Chapter CV

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Jj walked you home after that, he had a boneyard party to prepare for and you had yourself to prepare but something about going somewhere without Rafe felt off, like you were left wide open for something unfortunate to happen in his absence.
Understandably, of course;
But it was just something that you'd have to get used to, something better left to be unlearned.

As you stand in front of the mirror to compare outfits, your phone dings repeatedly. One after the other and then another and then all over again. Obviously, it could only be Rafe so you ignore it. You go back to asking yourself if you looked better in the black top or the white and which one complimented your skin tone the most but your wondering thoughts were quickly interrupted by a phone call.

You groan to yourself as you throw the shirts down on your bed, pulling your phone out of its blankets and reading the callers ID.


No shock there, you only roll your eyes and bury it back underneath the blankets, even topping the mound off with some pillows too. Anything to keep yourself from feeling the least bit intrigued in what he has to say. Which is a lot, I'm sure.

After settling on something plain and casual to wear, you begin to put in some new earrings for a change. Diamonds, the ones your father gifted to you one birthday a few years ago that only sat in a box until now. You stand there, delicately putting them in until the doorbell started to ring. Somebody impatient was at the door, spamming its bell again and again, not letting it ring fully even just once before they started banging on the door itself.
"Y/N, Rafes at the door!" Your father obliviously yells up the stairs from the bottom of the steps.
"Grrrr...Don't let him in!" You shout back, frustrated.
You say nothing and give no explanation, which conjures your father upstairs to see you. Rafe could still be heard banging on the door but you could hear that it was becoming more drawn out and weak as if he was losing hope.
Your father slowly opens your door, so slow that if it wasn't for the creak of its hinges, you wouldn't have noticed him come in at all. He stands in the door way with an unreadable expression as he curiously scans around your bedroom with his eyes before asking, "Did he do something?"
"Dad, it's...kinda personal."
"If somebodies done my daughter wrong, I'd like to know."
"He's fine, just- I don't wanna see him right now."
Your father goes silent.
"Is there another girl involved?" He asks quite seriously, knowing how boys of the newer generation are like compared to his own, tending to be a lot more scandalous.
You only lean against your mirror with a sigh but it was enough for your father to know what it meant.
"Alright." He mutters before calmly walking out and closing the door again. In a way, his calm demeanour towards it was sort of daunting. Before his anger therapy, he would've been monstrous and quite frankly, it only dawned on you how miraculous it was that he hasn't relapsed considering you're always getting yourself into a puzzle. Even now.

Meanwhile, outside.
Rafes hands were beginning to burn as a result from his annoyingly strong persistence but he endures it. Keeping you was more important than any pain that could ever be bestowed upon him and even though his knuckles were already bloodied from knocking so desperately and his hands were burning with a fiery sensation, he was prepared for more.
"Y/N!" He calls out between bangs, "I can explain!- Just please...let me see you."
He hangs his head low, feeling his brows tense sadly as he bites his bottom lip. You were the first girl ever to cause his lip to quiver but he wasn't embarrassed by it, he was growing unbelievably desperate now.

Suddenly, the door knob clicks, turning slowly and so he steps backwards expecting to see the face he'd wanted to see so badly but is met with a stern man instead.
"Rafe, son...she wants to be left alone." Your father says.
"Sir, please...There's been a misunderstanding, I won't even be five minutes." Rafe says, stepping forward to get inside but your father steps further in his way, blocking the door entirely.
"I don't think so."
"Mr.Y/L/N, I'm sorry but I-" Rafe tries to plead but your father wasn't having any of it.
"Time to leave, Rafe Cameron."
The door begins to close again but Rafe only wants to stop it before it does. Though, he doesn't.
He only bites his lip as a way to silence himself, wanting not to disrespect your father any more than he already has.

Taking a few steps back off of the porch, his breathing picks up into a panicked pace as he feels his stance become jittery. His heart rate was also off the charts as his veins flood with wasted adrenaline, his brain giving off a life or death reaction as if the situation was too dire to leave unresolved.
When he looks up at the house, he sees your bedroom light on and the silhouette of you possibly doing your hair, it was hard to tell through the sheer curtains but it was obvious that you were holding up a lot better than he was.

That observation alone, should be enough to ease his worries, it should be enough for him to turn around and try again some other time;
But it just simply wasn't.

What the hell is wrong with me, he thinks.

I need to calm down.

She's fine, everything's fine.

I'll try again tomorrow.

Rafe paces up and down the front porch, running one hand through his hair as if it comforted him like a hug comforts a child while his other grasps at his chest, the anxiety causing him to feel like his shirt was restricting.

He was just about ready to turn around and leave it for another day but something loud at the end of your driveway and behind the large iron gates, catches his attention. It was familiar, like the rev of an engine he knew well.

A motorbike.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now