did remember seeing you around and you either always seemed to be in your own world or your head was high up in the clouds.
In any case, you were a ray of sunshine. Too far out of his reach and too bright for people to handle.
Now, Rafe noticed that ever since he came along, it only ever seems like you're scared. Like your flame has been snuffed.
"Jesus." He sighs under his breath as he stands up from his bed again. It was too late of an hour to be running by so many thoughts at once, painful ones, at that. So, he makes his way to his ensuite bathroom to wash his face with cool water.

Rafe stands in front of the sink, running his hands under the faucet and splashing it up in his face.
He almost immediately felt better but then something as little as a small ding! from somewhere deep in his sheets, made him jump almost entirely  out of his own skin.
His eyes furrow in confusion as he pats his face dry with the wash cloth that hang on the rack to his left before throwing it down on the sink and making his way back to bed to rummage for his phone.
Finally, he finds it.

Okay! Get home safely and don't worry about us, we'll have a shot on your behalf!

Rafes confusion led him to space out as he stared down at the text. Puzzled just as much as he was eager to know what the notification was that he had initially mistaken for Sarah's earlier on.

"Shit, shit, shit!"

There it was.
The realisation and the answer.

Since we're gonna be spending more time together, why don't we go out for a cup of coffee?

Rafe felt instant anguish flood through his veins, causing his hands to tighten around his phone.
Sure, out of spite but also to stop himself from completely hurling his phone at something.
To him, it felt like nothing could over throw his hatred for Heather now except for confusion.
He had no business what so ever with her, so what could she possibly mean by that message and what possessed her to think she would gain anything from it in return?

Rafe was filled with so many questions and not enough answers, a daunting horrid nights sleep to be had indeed.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now