Chapter XXXIX

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Rafe gently pushes past the crowd of people to be finally met with your eyes.
"Rafe!" You jump excitedly, causing Jj to almost drop the platter that balanced in his hand.
Rafe slowly makes his way towards you, sure to savour the moment and taking in your beauty. The red dress that complimented your curves so nicely, the way your hair draped perfectly over your shoulders and the glisten in your eyes when you look at him.
"Hey." Rafe looks down at you, he feels his chest melt at your soft gaze.
"Hey." You smile.
"You look beautiful." He says tenderly before bending down to place a kiss on your cheek, earning a look of disapproval from Jj.
"And you clean up nice." You admit as you pull your arm away from Jj's and onto Rafes chest, pressing wrinkles out of his blue suit with your fingers before straightening his tie.
Rafe turns his attention towards the awkwardly stood boy beside you before nodding at him in a brotherly way of saying hello.
"How's it going?" Rafe asks Jj.
"Pfftt." Jj puffs aggressively before rolling his eyes with attitude and fixing his posture towards Rafe, almost as if he was getting ready to square up.
You roll your eyes in return, "not tonight, Jj." You whisper sternly, "like seriously, what is your problem?"

Jj looks into your eyes, silently wondering when exactly it was that you grew a soft spot for the prepubescent faced boy in front of him and if you'd ever grow out of it like some sort of stale, temporary friendship or if he had lost you forever. It wasn't that he was too stubborn to except your feelings for another guy, if that was ever the case, but more that he wouldn't be able to handle it. The pain of being last chosen even after being first in line.

Jj looks towards Heywards bbq where Pope stood with his attention already on the three of you.
He stares pitifully at Jj before motioning his head backwards, signalling for Jj to join him.
"Alright." He mumbles under his breath, his eyes glance towards yours one last time, flickering sadly before slowly turning away and walking off with the tray in hand.
You watch as the blonde haired boy skips down the small steps of the veranda and finally meeting up with Pope.
Rafe takes notice of your sudden down expression and places his hand on your lower back, rubbing small circles as comfort, "you can join them if you want." He says almost sadly.
"What?" You laugh, "don't be silly. Besides, I saw you standing all alone earlier. Kinda broke my heart." You say jokingly as you grasp at your chest.
"I wasn't alone, I had Topper."
"Had." You laugh again, "as in past tense?"
"Alright, alright. So I was ditched." He laughs as well.
"Oh you poor soul." You tease, "Where'd he go?"
Rafe turns his attention towards a crowd of dancing people, turning you with him in his arm as he points a finger towards the dancing two.
"Thats new." You say surprised.
"You wanna go join them?"
"Me? Like alone?"
"No, silly. Both of us." You giggle, "Lets go." You say as you hook your arm in Rafes.
Rafes body stiffens when you begin to walk, his body heavy in place and stubborn not to move which causes your own body to jolt back against him.
"Not even a dozen bottles of whiskey could get me to dance." He laughs.
You look up to him with a forced frown and furrowed eyebrows, "pleaseee.."
Rafe only stares into your begging eyes, on the brink of giving in.
"Fine," you turn away swiftly, "I'll go ask somebody else to dance." You tease.
Rafe catches your hand in his and sighs in defeat, "alright, alright, You win."

You adjust Rafes hand in yours, intertwining your fingers delicately with his as you pull him behind you through the many bodies of strangers dancing.
Your heart thumps against your chest hard as Rafe tightens his hold on your hand before gently turning you around to face him. His face stares down close to yours as his other hand hesitates to land on your waist, before finally pulling your body into his as you began to dance slowly to Coldplay's - Magic.

Your body moves gracefully with Rafes as you look around you. Seeing couples amongst couples dancing together intimately and the fact that you and Rafe blend in perfectly, makes your chest weak with merriment.

"Are you alright?" He asks right beside your ear after noticing your eyes darting around. You look up to see Rafes face only a few centimetres away from yours and riddled with worry.
"Yeah" you smile, "more than alright." You say, leaning your head against his chest.
Rafe rests his head on top of yours, his breathing slightly shaky with nerves as he leans in closer to your ear,
"I meant it, you know." He whispers.
"You're so beautiful."
His breath against your face as he says that makes you shudder with butterflies. If the entire neighbourhood wasn't in your backyard right now, you would jump into his arms in this very moment. But instead, you turn your head slightly to the side his rested and gently place a small kiss on his jawline, causing him to smile.

Rafes hold on you stays absolute as you see the entire song through, taking in the moment and happy in each others arms. His cologne floods your senses as it begins latching itself onto your dress but you didn't mind. You liked it and as for Rafe, nothing could make him happier than having his scent on you at a party infested with desperate men.
It was almost like a territorial instinct for him.

Tap, tap.
You look over your shoulder to see Kies smile and Topper beside her, who only received death glares from Rafe for interrupting.
"You wanna get some punch? Maybe let the boys fondle each other for a bit?" She asks jokingly.
You laugh at her last few words before nodding.
"That sound good to you?" You look up to Rafe behind you to be met with a look of disapproval which made you chuckle.
"Yeahhh! Lets go help ourself to some beers!" Topper cheers as he hangs an arm around Rafes neck.
"This is a formal event, Top." Rafe adds, unimpressed.
"Okay? Two or three beers then."

Kie locks her hand in yours as she giddily guides you to the punch table. You glance backwards to Rafe and Topper to see Rafe looking back too before two hands grab your shoulders and turn you back towards her.
"What was that all about?!" Kie asks overly excited.
"What was what?"
"You two, dancing like you were in love." She slyly smirks, "and I saw that lil kiss."
"Pffttt.." you huff a lazy chuckle, "that kiss was nothing." You lie.
"Nothing? Kisses mean nothing now?" She asks confused.
"Come on, Y/N, there's no point in lying. It's clear as day when you're with him."
"So...." You pause in hesitation, "you don't mind then?"
"Of course not, you big goof."
"It's like nobody really minds except for..." you begin before averting your attention towards Pope and Jj.
"Jj can't help himself. His mind will not change for as long as Rafe is alive." She says with a sigh as she hands you a cup of punch.

Kie wants to break it to you already, what Jj's problem really is. The problem is that Jj is head over heels in love with you and he always has been since childhood. Of course, she can't tell you that. Not only could that ruin everything for the pogues but it's also just not her business to say so. Kie is never one to stand down but in this case, the subject is a little too touchy. Even for her.

Her eyes look into yours sadly as you watch Jj from a distance.
"He'll adapt." She says hopelessly.
You break out of your deep thought with a mischievous smile.
"Oh no, what now?" She says.
"Since when did Topper become less revolting enough for you to dance with him?"
"Hey, don't go getting any bright ideas, Y/N." She laughs, "I think he's getting over Sarah."
"Yeah, and over onto you." You giggle.
"No, it's not like that. He's been kinda like a brother to me since we were younger, just sorta drifted after he got with Sarah." She says as she takes a sip from her punch.
"Good to see everyone starting to get along then." You reply, "maybe one day we can diminish the whole pogue vs kook thing."
Kie turns to you with a smile, inspired at your optimism, your eyes sparkling with hope as they drift towards Rafe who stands uninterested in his conversation with Topper and more in you.

You turn your attention to the side of you to see your father standing with a cocktail glass, seasoned with a single olive.
"Hello Kie, it's always a pleasure seeing you."
"You as well, sir, and thank you for having me tonight." She smiles obediently at your father before he returns his gaze onto you.
"There's somebody I'd like you to meet."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now