Chapter XLIV

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Kissing Rafe felt like an entire sky of fireworks being let off at last, all at once. It was as if you held off the urge so long that when you finally gave into it, you no longer had any control over yourself. It was just like your mind had let off a million thoughts in every direction, should I do this? Is this right? Does he like this? Will he like this? Should I stop?
It was a wildfire of emotions, but you couldn't bring yourself to listen.
As for Rafe, he would describe it as thunder and lightning shooting through him. At times he would fall into the void of no self control and then he would come to again, changing direction of the kiss or adjusting his hand some place else but nothing in him told him to stop.
He was nothing but sure about kissing you and your definite return in the kiss was enough to tell him to keep going.

It felt like a billion stars being born just between your lips.

It was all magical until two male voices were heard from somewhere on the property. Rafe unlatched himself from you hurriedly as he held a held a finger up to your lips, signalling at you not to make a sound.

"Yeah man, I don't know...he was here but he must've left already." A voice was heard.

"Topper?" You silently mouth to Rafe who was just as shocked as you were at his reappearance.
Rafe just nods at you.

"Well Y/N is bound to be here, right? Or did I miss her as well?" The other voice says, the familiarity sends goosebumps down your spine. Rafe returns your worried expression when he realises who it is.

"Kelce." Rafe whispers to you, causing your hands to fly to your mouth, frightened and confused as to why he was at your house at all, let alone so late.

"Come on bro. You're still going on about that?" Topper asks, fed up.
"I wouldn't be if your boy Rafe would've just let me have my moment with her." Kelce says, whipping out his phone from his colourful board shorts.
"What're you doing?" Topper asks.
"I can't waltz up to her door and just knock, can I? I'm calling her."

Your head whips to the left of you where you had thrown your dress, your phone sitting right on top of it.
"Shit!" You whisper in a panicked tone.
"Where is it?" Rafe whispers back.
You point to your dress on the floor, "there!"
Rafe moves slowly in the water towards the edge of the pool that your phone sat closest to before leaning over the bricked rim and pulling your dress towards him, your phone rests on top of it as it moves towards him like it was some type of conveyer belt.

Your phone is heard ringing for one short second before Rafe submerges it in the water, the time was too dire to be fiddling with it looking for the tiny silencer button. You throw your head back against the concrete at the destruction of your phone but you knew it had to be done.
For all you knew, it was a life or death situation.
Rafe hovers his body over yours, hiding you away behind him safely. Your eyes become noticeably teary as you panic and your breathing becomes rapid so Rafe places a gentle hand over your mouth.

Kelce's attention whips towards the distant corner of the yard after the short ring, bending down to peak through the bushes that harboured your half-hidden pool. But he fails to take notice of it, all thanks to your mothers award winning shrubbery.
Topper however took notice of the familiar bow tie that lay on the ground just outside the trees.
He shuts his eyes tight with a sigh as he realises where his friend was, in the pool he had come across while searching for Sarah at some point through out the night.
"Guess they went somewhere together." Topper lies.
Kelce averts his eyes towards Topper before agreeing to give up, "guess so."

Kelce begins to walk away and back towards the back gate that he had come through earlier while Topper hesitates to follow. He looks back towards the trees that the pool was situated behind before turning away as well, following Kelce back outside and off the property, leaving you and Rafe in silence again but not the same comfortable silence as before.
It was eery.

Rafe removes his hand from your mouth before taking a long, deep, much needed breath and you do the same except yours are faster paced and ridden with fear.
"Why do you have Kelce's number?"
"That's what you're worried about right now?"
You whisper in a shouting tone before running a shaky hand through your wet hair.
Rafe blinks the confusion off of his features before looking back towards you, "what the hell was Topper thinking?"
"Does he know?" You ask.
"Know what? Y/N, I wouldn't even know what Kelce was up to if it wasn't for that bouquet!" He shouts before instantly regretting it.
"You read the card?"
"I'm sorry. I had to."
"No you didn't. When did you read it?"
He hesitates before answering honestly knowing it wouldn't be right to lie to you.
"When you were sleeping."
"That's even worse!" You exclaim.
"Well it's a good thing I did because at least this time around, I knew what to do because I knew what to expect from the guy!"
"What about Barry? Don't pretend Barry didn't do you any favours in the matter." You say as you begin to climb out of the pool, not wanting to spend another second next to Rafe during his temper tantrum.
"Ohhh, Barry this, Barry that, Barry is just such a good guy." He mocks as he gets out of the pool as well.
"He is! He wouldn't be having a fit over me having some rando's number!" You shout, your voice becoming shaky as you spoke.

Rafe feels his heart shatter at your words. He hadn't a clue what came over him just now but the broken expression on your face and the sad tone in your voice grounded him right back in reality as he realises the harm in his concern. He felt guilty that he let his jealousy ruin things once again, but he couldn't help it. He knows he needs to put himself in check but you were far too important to risk losing, so he justifies his envy every single time.

Rafes arms drop against his side, his face softens at yours that had started to well with tears. One tear dropping against your cheek every few seconds at the overwhelming situation of being both yelled at and visited by the unexpected and unwanted guests.

"I'm sorry." He says genuinely, "this is my fault."
Rafe slowly walks up to you again, wrapping his arms around you as you cry into his chest. His heart shattering even more as he feels you sob against him.

Your breathing starts to slow down once again as you compose yourself after a few moment of crying. His arms still firmly wrapped around you as he cuddles your head into his own chest, waiting patiently for you to let it all out when at last you finish.
"How are you feeling?" He asks lowly.
Rafe smiles before it falters again, still feeling guilty at his lack in self control that costed you your happiness.
"It wasn't you." You mumble into his chest as if you could read his mind.
"It wasn't your fault, any of it."
He smiles again, this time it stays as he places a small kiss on your forehead.
"It was Kelce to begin with and now I'm just extremely, extremely overwhelmed. I don't understand why this is happening." You say, your breath becoming shaky again.
Rafe rubs circles on your back as he listens.
"And I don't know how I have his number...One day he just texted me out of nowhere. I just always assumed his parents gave it to him through my parents or something, I don't know."
"I believe you." Rafe says, earning him a lovingly look from you as you lift your head from his chest.
"Come on." You wipe at your tear soaked face before taking his hand in yours, dragging him towards the grass to pick up your stuff and heading towards the back door, sneaking inside the house as you both drip wet with water.

"Oh and I'll pay for your phone." He whispers with a small laugh.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now