Chapter XLVI

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The sound of your mothers voice echoing down the hallway was enough to make you shoot out of bed despite the minimal hours of sleep you had gotten. You sit up hurriedly yet a heavy arm weighs you down. You look beside you to see Rafe adjusting his eyes who had also just woken up.
"Rafe...Rafe!" You whisper shout as you nudge at his shoulder in a panicky manner.
"What?" He says groggily, a tired voice you hadn't heard yet which was deeper than his usual mid toned one.
"You gotta go- or hide, you just can't be here when my parents come up!"
He sits up in bed at last, stretching his arms outwards before placing a small kiss on your cheek.
"Good morning to you too." He says mockingly, flipping the blanket off of his waist.
"Sorry, good morning." You say before gesturing him to hurry up.
He tiredly makes his way to the opposite side of the room, picking up his suit from last night. His pants and shirt crinkled from being left on the floor over night and his blazer was still spick and span as it ended up getting lost amongst the sheets and blankets.

"Y/N?" Your father calls out again after you hadn't made an appearance at the table yet, his tone was far more intimidating than your mothers which made Rafe start to panic with you.
He hurriedly hops into his pants as he scopes the room for somewhere to hide.
"Window, the window!" You point towards the window that led out to the first floors roof, "get yourself downstairs and I'll meet you in 5."
"Got it." He says, climbing feet first out the window before jumping from the first floor roof and onto the grass, stumbling a bit as he sticks the landing.

"About time." Your father says as he hears your footsteps coming down the hardwood stairs.
"Sorry, I was just uh...getting changed for the day."
"For the day? You got plans?" He cocks an eyebrow over his cup of tea.
"Probably, I mean, when do I not?" You laugh awkwardly as you take a seat at the table, scoffing down a piece of toast whilst flashing a glance towards the front door every so often, earning a look of suspicion from both your parents before they share it with each other instead.
"Weird." They mouth silently amongst them self.

Ding Dong
Your father stays fixated on the newspaper in front of him as he sips his coffee nonchalantly, showing no interest in the front door what so ever, so your mother gets up instead with a sigh of annoyance.
"Don't worry about the door, babe. I got it." She rolls her eyes before they land on the dapperly dressed boy.
"Good morning Mrs.Y/L/N, is Y/N here? We gotta thing planned for today." He says innocently with a face plastered with an awkward smile as he fiddles with his belt and rocking on the heels of his oxfords.

Your mother only looks him up and down as she leans against the door frame with one arm, clearly taking notice of his clothing which was the same suit she recognised from last night, only messier as his bow tie is missing and the first three of his buttons were undone.
"You must think I was born yesterday." She says unimpressed before moving out of the way,
"Y/N! Your date is here."
"Date?" Your father questions with a tone of disapproval as he finally averts his attention away from the newspaper. Which was a first.
His apparent disapproval quickly turned into a joyful expression as he greets Rafe with open arms.
"Rafe Cameron, my boy!" He says, standing up to greet him, clearly less observant than your mother. "I didn't know you were dating my daughter." He cheers.
"Umm..." Rafe hesitates to speak on the topic, unsure if it was something you'd be open about just yet or not but you nod lazily towards him anyways, signalling to him that it's okay.
"Guess you could say that, sir." Rafe says handsomely as he accepts your fathers fatherly embrace.
"Well, what a pleasant surprise." He says with a wide smile.

Your father wasn't one to show much affection towards anybody, not even to you. It was as rare as seeing a dodo bird or as rare as a rocking horses droppings is what your childhood maid used to say about the man. Not even years of anger management could've cured him but right now, in this moment,
seeing the way your father lit up for the first time in a long time at the news of you and Rafe, it made your heart happy.

It was obvious that Rafe had always had a place in your family, it just took you this long to notice.

You admire Rafes smile as he melted into his fatherly embrace, something that was rare for him as well. Your heart throbs at the sight as you let him enjoy his moment before your father continues back to his newspaper with a few final pats to Rafes back in assurance.

"Alright, well, we're off." You say, bringing yourself to Rafes side as you lead him towards the door with you.
"Oh? Rafe dear, you're not gonna stay for breakfast?" Your mother asks rather softly, her features very subtly ridden with devilment at her sneaky suspicions of last night.
"Uhh-" he ponders before being cut off by yourself, "actually no, we had breakfast planned." You say, finally dragging him outside.

Rafe looks towards you, confused at your rush as you continue to drag him to his truck that he had left on the street over night. His shoes occasionally dragging against the gravel as he struggles to keep up with your pace.
"Hey, hey, hey, what's the rush?" He asks as he stops in place, forcing you to stop abruptly as well, "I didn't know they'd be soooo...approving...about us. Especially your dad, no offence."
"None taken." You laugh, "I just don't know how to confront people about us just yet."
Rafe takes both your hands in his, directing your full attention to his as he sways your arms in a nervous notion.
"Am i..." he pauses before taking a deep, distressed breath, "am I something to be embarrassed about or?..."
Your eyes avert to the ground in confusion at his words, before you finally catch onto what he's actually saying.
"What? No!- absolutely not, Rafe. It's just all happening so fast." You say panicky, "I'm surprised at my parents reactions to be fair but I'm worried about what my friends will think, you know?"
"Why would it matter what they think?"
"Well it doesn't, but, I'm still scared." You shrug in annoyance at your own state of mind. You know it didn't make sense how you felt, in fact, you were pretty sure that everybody was in favour of the whole you and Rafe thing...

Except Jj.

That was the only part that made sense to you.
Jj has had a habit of terrorising Rafe lately and you don't suppose this time would be any different. Worse than anything.

Rafe moves one hand from yours and places it beneath your chin as he looks deeply into your eyes clouded with thought.
"I'll be right beside you the entire time." He assures, "it'll be okay."

Rafe genuinely tries to be comforting with those words but reality of the fact is, it had almost the complete opposite effect.
Rafes presence plus Jj's weird thing for being over protective around you whilst breaking the news to him that you're dating a guy that he in truth,
could not stand.
Surely everything will be just peachy. Not.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now