Chapter CXIV

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As Rafe storms off towards his car, he looks over his shoulder to see Shoupe having a chat to Pope. He assumes it's about you, so he doesn't interrupt nor does he make his departure known; he only hops into his driver side seat and he sighs.

He throws his head back against the head rest as his hands grip the steering wheel, squeezing the leather beneath his palms as he tries to ground himself. If he didn't, he was afraid he'd lose himself completely but no amount of an aggression release could satisfy his blood lust. Just the very thought of you in Kelce's hands was enough to convince Rafe to throw his life away, not just Kelce's but his own too if that meant you were finally safe.

Rafe could feel his heart rate picking up speed the more he longed on the thought so he grabs his keys from his side pocket and starts his truck at last. Where he was going, he hadn't decided yet but he needed to clear his mind.

His mind was occupied with the most disturbing of thoughts. What happened to you, where you were, who you were with...and amidst its mess, he found himself subconsciously on the road to Barry's house.
It made sense after all, before you came into his life, Barry's place was the place to be when ever he was in a state like this. When the world felt so entirely against him, when everything was falling apart, there was always one thing that cleared his mind.
That substance.
That godforsaken substance.

Rafe didn't even turn around, he was made aware of what he wanted, what he needed.
So, he accelerated.

He grew more entranced the more he thought about the release it offered. Driving safely wasn't even on his mind anymore. He took turns without a blinker, he barely even slowed down for them either. At times, he even drove on the wrong side of the road.
Anything to make him want to choose better; but before long, he pulls into Barry's drive way.

Rafe sits in his car, hands tightening around the steering wheel again as he tries desperately to reach beneath his flesh and find reason to turn around. He knows what he's doing is wrong but his mind was fleeting and you were gone, he needed this.
There was nothing else left for him.

Ripping the key out of the ignition in a rush, he hops out and slams the car door behind him which earned him attention from inside.
"Country club!" Barry greets from his screen door, "Just who I wanted to see!" He adds with a smile.
"Not now." Rafe says as he pushes past him.
"Hey, hey, don't go getting your titties in a twist...don't forget rich boy, you're in my house."
Rafe grows jittery as he walks inside, he paces around the place and pays no mind to the strangers sitting on the couch. Picking up chairs and cushions, his hands desperately search for a baggie, anything at this point will do.
"Bro, what the hell are you doing?" Barry asks.
"I-I-I need something, anything, you got anything?" Rafe stutters nervously, beginning to break out in a sweat.
"So you're back on it, huh?"
"No, not exactly-"
"Psh, whatever you say." Barry huffs a smile, "Follow me."

Barry leads Rafe someplace where high strangers weren't lurking, somewhere far at the back of his caravan where it was quiet. So quiet that the boards beneath his shoes could be heard creaking with every step, no matter how loud the music seemed to be when he first walked in. Rafe follows closely behind before Barry stops at a door, turns around and smiles up at him.
Rafes brows furrow down at him out of confusion which amused Barry all the more.
"Now, country club," He begins, "Don't go killing me when I open this door, I know how much you get off to shit like that."

Rafes face only grows sterner, but when Barry inches the door open, what he sees makes him officially lose it.

It was you.
Wrapped up in blankets and sheets on Barrys bed was you, sleeping.

In the blink of an eye, Barry was pinned against the wall, gasping for air as Rafes forearm presses down against Barrys throat. He wants to talk, possibly an explanation but Rafe doesn't care to listen. What other reason would he have to justify having you in his bed? No justification at all, but I'm sure you can think of one thing, one reason why you'd be there.

Rafes blood runs rapid through his veins, feeling that much needed release growing hungrier the longer he stares just inches away from Barrys face.
"You got it all wrong, man-" Barry manages to speak.
Rafes hold on him doesn't let up, but his face softens only subtly at his words.
"I saved her, bro."
Rafe finally prys himself away from Barry, letting him catch his breath as he grasps at his throat. Rafe rushes to your side, checking to see if you were okay and by the looks of it, you were never better.
You lay peacefully, your face soft as the clouds above and you weren't even aware yet of all of the commotion you'd caused while you sleep.
Rafe carefully brushes your hair behind your ear, still in disbelief that you were right here in front of him.
"I'm not high, am I?" Rafe asks.
Barry laughs a short and restrained laugh, "No, Rafe. You're not high."
"Then what is she doing here?"
"How about a thank you?"
"For what?"
"Well, you weren't around." Barrys says, "Somebody had to do your dirty work."
"Start making sense." Rafe warns with a demanding tone of voice and a sharp expression to match it.
"I needed tobacco so I went out to get some last night and there she was, drunk and prey to some shady looking SUV. Much like your old boyfriends one."
"I got to her first though and hid down an alley way until the coast was clear and now she's here so yeah, Rafe, you're welcome."

Rafe kisses your sleeping face, softly to be sure not to wake you but as his lips left yours, your eyes begin to flutter open.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now