Chapter CVI

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The loud sound of an engine rumbling had made Rafes head turn. His body immediately stopped fidgeting anxiously and stands completely still now before turning his body towards it, decidedly letting curiosity take over as he makes his way outside the gate.

Lo and behold, it was Jj.

Although it should've been obvious, he couldn't help but wonder why Jj was there in the first place and on a motorbike of all things.
Jj stands facing his bikes handle bars, leaning elbows first against them as its kick stand keeps it up securely. He seems to be texting and there was no doubt in Rafes mind that he was texting you.

Rafe looks back at the house, glancing through your bedroom window and then to the front door to see that you were still out of sight before approaching Jj.
Jj doesn't seem to notice his presence before Rafe places a strong hand on Jj's shoulder, turning his body entirely to face Rafes as he looks deep into Jj's eyes with what could solely be read as distrust but Jj only smiles.
"What the hell are you doing here, Maybank?"
"Aww come on, we're not on first name basis anymore?" Jj jesters.
"Do I look like I'm in the mood to joke around?" Rafe asks as his hands move from Jj's shoulders to the neck of his shirt. Grabbing it sternly.
Jj laughs at Rafes return of a tight-fisted demeanour, one he knew well before your relationship with Rafe so Jj knew not to push him any further. It was the attitude of the famous Rafe Cameron, enemy to many, coke addict to all. That was the version of him he portrayed in his eyes as he stare down at Jj.

For once, Jj actually felt intimidated, but he forces a smile, swatting Rafes hands off of him.
"Relax, we've got plans." Jj says, plainly.
"What the hell are you up to? Huh? Do you really give a shit about her or is this just to get back at me?" Rafe says, struggling to compose himself.
"I literally don't owe you an explanation."
"Y/N is my girlfriend, Jj, mine." Rafe says, gesturing his hand against his chest repeatedly for emphasis.
"Really? Is she one of two orrrr...three maybe?"
"The whore in the window? Yeah, she saw." Jj says.
"No- that's not what happened-"
"So you're calling her a liar?" Jj says, directly.
Rafes hands rise to his head, holding himself out of distress as he turns away from Jj and then turning back to him. Torment clear as day on his face.
"Look, Heather was only there because of my dad and her dad, they- they signed a deal-" Rafe stutters.
"Sure, pal." Jj says sarcastically, "Well, I said, we have plans."
"Doing what? I should at least know just in case something happens to her." Rafe asks.
"No need for you anymore, she has me." Jj responds.

Rafe can't decide if he should laugh at or pummel Jj, so he averts his gaze to the gravel beneath his feet as a menacing type of smile spreads across his face, choosing to find it amusing rather than threatening.
"Who are you fooling, Jj?"
Jj says nothing, trying to read Rafes smile and struggling to understand why he would be smiling at all but there was an unmistakable crazy look in his eyes, something that was quick to turn him down a notch or two.
"Like come on, you can't even meet her at the door so who does she have exactly?" Rafe asks again.
Jj bites the inside of his cheek as a sort of anxious response before speaking, "Not everybody is born privileged like you, you think her dad would let her out if he saw someone like me?"
"It's not a privilege thing, Jj, it's a dumbass thing. You're a dumbass who doesn't really care about his daughter, so no. Stop taking advantage of her." Rafe says, causing Jj to go silent again as he matches Rafes stare.

All was going in his favour until you could be heard from at the top of the driveway.
"I'm going now! I'll be back later!" You call out, shutting the front door behind you.
"Be safe!" A muffled voice shouts back from inside.

Rafes shoulders eased again when he saw you, the smile you had on your face as you excitedly fled through the garden and down the way; and in the moment, he could've sworn the sun shone just for you.

Your smile drops though and your body shudders in place, abruptly coming to a halt at the iron gates when Rafe catches your eye.
"Rafe." You say, it made his heart throb hearing you say his name again.
"Y/N, I-" He begins but you walk straight past him, hopping on the back of Jj's bike.
The sight of your hands clinging onto Jj's sides like they used to do against his, broke something major inside of him.
He couldn't speak, or look at you in the eye.
He could only focus on the places where your finger tips grasped tightly for Jj, where his shirt crumpled in your fingers in a way that Rafe used to love.
It always sent butterflies through his chest feeling it for himself but now it was for somebody else to feel and it only broke him harder.
"Y/N, please-" He says as Jj starts the engine, "Wait, please don't go!"
Rafe begs for you to stay with all the energy and emotion he could pull from beneath his rugged surface but Jj drains him out with the loud revving of his bike, purposefully sabotaging Rafes plead.

For the split second you looked up to meet Rafes eyes, he looked so desperate for you like he longed for nothing else. He looked sad, so miserable as he clutches at his chest. Although Jj's bike deafened you, you could tell Rafe was desperately trying to get you to stay and for a second, it was almost enough until Jj's bike had started moving and Rafe was quickly being left behind.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now