I'm not gonna lie, it has been refreshing being able to spend time with a like-minded individual. I appreciated the talks I've had with Suki, because she's been running her own business for so long that I can actually bounce ideas off of her and test out my theories on different things. She's been so helpful and open to assisting me in all my necessary steps. Justin picked a good one. "Girl...you will be a wiz at this before you know it. It's all a process, but once you get the hang of it, it's a piece of cake. The difference for you is people are already coming to you based upon your capabilities and you just have to turn around and provide the service. Mine is a little harder because I provide a luxury and have to prove why they should come to me. I seek out people and you're sought out. You definitely have the upper hand, just flex that mufucka!" She said and I loved how she brought that into perspective for me. "Thanks Love. I really appreciate everything that you just said. I was able to really just change my views on so much just based off of this conversation." I said as I took a sip of my drink. "No problem! I wish I had someone really break down the odds and ends to me in the beginning too, but I learned it. You can always reach out if you have any questions because I'm sure if I don't have an answer, we can find one together." she assured me. "I appreciate that." I told her. "Plus with our men being best friends, I'm sure you'll see a lot of me." I took another sip and nodded at that. "Wait...trouble in paradise?" she asked looking shocked. "Oh...you don't know?" I said surprised in all honesty. "Know what?? Girl fill me in." Yeah she had no clue, maybe Tony hadn't told all of them. "I thought Tony might've mentioned that we're kinda in a weird place. Like we're in an open relationship now. So he gave me space to see other people." I told her. "Girllllllllll...I'm so glad you said that because I had been going back and forth about how to say something to you about him. But shit if y'all open then cool. Baby listen, I thought I didn't like his ass anymore until just now." We both laughed at that. She was funny as hell for sure, but I respect her for being solid, most people wouldn't say anything. But a part of me was wondering what she was gonna tell me, but maybe that's really none of my business I guess. "Naw he's good, he can do him." I said but when the words left my lips, I knew they were a lie. But there it was...I'm a hypocrite. Not that I didn't know he could pull someone else, but I didn't think he actually would. But maybe it was based off his reaction. Or did I open it up to this? "So...you been on dates?" she asked me as the waitress came and brought our food to us. "I have been out on a date...well a mini vacay should I say." I said as I thought back to the time I had spent with Dox. I was looking forward to doing that again. "Oh okay then! I see he doing it big already, I'm not mad at that. So do you like him or is it like just the excitement of another person?" She asked me. "A little of both, I mean he's very charming, sweet, and handsome. But he reads me like a book, like he understands my silence. He's intriguing for sure. I couldn't even believe that his girl allows him to date others because I'd be selfish about all that." I said and we both laughed. "Oh okay, so y'all in the same boat, that's cool. I guess it's harder to get your wires crossed that way since you're both seeing other people. But you must think highly of him." she said and I looked over at her. "Highly enough if you're questioning why she'd be open but you're not questioning that about yourself." She said and she kinda had a point there. "I mean I know what I have in Tony, but I want him to see what he has in me." I said to her. "No shade boo, but I've never heard anyone speak more highly of their significant other than he does. That man practically worships the ground you walk on. And he seems to always attribute you to his current success. But I mean of course you guys have your own private part that y'all don't read out loud too though." she said. "Yeah...it's just certain things I feel like he lacks on and I find that elsewhere." I admitted. "Did you think to talk to him about it first before going from closed to open?" she asked me and I never thought about that. "You don't have to answer that. I'm just trying to wrap my head around being open, I think I'm too selfish. Don't mind me." We both laughed. "You're good. I didn't talk to him about it though because I've brought it up in the past, so it's not exactly a new situation to address. But I get it at first when I was considering being open it sounded outrageous to me as well. But then we have been together for a while and maybe we didn't get that time to explore and just be teens in the moment. I mean we went from being young and free, to parents, to graduates...it's like where's the fun? Sometimes we just get so comfortable in our positions that we don't try the way we used to. Then it gets so routine and each day is a replica of the day before. Like once you obtain your person, you should be working to keep them as well as you did to get them. But maybe that's just my thought process. I don't know." I said to her just before I took a bite of my food. "Naw you're not wrong for that at all. It does always take work, so I get it. It shouldn't get to that mundane point, but it happens." she added.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart