Chapter XIX

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As you clung onto Rafes abdomen from behind him, you allow yourself to relax against the cool wind racing against your skin. Your head leans back and up towards the sky, your hair flying behind you as it whips against your face every now and then. Rafe centre's his heart and soul in this moment, feeling your dainty hands grasp around his most sensitive area of his body. Happiness floods his entire being as he lives in this present moment, knowing he's going to treasure this memory for the rest of his life.
A core memory in the making.

You feel the wind gradually weaken with both pace and intensity before the bike comes to a gentle stop, waking you out of your dream like daze with a moan. You stay seated with your arms still around Rafes waist and your head pressed against his back as he also delays getting up and out of your hold.
He tilts his head slightly to the left, directing his attention towards you before speaking up in a low voice.
"You still want that milkshake?"
You huff a small laugh before nodding against his back.
The two of you remain seated for an extra couple of seconds as you both collectively try to saviour this moment together before your arms finally begin to loosen from around his waist. Lifting your head from his tender back and dragging your hands down and across his lower back and into your own lap.

Rafe dreads the loss of warmth as he flicks his bikes kickstand out before standing up, prioritising your safety by holding one hand out towards you as the other hovers over your waist.
"Careful, the exhaust is extremely hot. I've burnt myself on it before." He says softly as he ensures you don't accidentally touch it.
"Thank you Rafe. Why'd they design it like this anyways." You complain at the close proximity the exhaust is to the rear fender which situated the seat.
"Pft. Beats me." He laughs, "alright so since i did the driving, you get to be the decision maker-"
"Oh come on, don't do this to me." You fuss jokingly.
"Milkshakes... or.... Even better... we can pick up our own loot and take it down to the beach and have our own little picnic. Few drinks, few snacks, you know. The good stuff." He finalises with a tight smile.
"Oh the good stuff?" You mock.
"The best."
"Oh geez, you've made it so difficult Mr.Cameron, how ever will I choose?" You tease at his obvious choice of words that so clearly indicate what he would prefer to do.
"Whatever do you mean Y/N?" He goes along with your teasing as he upholds his toothy, bright smile.
" really are such a toddler. You know that?" You say as you walk towards the grocery shop in front of you, "but you do owe me a milkshake. And don't you forget it." You turn back to him with a mischievous grin.
"Good choice." He shouts as catches up, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

After around 30 minutes of shopping, the two of you leave the shop with two hefty bags of energy drinks, mud shakes (a weak alcoholic beverage in chocolate milk) and Oreos, some strawberry and others vanilla.
"You know I can carry a bag? Even if it's just one?" You laugh at Rafe as he proudly handles all the luggage.
"Is that right?"
"Wasn't it you that couldn't open a bottle that one time?" He asks with a sly smirk, "oh right, at that same party that you couldn't push your own weight?" He mentions, instantly remembering what had happened seconds after that incident. He looks down towards you to see your face pierced with what he read as regret.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up, I actually sort of forgot but then again this isn't about me so I-" he pauses mid ramble," I am so sorry Y/N."
You nod your head hesitantly before smiling at the ground. A few seconds of silence passes before you finally ask, "did I ever thank you for that?"
"To be honest, I can't really recall a lot from that night. Not like you need to thank me anyways. Just being a decent human being, it's the least I can do." He says as he approaches his bike and securing the bags to the bar, "it wasn't your fault in the slightest, just want you to know that." He says again in the most compassionate and warm voice you had ever heard come out of this boy as he sits on his bike, turning the key before the bike starts with a loud grumble.
You lean in towards him, guiding his face towards yours with a gentle hold, placing a small kiss on his cheek.
Rafe averts his eyes from the bikes ignition and towards your own glistening eyes, then to your lips and back up again, surprised at the unexpected kiss. His breath increasingly becoming heavier the longer he stares into your eyes and his face becoming hot with a flush.
"What was that for?" He asks almost shyly.
"The other night." You reply before finally breaking eye contact and sitting behind Rafe. You can't see his face but you know he's stunned as he silently debates to himself, hesitant to move forward with his bike. He gives you one small chuckle before finally kicking up his bike stand and beginning to turn onto the street and towards an intersection.

The drive back to the beach was even dreamier than the drive from the beach. Only this trip was clouded with not awkwardness but something else. It was quiet but it was comfortable, for you atleast. In your eyes, Rafe didn't seem like he was one for affection. He seemed almost touch starved. Worried that you might have ruined things between you, you curse under your breath, "shit.", you murmur against his back.
Rafe senses your uncertainty, giving you a quick knee rub between red lights.

The bike comes to another stop, yet this time, the sound of waves crashing is heard directly in front of you and the bikes loud engine comes to a complete halter as it silences with a swift motion of the keys being removed.
"Should we join your friends?" He asks as he nods towards Pope, Kie, Sarah, John B and Jj sitting on the sand on the opposite side of the bank.
"Uhh, well we didn't really buy enough snacks for the all of us, did we?" You question.
"Probably enough for three, tops." He replies, hoping you would agree to just the two of you.
"Hmmmm.. I'll go tell them what I'm doing so they don't worry, say bonvoyage and then be back here in like 5 minutes." You say as you hop off the bike.
"Careful of the-"
"Yes, Rafe, I know." you laugh, shooting him a smile before running towards the group.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now