Chapter LIX

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You prop yourself up on your elbows to look into Rafes adoring eyes as they gladly stared back. His face plastered with a soft smile and an expression of relief while yours, were sad, glistening with tears.
He slowly lifts his hand up to your face as you sit silent, his tender touch wipes away at the tears beginning to fall from your eyes.
"Don't cry." He says lowly.
"I can't help it." You say with a slight smile.
"Im alright now. More than alright, actually...all thanks to you. You saved me, Y/N." He says with a small smile, "Im still confused about one thing though. Everybody calls you the kook princess, are they making fun of your childhood or?"
"No." You laugh, "nobody knows that story except you."
Rafes eyes widen ever so slightly at your words. Disbelief struck him like lightening at the fact that he was the only one to find out about your past even given all the years the pogues had known you.
"Not even-?"
"Absolutely not. If they knew, they'd laugh at me." You huff with a small laugh, averting your gaze back towards the starry night sky above you and returning to your place in Rafes arms as he holds you tightly against his chest.

"My parents used to dress me in white every single day, to keep me from playing in the dirt or making friends with the kids on the rougher side of town. They would have me wear white pearls, white dresses, white ribbons and white glitter in my hair. The image of purity, as I should've been at that age..." you say before your face fades into a frown as you begin reminiscing your own childhood that was exactly the opposite of pure. "But shit happens."

Rafes eyes furrow in sadness at your words, realising that throughout your entire lonely life, you had not a single soul you could really talk to. The sadness only intensifies when he remembers his own fathers words towards your family.

"Her parents poisoned her and now she's poisoning you"

Which was far from true. You had been the only good influence he's ever had.
It was well known that your parents had a history of substance abuse which later nurtured emotional abuse from your father after he developed his anger issues and although your parents have gone and been therapeutically treated, your sadness still lingers and yet, you were still the personification of sunshine and the warmth that came with it.

His arm tightens around your body heavy heartedly at the tragic history of your family. He presses you further into himself, close enough for him to land a soft and compassionate kiss on your forehead, letting you know that he was there for you which made you relived in a sorrowful sort of way.

"Guess we're just two lonely peas in a pod." He says with a smile, "consider us perfect for each other."
"Fate was in our favour that night." You say with a subtle giggle into his chest.
"That night...yeah." He repeats grievously at the harsh memory of you in Kelce's arms.
"In a way, I'm sort of thankful to him, for bringing me to you."
"Don't say that." Rafe says with an straight face, adjusting his body uncomfortably against yours at the thought of Kelce.
"I'm just saying-"
"I know, Y/N, but...there's nothing to thank him for."
"Well it certainly wasn't you bringing us together," you laugh mischievously, "you looked so happy in your quiet little corner."
Rafe can't help but smile at your teasing, acknowledging how incredibly lame he must've looked that night, sitting alone at a corner table and too hesitant to talk to the pretty girl next to him until she, you, decided to start the conversation instead.
"Alright, alright. You win." He laughs as he shakes his head in defeat before his face straightens itself out once again.

The mention of Kelce robs the moment of its joy and good spirits like he was some sort of death eater. The photographic memory of him with you mugs Rafe of his enthusiasm, causing him to fall back into his pit of helplessness.

"Hey, Y/N..." he begins, slightly hesitant to say whatever it is that is on his mind and you could easily tell.
"I don't want you going anywhere with out me, okay?"
You look up towards his face that was now evidently concerned as his eyes stay focused on the stars above him.
"Does this have anything to do with Jj?" You ask curiously which causes him to finally look down at you and being met with your worrying eyes.
"Well, maybe...I don't know. I meant Kelce specifically but Jj too, I guess." He says, "have you heard from him know..." He asks, finding it hard to speak about the kiss as the very memory taunts him hellishly every single second since he was unfortunate enough to have seen it.
"No...but I'm sure John B and Pope will get a hold of him, they always do." You respond, hopeful.
"They're good guys." Rafe says as he rubs his hand up and down your arm, comforting not only you but himself as well.
"Yeah." You agree with a soft smile, "so what does this mean for Mrs.Beckets offer? Zane kind of threw me under the bus at the table, I think I might have to take her up on it at this point."

Rafe sits up from underneath you as you stay laying down, your hand still intertwined with his as you stare at his back. He shakes his head irritatedly at the influx of problems. It's not like he can tell you what to do and he's aware of that but that is exactly why this situation about Mrs.Beckets offer is over complicated. Rafe knows deep down that if he had a choice, he would keep you from going but he doesn't. So he sits tight and lets his overthinking send him spiralling, once again.

"Rafe? Are you okay?"
Rafe remains quiet as he slips his hand out of yours and rubbing his face as if he was trying to cleanse his thoughts before finally speaking.
"He's incapable of protecting you, Y/N." He finally speaks, his back still turned towards you as his head sinks into the palms of his hands.
You sit up at last, placing an affectionate hand on his tensed back and rubbing soft circles as his shoulders begin to ease, causing him to let his hands fall to reveal his face that was evidently stressed out.
You huff a small laugh at his silly reasoning for his concerns, unable to understand why Rafe was so obsessed with your safety at a private workplace anyway.
"I'm sure he can fight off a sea lion if he has too." You laugh, receiving nothing but an unimpressed gaze from Rafe next to you, "what?"
"You don't get it, do you?"
You shake your head confused with a small smile still present on your face while your eyes look at him quizzically.
"You get into Mrs.Beckets building because of who your family is. You know who else has a prestigious family?" He asks seriously which catches you off guard, "Kelce. Imagine how easy it will be for somebody like him to come strolling into that facility...Now, what can Zane do to protect you that I can't? I protected you the many times before,
...Me, Rafe."
He rambles desperately, his last few words broken with pure misery and heart ache in his voice.
His face beginning to scrunch up in sadness as his eyes glisten more under the moon light than they did earlier tonight, sparkling with tears. His hands tap on his own chest repeatedly before you bring your hands up to his and pulling them into your lap.

"I won't do it." You assure before wrapping your arms around him. He nuzzled his face deep into your neck, desperate to keep you with him and refusing to let you go. "I won't do it, if it'll keep you from worrying."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now