Chapter XXXIII

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He started to feel guilty at his question. He knew it was out of place for him to say especially knowing that you had asked for time to think about your own feelings. Sure, he knows that Sarah doesn't mind the two of you getting on, but how could you know? He wants so desperately to tell you about his conversation with Sarah, but he decides not to. If you needed time to think then he would give it to you. If you were to show any interest in him at all, he wanted you to do it on your own accord, not on Sarah's.

Rafe is woken out of his melancholic trance with a light touch to his wrist as it rest on his lap. He looks over to you to meet your puppy like eyes as they glisten almost sadly at his just as sad expression.
"I'm sorry." You say quietly.

He feels his heart shatter at your undeserving words as you stare deeply into his guilty eyes. He decides to lift the tension in the air with a small smile.
"Why are you apologising?"
Rafe begins to drive to the next shop, not expecting an answer at his rhetorical question.
"You're so patient," you begin, earning a quick glance from Rafe as he drives, "I don't deserve it."

You feel the pain in your voice creep up through your throat as you second guess your worth to Rafes life. Why was he so persistent to be in your life? To be involved with you at all costs and all you can do in correspondence is simply exist.
You had promised you would think about it yet you're still stuck in the same place as before,

Rafe takes notice of your down expression before speaking, "you know I'd gladly wait forever if I have to." He lies, in fact, he felt like it was a now or never situation. Of course, he would without a doubt wait an eternity if that meant he could call you his at last but his heart was burning for that time to be now.
It was almost unbearable

"Take your time Y/N." He smiles as he rubs your knee to put your worry at ease.
"You're too good to me, Rafe." You reply lowly as you rest your head on his shoulder.
"No such thing as too good when it comes to you."

Rafe pulls up at a very empty part of town. A side of town that barely anybody goes to. The parking lot had over 50 spots yet maybe 4 cars, tops. He didn't trust this area in the slightest. He wouldn't leave his car here if he had the choice, let alone have you here.
He second guesses his choice to come to this shop in particular before finally unbuckling his seatbelt.
"Stick close, alright?"
"Why?" You ask as you look around. Scattered groups of people in tracksuits and beanies seen smoking cigarettes and herbal stuff. "Oh."
Rafe wraps an arm tightly around your waist, holding you closely towards him as he observes his surroundings. His stance becomes noticeably alert and his muscles tense around you.
"Geez, would you relax? They're hippies. It's all about the peace, man." You mock as you hold up peace signs with both your hands. Rafe doesn't take notice of your joke as he remains alert.
"You don't get out much, do you?" You sigh as you walk into another party shop, this one much more run down, riddled with cobwebs and graffiti.
"You mean to this side of town? Fuck no." He replies, finally allowing himself to ease.

"Hey this is it here, right?" You point to a stack of boxes with metal tanks on the front of them.
"Uh, yep, I got it." He says as he slides the box into his arms.
"What? Don't think I can handle a little bit of gas?" You laugh at the implication that gas would be heavy.
"It's not the gas that's heavy, muscles. It's the tank."
"Well we need two anyways." You state as you lean in to pick one up for yourself.
"Well, I'll come back for it, aright? Put it back."
You ignore his instructions and proceed to carry it to the front counter where a fat old man stands dormant for occasional customers.

You hear Rafe sigh in defeat from behind you as you drop the box on the counter, waiting for Rafe. 
"Limited to one tank per customer." The shop keeper says with a deep, monotone voice.
"Yeah," you agree, pointing a single finger to Rafe before back to yourself, "one, two?"
The shop keeper cocks an eyebrow at you unimpressed, earning a sigh from you.
"What's the deal?" Rafe asks impatiently.
"The junkies like to stock up on these, a running joke amongst them." The shop keeper informs.
"Do we look like junkies?" You ask, "I mean, look at this guy." You gesture towards Rafes outfit, still as dapper as the day you met him.
Rafe hangs his head to the side towards you, staring at you disapprovingly with a small smile.
The shop keeper laughs at your jab towards Rafes clothes before finally accepting the purchase of two tanks.

"Thank you!" You shout towards the shop keeper as he walks back inside his shop. He had kindly left his station to help you lift your tank into the back of Rafes truck as Rafe handled the other.
"So you let some random old man help you out and not me?" Rafe asks.
You laugh at his subtle show of jealousy towards the old shop keeper before opening your side door of the truck, "nice isn't he?" You continue to ruffle his feathers.
"Nice, sure. But I'm stronger." He smirks.
"Alright tough guy. Lets go get milkshakes."

Rafe beams with contentment as the two of you look forward to the date. Or at least Rafe counts it as one. He was just happy that you wanted to spend time with him and it was all he could ever ask of you.
He smiles at you as he drives, your head hung out the window as the breeze crashes against your face and your hair catches it in a way that makes your hair look like a peacefully flowing river while the shorter strands dance across your cheeks.

God she is so beautiful.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now