Chapter LXXXIV

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Rafe sits on one side of the hot tub while you sit on the other as the hot steam creates a humid, heated atmosphere but it was nice compared to the chilly night air outside the tub, it almost made it impossible to even want to get out. So, Rafe and yourself dwell in its warm water for a long while, laughing about stories being shared about one another. You shared adventures you'd had with your fellow pogues and he shared his that he took part in with Topper and Kelce, before everything fell apart,
that is.

The others are inside preparing for bed as it begins to get late, the sound of their bantering inside could be heard through the door and even over the hot tub which was particularly loud considering Jj had left it bubbling as well as the music being on which was now playing lesser known music from a station that was rarely heard of. A late night station that played indie music, to be specific,
The 1995's Somebody Else.

Rafe leans his head back against the side as he sprawls his arms out beside him, embracing the sensation of the bubbles against his skin. His hair now wet with humidity stuck to his face messily but in a heart-stirring type of way.
"I wouldn't have figured John B would have a hot tub." He chuckles.
"Yeah, well. It's a long story." You laugh back.
"Hmph," he huffs with an amused smile, "what? Is it stolen or something?"
" exactly, I suppose."
Rafe all of a sudden lifts his head to look at you, a confused expression now replaces his once smiling one as he try's to blink the confusion away.
"Wait, this is stolen?" He asks in disbelief.
"No! I mean- Jj might've stolen the money for it but it's not exactly stolen, stolen."
"Jesus, Y/N. Who the hell did you get yourself involved with." He sighs, throwing his head back again.
"Well," you begin, moving your body towards his, "he's tall, handsome, a bit brutish but I kinda dig it."

He smiles as he listens to you speak words that seemed to describe him, his head still lays backwards against the hot tubs edge until he feels your wondering hands place them self on his knees, one on each as you feel up his thighs, running your fingers up until they pass his hips. He lifts his head at last as your hands come to stop on his chest.
"Of all the adventures I've been on, the thrills, the freedom. I'm most proud of involving myself with you, Rafe." You smile down at him as you straddle his lap in the water, one side of your hair drapes down, tickling his neck while the other half stays tucked behind your ear where a singular white flower sits.
"Me too." He smiles back, as pure and sweet as honey just as his lips were as you leant down to kiss him. Warm, smooth and dewy against yours.

His hands move up your waist, securely settling beneath the strap of your bikini top as he pulls you closer towards himself while your own hands still rest on his chest, occasionally gripping his shoulders as he passionately deepens the kiss more and more after each time he feels your fingers grasp for his body.

You want so badly to keep going but you can't;
at least not while the others are awake. As difficult as it was to find the strength to stop, your hands on his chest begin to push but his hold on you was stronger, his body was running wild with crave. His hands noticeably tighten around you with desperation to keep it going until he could feel your body begin to pull away again, this time more obvious as your lips entirely leave his. He moves his face closer to yours, longing for so much more before you place a soft hand on his cheek.

His eyes, full of lust, stare into yours as yours stare back, yearning to melt into him again. You feel your body tingling with excitement but you knew all too well that if he had the choice, he wouldn't stop,
for anything.
"Not here." You laugh softly.
He sighs in defeat as he leans back again, "When we get back?" He asks, sliding your hands into his as he playfully sways them side to side with a low spirited expression on his face.
"Can you wait that long?" You laugh again.
"What do you mean?"
"I was planning on staying the night, weren't you?"
"Staying the night? Like, with the others?" He asks, curious to know how casual you took sleeping with the boys, mainly concerned about Jj, but he'd rather you didn't know that out of fear that you'd find him insecure or obsessive.
"Yeah, I guess." You respond with a shrug, unsure of what the problem is.
"Do you do that often?"
"Yup. Most of our adventures end like this. Movies, snacks, drinks, sleep. Just- normal sleep over stuff, you know?"

Actually, he didn't know. Not like you did, anyways. Sleepovers between girls and guys meant a crude thing as a teenage boy in high school just as you were and just as your friends were too; but being friends didn't always mean untouchable.
Then again, a pogues lifestyle was measurably different than a kooks, so his inexperience as a free spirited pogue had left him irked.
He nods once with uncertainty as he averts his gaze from your eyes to the background behind you instead, not proud of the burning jealousy he feels deep inside his chest when he finds out it was almost an every day thing, the fact that you'd spend the night with Jj rather than him.
"You, uh- you should stay over mine some time."
"Are you asking me to sleep with you, Rafe?" You ask with a mischievous smirk.
"No- I mean, stay at mine for a night...with me and not Sarah for a change, just me."
"I'll think about it." You tease.
"Come on," he huffs as he tightens his hands around yours, pulling your body against his like it was before it got too heated. "A night where I can have you all to myself." He says with a hungry smile.
"How about...we go out to the mainland for drinks with the others, and yes, Jj included, and then I'll spend the night with you."
"Drinks with Jj, huh?" He asks, intrigued, "Is that really such a good idea?"
"Why do you say that?"
"I don't think he can hold his liquor well. Didn't he shoot a gun at a boneyard party once? I don't want him pulling a gun on me, you know how he hates my guts."
"He won't. That party was a whole mess and he wasn't even that drunk."
Rafe only raises his eyebrows with a roll of his eyes.
"But, anyways..." you begin, getting the topic back on track again, "They were talking today about going out, all of us together soo, you know. What better time, really. But you have to show." You say sternly, knowing he wasn't too fond of Jj as it is.
"'re bribing me?" He asks with a cheeky smile, pulling you harder against himself as he resists the urge to kiss you. He huffs a small laugh before rubbing his hands up and down your thighs in a comforting notion, leaning back as he treasures the sight of you on his lap;
"You already know i'd do anything for you, I'd still come even if you chose to go home after wards."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now