Chapter XIV

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"What took you?" Sarah asks suspiciously.
"Ah sorry."
"It's alright, don't worry about it. Me and Kie were playing truth or dare while we wait."
"Oh yeah? Any juicy info you wanna fill me in with?" You ask intrigued with a sly smirk as you sit cross legged next to Sarah.
"Nope." She sighs, "She's been holding out on me by choosing dare." Sarah replies as she rolls onto her back.
"Oh how could you?!" You playfully exclaim at Kie.
"Hey, hey, hey! Only because I know exactly what y'all are thinking."
You and Sarah snicker together, "Pope, you poor soul."
"Well, I don't know what I'm doing yet." Kie mumbles.
"He's so charming though." You say.
"Yeah pogue on pogue macking. And I'm a pogue for life, and hopefully so is he. I couldn't cross that boundary and put our whole friendship on the line for the sake of a little crush."
"Come on, that's not fair. John B and Sarah have each other, Jj has...." You pause, "what does Jj have?"
"Pfttt, weed. At most. Dude has no direction of romance at all." Kie jokes, "he's a lost soul."
"Well my point is, it's just some made up rule."
"You forgot about someoneee" Sarah drags.
"Hm?" You hum confused.
"Who do you have Y/N?" She asks in a surprisingly harsh tone, making the pit of your stomach fill with panic.
Your voice became shaky and your brain struggled to string a response together. Do I have anybody? "Well, no one yet but I don't know. It's not like I'm actively searching. I like the solitude. And I don't have to worry about being cheated on so that's a bonus."
"Soooo, you're telling me there's not a single person on your mind?" She asks. Kie evidently muddled at the sudden interrogation.
"Not even a single pogue? Or kook perhaps?"
"Nope." You say again, this time sterner.
"Hm. Alright. As long as it's not Kelce. He's a scum bag. Or Topper, cause you know, he's my ex. And Rafe, of course, I don't think I even have to explain that one. Pft."

Sarah is one of your best friends, you admire how much she does for you. When she takes care of you when you're sad or how she always wants the best for you, wanting you to get out of your own toxic household. She always encourages you to do good things, she's just always wanted the best for you and that should, in itself, be enough. But, her ignorance around her own brothers misery in her own household sort of pricked at you in a way.

"Actually. About Rafe..." you start.
Sarah prys her head up, interested at your sudden words as she waits for the response she had been waiting for all this time.
"We had time to talk recently, after the party. And I think we should welcome him to tag along with us every once in a while." You say.
"What makes you say that?" She asks.
"Just kinda feel like he deserves more than what he gets, you know. I can't explain it." You reply.
"He's an asshole." Kie adds.
"But that's exactly it. He's not an asshole. The people he surrounds himself with are assholes but he's not an asshole." You explain desperately as you gesture towards the door as if he stood right there.

Sarah can't help but admire the words that hurriedly escaped your mouth. She knew better than anyone else who her brothers influences were and what they conspire for him on his part. She knew the cruel manipulation her father uses on Rafe from time to time that also came with the neglect. Although she never really had the greatest bond with Rafe, she accepted your attempt at bettering him for good, curious as to what this would mean for her relationship with him. Maybe she would finally have a brother rather than a dude that babysits her from time to time.

"Are you asking for my blessing?" Sarah jokes as she nudges you in your side.
"What? No-" you stutter.
"Kinda sounds like it." Kie adds.
"It's not like that at all. And if it was, you'd know about it already. Would've pounced on him by now." You say with a wink.
"Gross." She laughs. "Thanks for seeing past his cold demeanour. He's not all that bad."
"Hmmmm, if you take away the dirtbag friends and the shitty attitude, I can kinda see it." Kie says.

Knock, knock, knock.
"Dinners ready!"

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now