Chapter CXXV

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After spending the day hiding out at John B's, uneventful yet tiresome somehow, you managed to slip into a bit of a day nap on the welcoming old couch. The sun was thriving outside which made the house warm and cozy. It made you forget how itchy the couch normally is.

Meanwhile, the pogues were doing what they always did. Sharing a few beers, breaking apart watermelons and partying it up on the pogue boat.
Rafe was still being torn between two version of himself. He stayed leaning against the side of the house, watching on as the others enjoyed their time in the if nothing ever happened. Part of him was happy that things felt at least a little bit normal, but the other part of him was bothered because of that fact.

Rafe looks towards the voice, seeing John B stumble towards him with a dewy beer in hand.
"You're one of us now, why don't you join us?" John B says as he hands the beer to Rafe.
Shaking his head and raising his brows in disbelief, Rafe huffs. "I don't get how you can just act like everything is fine." He says.
"Trust me, we aren't." John B replies.
"Could've fooled me."
John B can't help but smile before jerking his head in the direction of Sarah as she eats from the watermelon on her lap. She was talking and laughing amongst the others but John B points something out to Rafe that he never sought to notice.
"You see Sarah over there? She looks pretty happy right? I mean, she is your sister so you should know that's all she ever is." John B says, "-but when do you ever see her bouncing her leg like that?"
Rafe stares blankly at his sister, seeing her leg do what his does whenever he was scared or nervous. The last time he ever noted his own doing that was at the dinner table with you and Ward.
"Pope." John B says, "I mean sure, he's smiling but do you have any idea how many times I've had to repeat myself to that guy because something else, and I'll let you guess what that is, is on his mind?" He says with a hint in his eyes and a chuckle.
"And as for Jj, I mean- just look at him."

Rafe hesitantly looks towards Jj who isn't dancing like the happy idiot he usually is, or talking amongst the girls, passing a blunt or chugging a beer.
He only lays in the back of the boat, head rested against his backpack and sunglasses over his eyes. His sluggish body slouched low and facing the direction of the house.
John B finds his friends unusual disposition amusing, Rafe wishes he could say the same but he only feels slightly more unsettled than he was before. Jj's shades hid his eyes, but something within Rafe felt like he was being watched like a hawk.
"So yeah, we might look like we are having the time of our lives right now but actually...we're preparing for something bigger than ourselves." John B continues, "Nobody wants to be the one to say it but...someone will be getting hurt, if not killed. We all know it. So let them have their fun, its the only thing keeping them sane right now."
"I won't let that happen." Rafe says as he stares towards Jj, knowing he was listening and watching.
"Hmph," John B huffs a smile, "You're just one man."
"Then I'll go down trying."
John B's easy going nature falters at Rafes words but he doesn't let it show. He only hangs his head low with a sigh as Rafe moves past him, confident in his words before disappearing inside and escaping Jj's silent judgement. When John B hears the screen door close shut behind him, he quickly lifts his head again, biting down on his lip as he looks towards the others. They were all so unaware as they dance and laugh, except for Jj, who hadn't moved at all. Only after a moment did Jj finally turn his head to the side, staring off into the sky, his eyes visibly open through the gap between the shades and his tightly strewn face.

"Mmghh..." You groan, feeling something ticklish on your face. You swat a hand at the sensation, expecting it to be a fly or something. They did always come out on the best of days...that being the warmer ones, but something catches your hand instead.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to annoy you."
The sweet voice causes your eyes to flutter open and as they do, the big, talking blur in front of you starts to take the shape of a softly smiling Rafe.
"Rafe?" You mumble.
"Yeah." He smiles wider, hearing his name in your tired voice. "How are you feeling?"
Before giving him an answer, you stretch your arms out over head before reaching over for him, grabbing any clump of his shirt you could manage and pulling him in towards your body. He stumbles over the couches arm, chuckling quietly as he tries not to spill the beer in his hand and as his hair falls messily into his eyes.
"Lay with me, I'm tired." You moan.
Rafe caves and places his beer on the coffee table, almost spilling it as you impatiently pull on his shirt until his face was no more than a few centimetres above your own. His body however, rested heavily against yours, his hands stabilising himself as they grip the couch arm behind your head. You melt beneath him at the sight of a smile on his face. It made him happy enough seeing that you got all your strength back after the hell you went through.
"Tired, huh? Well, you've got the strength of a silverback for somebody who claims to be tired." He teases as you watch the most mischievous smirk forming on his face, "You sure you're only tired?"

He stares down at you lustfully as you only laugh, naturally leaning into his touch as he runs his thumb across the apple of your cheek. His hand starts to run through your hair as you smile, placing a single kiss down onto your lips as if he couldn't help himself.
"Sheesh, get a room you two." Kie says as she walks in with Sarah. The two of them smiling past, with one exaggerated wink from Sarah. They help them self to the kitchen cupboards, digging through them for a snack you presume.
You lay stiff as a stick beneath Rafes body now as his lips press together tightly, embarrassed but not in a bad way, per se.
"You know, Y/N, it's a great day for a swim." Kie says, "Why don't you go for a dip? You can always take Rafe with you."
"That darn pier gave me more of a swim than I'd like." You grumble and Kie nods slowly as if she was just reminded of the fact.
"Don't let that crusty old pier ruin your fun." She says, "Jj's being a bore out there, he could do with his ol' cannon balling buddy."
"Yeah right..."

Knock, knock!

Rafes head whips up towards the front door, seeing a dark figure or two through the blinded windows. You instinctively cling to Rafes arms as you feel yourself sink lower under him and he notices. He doesn't move at all and neither does Kie or Sarah. They knew the drill. They've been here one too many times to risk doing anything else.

The two figures rocked back and fourth on their heels, waiting. That was until the sound of Pope and John B shouting like two barbarians could be heard coming from out the back. The suspicious figures visibly looked towards each other before deciding on a change of plans, making their way towards the unsuspecting boys instead, drawing their guns out in front of them.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now