Chapter CVII

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You recall on the first ever bike ride that Rafe had taken you on, it was bliss. The wind rushing against your face and in your hair, the beauty of the sky and exactly what colours it was. It was a memory you've always kept close to your heart, and yet it makes you sad to think about. Being on the back of Jj's bike was anything but the same.
"Are you alright back there?" He asks at a red light.
"Yeah." You say, leaning your head against his back and imagining it being somebody else.


Your imagination is cut short when the bike comes to an abrupt stop, not nearly as smooth as Rafes which wasn't helpful on your current state but you come out of your trance and instantly into the boneyard.
"Voilà!" Jj says, holding his arms out towards an empty beach.
"It's Italian."
"First of all, no." You laugh, "-and second, there's nothing here, Jj?"
"That's where you're wrong." He says, stepping off his bike and kicking up its stand for you. He walks towards a clutter of trees and the even messier ground beneath them, covered in broken branches and leaves, most of which had fallen due to the big storm all those months ago.

Jj disappears into the small forest which made you feel slightly uneasy, so you climb off of his bike to check on him.
"Jj?" You say quietly as you wearily clear branches out of your face. There was no answer, not even a breath could be heard. Only sticks breaking and the leaves rustling in the wind. You were alone.
Your stomach started to turn, feeling sick with nausea but before things could escalate, finally, Jj makes an appearance.
You jump backwards and scowl at Jj as he steps out of the bushes with a cooler in his arms and a proud smile on his face.
"Jj!" You shout as you playfully slap his chest.
"Did i scare ya?"
"What do you think? Jerk."
"Hey, hey, it was just a joke." He laughs, placing the cooler on a chopped log by an old fire pit in the sand, one he had made at a past boneyard party to roast jumbo marshmallows on.
"These..." He begins, gesturing to the drinks inside, "-are yours. I made sure I got Pineapple and Raspberry because I know you like the fruity stuff and before you ask, because I can tell by the look on your face, no. I didn't steal these." He smiles goofily, causing you to smile too as you turn away from him.
"Will the others be coming?" You ask.
"Not Sarah, she's hungover still and Kie promised her parents she'd spend the night with only the guys."
"Good enough for me." You smile, turning your eyes towards the sunset above the water. It lit up everything in its sights with an orange hue and it made your skin feel warm with its last moments of glory in the sky. Jj could feel it too but he sets his eyes on you instead, watching your face light up with both the dying sunlight and prosperity.

When the sun finally set and everything went dark, that's when people started to arrive. All kinds of people from far and wide! Kooks, pogues and even tourists. This is where people come to have fun and probably the only place where we can all get along.

You stand next to an old fallen down tree as you listen to Jj rummage through the bushes behind it.
You can hear him getting frustrated, unable to find what he was looking for but you can only laugh at how cartoonish it sounded.
"What exactly are you looking for?" You ask in amusement.
"'s here somewhere..."
You finally push your body off of the trees stump to help him but as you near his silhouette in the bushes, he finally finds it.
"Ah-ha! Here it is!" Jj exclaims, dragging a large barrel out from a stack of leaves.
"Jesus, Jj." You mutter, "You mean to tell me that you couldn't find that! It's huge!"
"Oh no, this was easy to find. It was this- this was a shitter to find." He says, holding up a funnel and a tube.
"A keg, huh? So you plan on getting legless."
"I always plan on getting legless, Y/N." He smirks.

Jj props the barrel of beer in the centre of the boneyard while you hustle the drinking cups from one of the coolers he prepared earlier. You stand by him to greet the fellow islanders while he hands out free beer, compliments on the side if you're a pretty chick.

Somewhere down the line of people waiting on free beer, you see John B pop his head out from behind somebody in line, so you wave him over and he comes waddling in excitement like a toddler while Pope follows closely behind like he always did.
"Two nights in a row! Hell yeah." John B cheers loudly as he gives Jj a brotherly embrace.
"Well, hello to you too." You roll your eyes with a smile.
"Y/N, bring it in!" John B smothers you in a hug too, almost tight enough to cause your lungs to rupture. When he lets go, Pope leans in for a more gentle hug, one of those one sided ones that are usually only shared amongst awkward individuals but to you and Pope, it was comfortable and soft, Popes entire personality in the form of a hug. Like a grandma.
"Will you be drinking tonight?" Pope asks you as he pulls away.
"Mhm." You shake the empty can in your hand, "and I've been drinking the beer as we hand em' out."
"Woah, steady." He laughs.
"No Rafe tonight?" John B unexpectedly asks.
You smile softly, "No Rafe tonight."
"Oh..." John B shares a look between both Pope and Jj. Pope seems rightfully muddled but Jj shakes his head as if to say don't ask.

"Welp, who needs him?" John B raises his beer to the sky, "Pogues for life!"
"We the pogues!"

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now