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The sun had begun to rise once again as the brisk, fresh morning air welcomed a new day on the outer banks. The dew droplets that adorn the window as a result of the cold night behind them had started to condensate, the weather now transitioning into a warm and sunny one.
A perfect day to be a pogue.

Rafe lay sleep deprived on the narrow couch as you lay on top of him, still asleep while he hadn't slept a blink at all. He didn't feel tired though, it was enough for him just to have you in his arms for a night so he felt content as he brushed his fingers through your hair, waiting for time to pass and watching as the room slowly filled with a golden glow.

Rafe was intrigued in the way your hair shone with a pearly shine as it caught the rays of sunlight through the window. He ran his hand through the length of your hair, admiring your peaceful face as you slept before a figure from beside him sat up with the messiest of bed hair.
"Mornin'." John B says with a groggy voice.
"Hey, you're up early." Rafe responds quietly, careful not to wake you.
"Speak for yourself."
Rafe huffs a laugh, averting his eyes back down to you.
"What're you doing up so early anyways?" John B asks with a yawn.
"Couldn't sleep."
"Oh. Sorry, I know the couch isn't perfect but-"
"No, it's not the couch," Rafe assures, "It just wasn't the night for it, I guess...too many sounds way out here."
"I see, the critters, huh? You get used to it." John B laughs, "I see Y/N couldn't help herself either."
Rafe smiles as his hand in your hair drifts down your body and past your waist, gently tickling the softness of your skin as his fingers trace up and down your thigh that lay comfortably across his hips.
"She also had trouble sleeping..."
John B smiles at Rafes tenderness towards you before standing up, stretching his arms out wide above him.
"You want breakfast?" He asks.

As John B stood in front of the stove, sizzling sausages and scrambling eggs, the chateau became all the more homely with the scent of warm breakfast and oranges as he poured Rafe a glass of fresh juice seeing as he was still a prisoner to your comfort.
"Knew I smelt Routledge magic." Kie says as she walks out in her pyjamas, that being a baggy, knitted sweater paired with draw-stringed shorts.
"Mornin' Kie. Can I interest you in some orange juice?" John B says with a jestering tone.
"I'll help myself, you've got your hands full." She answers, pouring herself a cup.
"Tell me at least you slept well?"
"Me? Why wouldn't I?"
"Y/N and Rafe had trouble sleeping, Rafe mostly. He didn't sleep at all."
"Jesus," Kie says with disbelief as she turns her attention to Rafe now, "Are you sick, maybe? You and Y/N were in that hot tub for a while..."
"I feel fine, actually. Can't speak for Y/N though." Rafe says, his words start to quieten as he brushes the stray hair out of your face, "I hope she's not sick..."
"Meh, she's probably fine." John B says, plating up.

Kie places her empty cup down in the sink before trudging over the many pillows, over to the boys set up and crouching down between Jj and Pope as they drool and snore like two of the most simple minded, carefree creatures on the island.
"Yoohoo!" She shouts as she taps their faces, her hand in time with her other.
The boys groan before prying their eyes open tiredly as they adjust painfully to the sun lit room.
"Good morning sunshine!" Kie smiles widely yet menacingly down at them.
"What the hell, Kie?" Pope dreads into a pillow, shielding his face from hers.
"John B went through the trouble to make you guys breakfast, get up."
"Ugh, I didn't ask him to make me breakfast."
"But he did and we both know you're gonna eat it either way so..."
"Yeah, you're right." He says, pushing himself up.
"Jj, you too." Kie says with a final tap to his cheek.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming."

John B finished plating up for everybody, placing the plates down on the wooden table except for three that he kept separate from the rest.
"Who's is that?" Pope asks with his mouth full.
"One for Rafe, one for Y/N," John B says as he carries the plates to Rafes spot on the couch and placing one the side table for when you wake,
"-and one for my beautiful wife. Breakfast in bed." He shrugs.
"Wife?" Rafe asks with an eyebrow cocked in suspicion.
"It's an inside thing." Kie answers.
Rafes chest vibrates with his voice, making you shift yourself in his arms.
"Hey," Rafe says softly, earning nothing but a groan from you instead, "How'd you sleep?"
"Like a brick." You sigh happily.
"I'm glad," He smiles, "John B made you breakfast."
"Thank you John B..."
"No need to thank me, Y/N. Hey, how about after we eat, we go for a surf?" John B suggests.
"I don't know, I really need a shower." Kie chews.
"Come on, Kie. Who needs showers when you got a whole ocean just outside your doorstep?" Jj exclaims, his passion for surfing and the open water entirely getting the better of him as he stands up from his chair swiftly, hands face down on the table as he asserts his excitement, "Who's with me?!"

After breakfast, the lot of you got changed into yesterday's clothes as you ready up for a surf.
The boys, mainly. You still weren't so sure surfing was your thing even after Jj had tried to teach you all that time ago. The others were naturals at it though, Sarah as well regardless of how new she was to the group but at least you wouldn't be alone during the sit out. You'd have Rafe.

When you step outside, the warmth of the sun instantly hits you and it felt remarkably nice. Refreshing.
You look up at the sky to see not a single cloud in sight, only flocks of birds and scattered seagulls as they chime their morning song.
"It's a pretty day." Sarah says from beside you as she stretches tiredly.
"It is." You smile back.

"Dude, Jj. Could you at least clean up after yourself?"

You turn your head to where the boys had wondered off to which was just aside to the house where Jj, John B and Pope stood around a single bottle of beer that lay empty on the dirt.

"What? That's not mine." Jj says defensively.
"You were the only one drinking outside yesterday."
"Yeah but I don't drink that."

John B flips the bottle around before dusting it off so that the label was clearer to see. It wasn't a silver label like the brand they usually drink but instead it was yellow which made Rafe double take his glance, staring at it from afar with a type of cautious expression on his face.

The beer was indeed the same brand that Kelce had bought for him that very night at the party.
That much was easy to recognise.

Rafes eyes cloud over with thought as he thinks back to last night when he heard that blatant thud.
He remembers distinctively the sound that came afterwards which was in fact, a glassy clang.
Like that of a beer bottles.

Rafe comes to as he feels a hand grasp his.
"Hey...are you feeling okay?" You ask sweetly, a look of concern deep in your eyes but a look he was far too frequented with, causing him to feel shame as he relentlessly blames himself for the routine of it all.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now