Chapter XIII

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"Y/N, what's your favourite colour?" Sarah asks as she digs through her drawers.
"Uhhhh.... Well ______ I guess." You respond.
Sarah pulls out a white singlet and a short pair of plaid patterned pyjama shorts in your favourite colour.
"Wow, must be like a pyjama emporium in there." Kie laughs. "I'll take yellow."

Sarah finishes slipping her sleeping shirt on, an oversized, old band T-shirt and barely visible pyjama shorts underneath. Earning a couple of looks from you and Kie.
"It's John B's." She chuckles as she whips the two of you with her t-shirt from today.
Kie opens a can of spirits before handing it over to you. "Bottoms up!"

A few drinks were had, a few cans of pringles were demolished and the three of you currently sat in front of Sarah's large projected movie on her bedroom wall.
"God this movie always makes me cry." Sarah says as she wipes a few stranded tears off her cheek.
"So sooky." Kie teases as she shoulder bumps Sarah.
"So, next movie is a toss up between Titanic or 27 Dresses."
"Y/N, your turn to pick!"
"Hmmmm... 27 Dresses. Love me some James Marsden." You reply with a wink.
"Blegh, he's so old." Sarah says, earning a laugh from both you and Kie.
"Hey I'm gonna go use the bathroom, is that okay?" You ask.
"You're asking me if you can use the bathroom? Don't be silly Y/N, go!" Sarah says as she throws a pillow towards you and ultimately misses.
"Good one." You tease.

When you come out of Sarah's bedroom, you close the door behind you. The houses atmosphere is warm with the smell of a roast that Rose had starting cooking earlier and the sound of the TV blasting downstairs. It feels livelier than your house and it makes you feel comfortable. Your shoulders relax as you exhale and make your way to the main bathroom.
You trace your fingers along the wall of the hallway, feeling the pattern of the wallpaper under your fingertips. A noticeable figure on the other end of the hall walks towards you but you decide to ignore it as it nears.

You feel a hand lightly catch your other forearm. You look up from your fingers to be met with an intrigued Rafe.
"Can I help you?" You cock an eyebrow up at him.
"How are you feeling? From last night?" He asks genuinely.
"I'm fine. You look like you're doing just peachy too."
You say subtly bothered.

Rafe has a slight idea behind the annoyance in your voice but shakes his head down at you anyways, standing in place as he waits timidly for you grieve your disappointment in him like his father always had a knack for.
"You're hanging out with Kelce again?" You whisper to him in the same bothersome tone.
There it is.

Rafe drops his head, his hair draping over his face before looking up at you again.
"It's for the image of the family, alright? I don't exactly have the best reputation as it is."
"You can be on good terms with someone and still choose not to hang around them, you know?"
Rafe slowly sways his head from side to side as he tries to think of a way to explain himself.
"Did your dad put you up to this?" You finally say.
Rafe stays silent once again, earning a concerned look from you.
"Rafe?" His brows furrow and pure misery engulfs his features as he struggles to find the words.

You lightly Place your hand on Rafes jaw bone, positioning his face towards yours. The two of you exchanging the same sorrowful gaze. His chest rising and falling deeply as he tries to control his breathing just like Rose had taught him when ever he felt like he would lose it.

"You can always come to me, you know that right? I might not know you any better than Kelce and Topper but I'm willing to learn." You whisper, "we can go to the beach, pig out at kebab shops, you know, have real fun. What do ya say?"
Rafe places his hand on your hand that is situated beside his jaw before gently pulling it down.
"Sarah won't like that. The pogues won't like that, my dad too, Topper..." he drags on.
"What about yourself? Why don't you put yourself first for once? For once in your life just...Forget those losers." You giggle.
He flashes a small smile before finally making eye contact with you. Relief evident on his face at last.
"And what about you?" He ponders.
"What about me?"
"How do you feel? Being around me."
Rafe holds his knuckles up to his lips and averts his eyes to something in the background as he timidly waits for a response.
"Well," his question takes you back to the memories of the party, "you're a good guy Rafe and frankly, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy being around you."

Rafe finally removes his hand from his mouth and locks his eyes with yours once again. Smiling as he leans his back against the hallway.
"Hmph." He huffs with a smile, "Have you been drinking again?" He asks.
"Me? Oh...well." You stutter.
"It's no use lying, I can smell it on your breath," he says. Your hands flying straight to your mouth.
"And that was really cheesy." He teases.
"Hey! I'm tryna be nice!" You push his shoulder into the wall.
"Hey." He says lowly.
"You wanna go see a movie? With me? Kelce and Topper were planning on going and- and I'm sure Sarah and John B were gonna go too with the rest of your groupies but I was thinking just me and you?" Rafe blurts out in a hurried notion.
"Oh? The one down at-"
"Yeah." He interrupts nervously.
"Sure, Rafe." You smile at him. His face evident with surprise for a quick moment. He didn't expect you to be up for it after letting you down with the return of Kelce's presence. But he smiles back to you. A genuine happy smile that he had forgotten he even had in him at some point.

"Hey?" Rafe catches your attention once again.
"....Do you remember anything from after the party? When you got home?" He asks hesitantly.
"Hmph." You laugh, rubbing the back of your neck anxiously, "I kinda blacked out huh?"
He laughs in time with you but joylessly.
"I guess so.."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now